
Obama administration makes new indictment in hunt for girl claimed by lesbian

December 9, 2011 ( ) - The Obama administration has indicted a second individual suspected of helping a nine-year-old girl escape a custody claim by an unrelated lesbian, who is seeking to take custody of her from her natural mother. According to the Associated Press , 46-year old Kenneth L. Miller of Stuarts Draft, Virginia , appeared in federal court on Tuesday to face charges of “ international parental kidnapping ” for helping Lisa Miller (42) and her daughter Isabella (9) to travel to Canada and ultimately Nicaragua . Lisa and Isabella Miller The Virginia resident reportedly contacted associates in Nicaragua and Canada to request their support for Lisa Miller as she fled the United States in 2009, and instructed individuals to purchase plane tickets for Lisa and Isabella. A Mennonite pastor, Timothy “Timo” Miller, had previously been indicted for his alleged role in helping Lisa Miller and her daughter to leave the country. The pair had fled the United States

Anti-bullying code for Pro Gay agenda

An anti-bullying curriculum in the Vancouver public schools points kids to a website featuring explicit videos of gay sex. When school board Trustee Ken Denike learned of it, he suggested periodic reviews of all online resources...and was roundly denounced by community leaders as a homophobe! Vancouver School Trustee Ken Denike and mental health professional Sophia Woo, who have been trying to help concerned parents protect their children from an anti-bullying curriculum produced by Out in Schools pointing kids to online "resources" that amount to little more than gay pornography . The request from Trustee Denike and Ms. Woo? That the school district implement a policy for periodic review of websites referenced in school curriculum , recognizing that website content can change quickly. The school board refuses to do anything to protect kids from these explicit websites. Anti-bullying teacher Ryan Clayton, who has worked with the Out in Schools curriculum, chalks it

Macy’s fires woman for refusing ‘transgender’ man access to women’s fitting room

SAN ANTONIO, Texas , December 8, 2011  – A woman has been fired from a Macy’s department store for denying a man dressed as a woman access to the women’s fitting room . “I had to either comply with Macy’s or comply with God,” said Natalie Johnson, 27, a former employee at the retail giant’s location in Rivercenter Mall , San Antonio. Natalie Johnson says she was concerned for her female customers, who she thought might be uncomfortable about having a man in their fitting room. According to Johnson, on November 30th she witnessed a young cross-dressing man wearing make-up and girl’s clothing exit the women’s fitting room. She told the man “politely” that the women’s fitting room was for women only, making it clear that he was not to make use of the room again. The customer, along with five companions, argued in response that Macy’s is friendly to the LGBT community . Johnson retorted that Macy’s doesn’t discriminate against religious beliefs, adding that it would go against her religi

Review finds number of pro-homosexual clubs rising at U.S. Catholic universities

Image via Wikipedia SPRING GROVE, PA, December 7, 2011  – A review by the youth network of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), found that out of 244 Catholic universities and colleges in America , 107, or 43%, recognize student clubs that favor the homosexual agenda, according to their official websites . A similar survey by TFP Student Action in 2008 found that 96 Catholic university websites contained information about pro-homosexual clubs. “A sort of dictatorship of tolerance is slowly squeezing out the truth, silencing Catholic teaching right on Catholic campuses,” said TFP Student Action Director John Ritchie. “More and more Catholic college students are confronted with visible, active and well-funded pro-homosexual clubs that openly contradict natural law and undermine moral values.” “To see this happening at Catholic institutions of higher learning is particularly disturbing,” Ritchie said, adding that many of the pro-homosexual cl

Brazil moves closer to passing devastating ‘homophobia’ law: are Catholic bishops retreating?

Brazilian legislators appear to be moving closer to approving an “anti-homophobia” law, with the newspaper O Globo reporting that the National Congress of Catholic Bishops (CNBB) has made an “agreement” with Brazilian senators regarding the bill’s language. Critics of the legislation have long expressed concern that the legislation would prohibit expressions of disagreement with the homosexual lifestyle, literally criminalizing the preaching of Christian doctrine in Brazil . However, O Globo implies that CNBB representatives have been placated by new language in the bill that promoters claim will exempt religious expression from prosecution. The new text reportedly exempts the “peaceful” demonstration “of thinking derived from faith and morality founded in the liberty of conscience, of belief, and religion.” However, Evangelical senators are continuing to oppose the bill, arguing that the language is too vague and that religious liberty remains in danger. If passed, the law would p

‘More Than a Monologue’ preaches homosexuality at Catholic universities

December 6, 2011 - Two Catholic universities have hosted a series funded by gay rights leaders that criticized the Church’s stance against same-sex ‘marriage’ - after the schools’ presidents assured bishops that the event would not be used as a “vehicle for dissent,” the Cardinal Newman Society   reports . “More Than a Monologue: Sexual Diversity and the Catholic Church” is described on the Fairfield University website as “an unprecedented collaboration ... to change the conversation about sexual diversity and the Catholic Church.” The seminar was held in October at the Jesuit Fordham and Fairfield Universities, as well as two Christian insitutions, Yale Divinity School and Union Theological Seminary . “For too long, the conversation on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in the Roman Catholic Church has been only a monologue — the sole voice being heard is that of the institutional Catholic Church,” states the organizers. “We must engage in more than a monologue by havi

Church of Scotland tells government ‘no’ to homosexual ‘marriage’

Image via Wikipedia SCOTLAND, December 6, 2011  – The Church of Scotland has said “no” to homosexual ‘ marriage ’ in its official response to the Scottish Government ’s questionnaire concerning the country’s marriage legislation. “[It is our] bona fide belief that homosexual practice is contrary to God ’s will,” stated the Church of Scotland ( CoS ) in  its answer  to the questionnaire. The CoS also said is “contrary to God’s will that Christians should be hostile in any way to a person because he or she is homosexual by orientation and in his or her practice,” adding that it views “homophobia as sinful.” The CoS based its response on Scriptural references to marriage, saying that scripture operates under the understanding of marriage as being between one man and one woman. The Church also argued that redefining marriage to include homosexual couples may have “significant and, as yet, inadequately considered repercussions” for the well-being of families, communities, and individua