
Showing posts with the label Sodom

Homosexuality: Bible condemns what Kevin Rudd supports

Homosexuality, a word for which there is no specific equivalent in the Hebrew Bible or in the Greek NT, since the concept of homosexuality as a “sexual orientation” originated only in the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, there are a few biblical references to people who engage in sexual acts with persons of the same sex. In the Hebrew Bible, the most explicit references to sexual acts between men are in the Holiness Code of Leviticus , where, under penalty of death, a male is strictly prohibited from lying with another male as he would with a woman (18:22; 20:13). In addition to these passages, the Bible contains two narratives in which men desire to have sexual relations with other men. The first of these is set in the city of Sodom and provides the derivation for the term “sodomy,” which in modern English is sometimes used as a pejorative term for “homosexual sex acts.” In the biblical account, the men of Sodom intend to rape two male visitors who have come to the house of Lot,

The sinfulness of Homosexuality explained

Unquestionably homosexuality has become a major issue in the world today. The openness and political clout of the homosexual movement has dramatically increased in recent years. In former times it was not talked about openly; if it was, the movement and people were often derided. Today homosexuals as a group have considerable leverage, and any slight against them is met with an immediate and forceful response. Remember some of the words that were used to describe homosexuals in days past? For example, although the dictionary still gives “homosexual” as a meaning of the word queer, one would dare not use that word today in public. Gay is the “in” word now. “Gay rights” are asserted in many arenas, and “gay pride” parades occur in many cities annually. Until 1973 homosexuality was on the American Psychiatric Association ’s list of mental disorders, but it was removed that year. Defenders of the movement tell us that homosexuality should no longer be considered a deviant lifestyle but r

Bible responses to the sin of homosexuality

    ARGUMENT #1       “ God prohibited homosexuality in Leviticus 18:22, and yet in the same book He also prohibited eating shellfish (Leviticus 11:10). Since Christians today eat shellfish, the Old Testament laws concerning homosexuality must no longer be valid either.”     ANSWER:       Some people teach that God instituted the Old Testament dietary law for the health of His chosen people in order to provide protection from illness during their difficult journeys. (For example, if not properly prepared, shellfish can cause hepatitis, pork can cause trichinosis.) Others teach that the laws were a way to separate themselves from their pagan neighbors and to stress holiness. Nevertheless, all dietary laws were repealed by Jesus , who, in Mark 7:19 declared all foods clean. However, the ban on homosexuality was never repealed, only reinforced.       “We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. We also know that law is made … for adulterers and perverts [homosexuals] …


How can two people who profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ , who minister in the name of Jesus, who teach the Word of God and who worship from the heart be on opposite sides of a moral issue—an issue that the Bible addresses? How can one person adamantly say that something is natural and right, and the other vehemently state that it is unnatural and wrong? The answer is quite simple: people interpret the Bible differently, and people see “truth” differently. The practice of homosexuality has polarized many. Where can the answer be found? What is truly God’s heart on homosexuality? Every person needs to pray, “Lord, teach me the truth … and teach me to correctly handle Your Word of Truth .”         “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”         (2 Timothy 2:15) ARGUMENT #1       “God prohibited homosexuality in Leviticus 18:22, and yet in the same book He also prohib

Homosexuality is extreme sin

English: Fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah Русский: Бегство Лота из Содома (Photo credit: Wikipedia )  Almost a century ago, G. K. Chesterton wrote, “Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils; they differ enormously about what evils they will call excusable.” Though in many ways that remains true, in the issue of homosexuality it defines the controversy. Some today still consider homosexuality an evil, whether excusable or not. Others march for the rights of those they believe to be simply practicing an acceptable alternative lifestyle that expresses their sexual preferences . Though Genesis 19 is not a story about the evils of homosexuality, the narrative has traditionally been a starting point for discussion of the biblical view of homosexuality. We include this discussion under Breakout Points because in it we are digressing from the purpose of the author. Nonetheless, given the prominence of the issue in contemporary society, a brief comment is in order. The sin

Homosexuality Marriage and the condemning sin of Sodom

English: A rammeside-period ostraca depicting a man having sex with another man(?) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Sexual desire directed toward members of one’s own sex. Female homosexuality is frequently called lesbianism, from the Island of Lesbos , where the Greek poetess Sappho (reputedly homosexual) lived ca. 600 B.C. Traditionally homosexuality was the sin for which Sodom was destroyed by divine judgment, hence the popular term “sodomy.” This interpretation depends upon uncertain translation, while Ezekiel 16:49–50 and Sirach 16:8–9 give other reasons for the judgment. The assumption of homosexuality in Sodom dates from the Greek occupation of Palestine, when “the Greek sin” seriously endangered Jewish youth and strong scriptural warning was necessary. Homosexuality had been condemned in both Leviticus (18:22; 20:13), where it is abhorrent to God , defiling, punishable by death , and in Deuteronomy (23:18), where it is forbidden to bring the hire of harlot or homosexual (“dog”)