
Lee Battle Story: LGBT ideology poisons her Christian faith

Below is a sad story of the confusion of a person who does not understand God the Bible or God's grace. Sadly, when we stop reasoning the scriptures we reason ourselves into sin. She confuses sexuality and sin. She values self-esteem above obeying God. She doesn't recognize the God-given purpose of conscience instead she takes her reasoning from the LGBTQ ideology and not scripture and history.  Ultimately she ends up in deception. Below is the sad story of Lee Battle step downwards into darkness and away from the holiness and righteousness of God.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming out as a gay Christian can be harder than coming out as gay at all. That might seem strange, as the message at the heart of the gospel is to “love your neighbor, as yourself”. Jesus did not add an addendum to this; he did not put “apart from gay people” in brackets. Yet in my experience, that’s exactly what some churches have done

Transgender madness

LGBT activist Jonathan Yaniv***, a biological male who claims to be a 'woman,' has filed 16 cases with the Human Rights Tribunal of British Columbia (Canada) against beauticians in the province for refusing to wax the pubic hair around his genitals. Some of these beauticians have been forced to close their businesses because of Mr. Yaniv's complaints against them. But, so far, the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal (HRT) is actually still entertaining this individual's twisted suits, which, of course, brings the court's purpose (defending genuine human rights) and discretion into disrepute. LGBT activist Jonathan Yaniv***, a biological male who claims to be a 'woman,' has filed 16 cases with the Human Rights Tribunal of British Columbia (Canada) against beauticians in the province for refusing to wax the pubic hair around his genitals. Some of these beauticians have been forced to close their businesses because of Mr. Yaniv's complaints against them. B

Would you attend a homosexual marriage?

Pastor John, if one of your family members invited you to their so-called same-sex marriage ceremony, would you attend it? Just contemplating that thought is heartbreaking. My answer is no. I wouldn’t. And that would be a kind of shattering of the cornerstone of a father’s broken heart at that moment. Here is why. I assume that is what they really want to know — not just whether I would go or not, but why. Why wouldn’t I? Defining ‘Marriage’ One, it is not a wedding, because it is not a marriage. Therefore, attending it as a wedding is to be false, like everyone there is being false. There is no such thing as a so-called same-sex marriage. God has defined marriage as a covenantal union for life between a man and a woman as husband and wife. This isn’t that. Therefore, this is not a marriage, and this is not a wedding. I am not going to lie about it by going. How Heaven Fastens Two, this union — if you can dare to call it that — is not being joined in heaven. Jesus said,

Homosexual Marriage vs Religious Liberty

We see religious liberty denied when a cake baker in Colorado experiences sustained efforts to put him out of business, or worse, accompanied nationwide by florists and photographers and a host of others. We see the Fire Chief of Atlanta, Georgia removed because he dared to teach a biblical pattern of human sexuality, and then dared to put his convictions into print—primarily for his own church. We see Christian schools and ministries confront unprecedented challenges across several fronts and we see a continual effort to coerce Christians to surrender to the new regime of sexual rules, gender identity, intersectionality, and identity politics. The enemies of religious liberty are playing hardball, and we were warned. Chai Feldblum, a lesbian, formerly of Georgetown University Law Center and later appointed by President Barack Obama to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, over a decade ago admitted in a public statement that religious liberty would have to give way to the

The Eclipse of God, the Subversion of Truth, and the Assault upon Religious Liberty

Al Mohler. Our concern in this gathering is the assault on religious liberty now experienced within the United States and throughout Western Civilization. The very civilization that paid such an incalculable price through the centuries in order to defend and preserve human rights and human liberty now grows hostile to the most basic liberty of all. History’s most courageous experiment in self-government, predicated upon unalienable rights, now seeks to alienate the unalienable. The cultural Left in the United States now dares to use the term “religious liberty” only with scare quotes. How did this happen? I believe that conservatives in the United States have vastly underestimated the reality and comprehensiveness of the challenge we face. All of us see parts, but it takes concentrated attention, a devotion to history, and a serious reckoning with ideas to see the whole—the vastness of our crisis. We see religious liberty denied when a cake baker in Colorado experiences susta

Did Israel Folau actually misquote the Bible? Hell, no

John Tait B.Sc (Ed), M.Theol is a Melbourne writer and states in the Sydney Morning Herald :  Did Israel Folau actually misquote the Bible? Hell, yes John then gives us his credentials:  "As a former biblical studies major, and now agnostic it annoys me when Christians distort a biblical passage to preach their message"  What is John talking about?  John claim is this: Israel Folau has twisted Galatians 5:19-21 to say homosexuals will go to hell.  John then makes a second claim:  "Those who defend Folau by saying that he is just quoting the Bible are wrong. He is doing more than just throwing biblical quotes around. He is misusing this biblical passage by projecting judgments about homosexuality and "modern" beliefs about hell into it." Did Israel twist Galatians 5:19-20 to include homosexuality? What do these verses say? Galatians 5:19-20 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcr

Anglican Church of Canada’s says NO to fake homosexual Marriage

According to the rules of the ACC, new measures must be approved by a two-thirds majority from three groups of delegates to the synod: laity, clergy, and bishops. While the laity were largely for the new measure which would have removed language from its canon referring to marriage as being between a man and woman, the bishops did not reach a two-thirds vote in favor of the change.