
Australia: Malcolm Turnbull banned from attending Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras as an official guest

AUSTRALIA : Prime Minister Turnbull will be banned from attending Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras as an official guest as a protest against his push for a national plebiscite on homosexual marriage . THE PRIME MINISTER SHOULD NEVER HAVE ATTENDED. The Prime Minister will be informed that he’s off the invitation list after an activist takeover of the Mardi Gras at today’s annual general meeting demanded the organisation issue a statement. But the PM can still turn up to the celebration of immoral same-sex sin and mingle in the streets, which is held each year in his electorate. Turnbull threw away any remaining moral status - seeking votes but suffering enormous backlash from the Liberal Party and voters.  The Prime Minister attended last years immoral homosexual march and by doing so alienated conservative voters to many independent parties in the following election.  His very poor judgment and leadership is in stark contrast to his former leader Tony Abbott  who sto

LGBT activists look to block Utah lawmaker from becoming a judge

English: Variation of the United States (USA) flag, with LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) pride colors. This version uses the standard US flag dimensons, an alternate version exists with a shorter width. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Gay-rights activists launched an effort Friday to block a state lawmaker who sought to pass anti-gay measures on marriage and adoption from becoming a judge. Rep. Kraig Powell , R- Heber City , was nominated by Gov. Gary Herbert to fill a 4th District Court vacancy and is scheduled for a noon hearing Monday before the Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee at the Capitol . An attorney, Powell is also the legislator who in January proposed measures to call same-sex unions "pairage" instead of marriage and to compel the state to favor heterosexual married couples over same-sex couples in adoptions. The measures failed, but gay-rights activists point to both as evidence of discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Ut

Nations prepare for biggest vote on gay agenda the UN has ever faced

The UN General Assembly is preparing the battlefield for the most important vote on the homosexual agenda it has ever faced. The African Group tabled a resolution last week challenging the legality of a narrow decision of the Human Rights Council in June to establish the first-ever UN bureaucratic post on LGBT issues. The 54 nation-strong Group said it was “disturbed” by the incessant focus on “sexual interests and behaviors” and asked that these notions not be linked to binding human rights law. “The African Group is strongly concerned by the attempts to introduce and impose new notions and concepts that are not internationally agreed upon,” Botswana’s ambassador said, presenting the position of the African Group last Friday. He asked for the “suspension” of the UN post until further consultations on the legal basis of the mandate take place. Delegations did not waste time in laying out their positions. Countries backing the homosexual agenda scrambled to counte

Bill Whatcott fights $104 million lawsuit over ‘gay zombies’ Pride protest

Anti-homosexuality campaigner Bill Whatcott is using a hearing called by the homosexual activists suing him for $104 million to get their defamation suit dismissed as a violation of his Charter rights. According to the argument submitted by Whatcott: The class action lacks   bona fides.   It is not brought in good faith. It is a political tool designed to ‘smoke out’ political opponents. It is designed to punish political opponents and to suppress constitutional freedoms. It is designed to intimidate, bully Whatcott, chill free speech, and financially ruin his supporters. Its stated purpose is to crush and "stamp out" anyone opposed to the gay agenda. It is a politically motivated action done in concert with the Liberal federal and provincial governments of Canada and Ontario and supported by the Liberal subclass. Whatcott and several named and unnamed supporters are being sued in a class action by several Ontario public homosexuals such as one-time Liberal M

‘Bigotry-assisted suicide’: LGBT activists in horror over Trump victory

Homosexual groups are expressing horror at Donald Trump ’s surprising victory and warning that it would undo the advances made by the LGBTQ movement. Leftist homosexual activist Dan Savage tweeted: “Just sitting around watching my country commit bigotry-assisted suicide tonight.” Eliza Byard, executive director of GLSEN , the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, which promotes the acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism in public schools, issued a letter to the “GLSEN Family,” which reads in part: I won’t try to sugarcoat this: what happened yesterday is not ok. LGBTQ youth face losing the federal civil rights protections provided by the Obama administration, like the Title IX guidance. Any hope of passing federal LGBTQ-inclusive legislation in the next few years is gone. And our Supreme Court may well be packed with justices who will challenge our work to create LGBTQ-inclusive schools for decades to come. While we can’t go back and change the

Pro-family activists call on Trump to undo Obama transgender ‘guidance’

A leading pro-natural marriage advocate called on President-elect Donald Trump to reverse outgoing President Obama ’s pro-homosexual and pro-transgender Executive Orders while the ACLU threatens to sue Trump to stop him from implementing his campaign promises. Ryan Anderson , a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation ,   tweeted : "Because so much of the bad that [Barack Obama] did came through executive action, [Donald Trump] can get rid of it all.” And he added: “With one stroke of a pen   @realDonaldTrump   can get rid of the DOE [Department of Education]/DOJ [ Department of Justice ] Transgender Agenda and allow local schools to find win-win solutions.” Back in May, in an interview with   The Washington Post , Trump promised to revoke Obama’s highly-controversial “transgender” student directive — which pushes schools to allow gender-confused students to use the opposite-sex restrooms of their perceived “gender identity,” under the threat of a federal civ

J.K. Rowling hints at immoral homosexual relationship in new Harry Potter prequel

Harry Potter   author J.K. Rowling suggested that the series' new prequel film   Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them   will feature a same-sex relationship between prominent characters. In 2007, Rowling said she always viewed Albus Dumbledore , the wizarding school's wise, gifted headmaster, as gay. Dumbledore is a Gandalf -like character and mentor to the series' protagonist. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them  will feature Dumbledore "as a younger man and quite a troubled man," Rowling said at a press conference on Thursday. "As far as his sexuality is concerned ... Watch this space." "He wasn't always the sage," according to Rowling, "We’ll see him at that formative period of his life." She said there will be "lots to unpack" in Dumbledore's youthful friendship with one of his contemporaries, who later turns evil. Rowling suggested the sequel to  Fantastic Beasts   and Where to Find Them