
Vatican re-affirms that homosexual men should not be admitted to priesthood

Rainbow flag. Symbol of gay pride. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A new document from the Vatican 's Congregation for Clergy released today reiterates that "those who practise homosexuality , present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called 'gay culture'" are not to be admitted to seminaries or be ordained Catholic priests . In a new 90-page document titled  The Gift of the Priestly Vocation , the Congregation for Clergy wrote that those who live the homosexual lifestyle , support the "gay culture," or have "deep-seated homosexual tendencies" "find themselves in a situation that gravely hinders them from relating correctly to men and women." "One must in no way overlook the negative consequences that can derive from the ordination of persons with deep-seated homosexual tendences," it continues.  The Gift of the Priestly Vocation   directly quotes the Congregation for Catholic Education 's   2005

Appeals court ruling allows LGBTQ clubs to expand into middle schools

A federal appeals court is requiring middle schools that include sixth to eighth graders to allow homosexual clubs to meet on school property. Gay-Straight Alliances , or GSAs, are school-based LGBTQ clubs to encourage homosexual students in their chosen lifestyle. These groups are intended to provide a "safe place" for gay-identifying students to talk and share.   The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals found in favor of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) , which brought the lawsuit in 2013 on behalf of former Carver Middle School student Bayli Silberstein. As a seventh grader, the self-described bisexual asked school officials to start a GSA club in 2011. The Lake County School Board refused to allow her to use middle school property for a homosexual club. After Silberstein went on to high school, another Carver child, Hannah Faughnan, took over the ACLU's legal fight. The case was further complicated by a school board decision that student groups

‘Blatant discrimination:’ Christian B&B owner fined $80K for refusing gay ‘wedding’ continues fight

The Illinois Human Rights Commission has ordered a Christian businessman to pay two homosexuals $30,000 because he declined to host their gay "wedding." A panel of three commission members refused to hear an appeal from TimberCreek Bed and Breakfast owner Jim Walder, who in 2011 turned down a gay couple's request to celebrate their "union" at the Christian-owned business on religious grounds. In addition to the $30,000 that Walder was ordered to pay for causing emotional distress, he is responsible for more than $50,000 in attorney fees. Two of the three commission members on the panel were publicly involved in gay activism and/or were openly homosexual, according to Walder.   "The fix was in from the get-go," Walder said.  He plans to appeal to the full commission. The small business owner told   The Christian Post   that "to host gay marriage" violates his "sincerely-held Biblical belief that marriage is between o

Malta becomes first European nation to ban treatment for unwanted same-sex attractions

Legislators in the island nation of Malta have prescribed jail time for any counselor who seeks to help a client with same-sex desires overcome his or her unwanted attractions. The Maltese Parliament unanimously passed the Affirmation of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression Bill into law on Tuesday. The new law states that counseling an LGBTQ person away from their chosen sexual orientation is "deceptive and harmful." The penalty for therapists or anyone, apparently including counseling pastors, who "attempts to change, repress or eliminate a person’s sexual orientation" is up to €5,000 ($5,400) or five months in jail. With this new law, Malta becomes the first nation in Europe to ban reparative therapy. Ironically, the law does not defend the rights of same-sex attracted clients who want help out of the gay lifestyle. California MassResistance Director Arthur Christopher Schaper told LifeSiteNews that the new Malta law viola

‘Extremely disappointing’: Dissidents shocked that Pope upheld Church’s ban on gay seminarians

The Vatican Congregation for Clergy 's release of a new document reiterating the Catholic Church's teaching that men with "deep-seated" homosexual inclinations may not become seminarians or be ordained priests has outraged organizations that dissent from the Church's teaching on human sexuality, particularly because Pope Francis approved the document. "This document is extremely disappointing in its approach to gay men called to be priests," said Marianne Duddy-Burke of DignityUSA , an organization that rejects fundamental Catholic moral teachings. "It is not at all what anyone expected from the ‘Who am I to judge?’ Pope ." Duddy-Burke said the document, The Gift of the Priestly Vocation , is "a tremendous insult to the thousands of gay men who have served and continue to serve the Church with honor and dedication." "Without gay men, the Church would not be able to operate," New Ways Ministry executive director Francis

The Victorian Government wants to define ministrey roles for Christians

Look closely at how the Government wants to play the role of defining Church roles. The state believes it has the authority to determine whether your Christian faith plays any role in any Christian organization.   The bottom line to all this is that the Government wants to force all faith organization to hire active homosexuals, perverts, those who disregards Biblical moral truth under the title of - discrimination. THIS IS THE ARTICLE:  Mr PAKULA (Attorney-General) tabled following statement in accordance with Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 : In accordance with section 28 of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (the charter), I make this statement of compatibility with respect to the Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016 (the bill). In my opinion, the bill, as introduced to the Legislative Assembly, is compatible with human rights as set out in the charter. I base my opinion on the reasons outlined in this sta

New Zealand stats: No need to change marriage definition to include sinful homosexuality

Three years on from the definition of marriage being changed, statistics show that the demand has been insignificant, and has had to be boosted by overseas couples which represent almost half of all same-sex ‘marriages’ during this period . There have been 58,540 traditional marriages of NZ residents during a three-year period since the law was changed 1. Same-sex marriages during that time for NZ’ers were 1,422 representing just over 2% of total marriages – despite claims of a huge demand for same-sex marriage. During the same three-year period, there were 1,260 ‘tourist’ same-sex ceremonies (47% of total same-sex weddings in NZ) and 7,437 ‘tourist’ marriages (only 11% of total opposite-sex marriages.) ““Supporters of redefining marriage have had to rely on ‘marriage tourism ’ to justify the change. The demand for same-sex marriage has been underwhelming. The time, energy and cost of political resources around redefining marriage simply weren’t warranted or legitimate. Politici