
Showing posts with the label abomination

Is this the future: Offend homosexuality and loose your job?

Robert Oscar Lopez is a tenured professor at California State University, Northridge , raised by lesbian parents, who has become an outspoken supporter of marriage and the inherent rights of children to know and be loved by their own mother and father. His is the rare voice in academia willing to speak up for marriage and the rights of children. This has made him a ferocious target of gay and lesbian activists bent on silencing him. Unless we act today   to stop these activists, Professor Lopez could face drastic punishment simply for facilitating a discussion about the rights of children in marriage and family relationships. The taxpayer-funded university where Professor Lopez teaches launched an inquisition against him, claiming he retaliated against students who complained of alleged "anti-gay" and "anti-women" discrimination after voluntarily attending a conference he helped organized at the Reagan Library. The conference was called, "Bonds t