
Showing posts with the label New York Times

Media still lying about Mark Regnerus' report children of homosexual do badly in life

WASHINGTON, D.C. , April 15 ( ) - Homosexual advocates seem obsessed by a social science study that goes against them. They say the research is unimportant -- and they can’t stop talking about it. Mark Regnerus A year ago Dr. Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas published a 15,000-person  study  showing that children do best in a household with their married mother and father. He further found that no other family structure works this well and by contrast often did worse. A tsunami of protest and personal attacks engulfed him. His university and the journal where he published his findings investigated the research and cleared him of any suspicion. Even so, the attacks on him and those who use his research continues. Dr. Susan Yoshihara, research director of C-FAM , used the Regnerus study before the legislature in Rhode Island and came under attack by political fact checkers who claim some of her testimony was false. Yoshihara countered the popular wisdom

Bergoglio proposed civil unions for homosexuals as alternative to ‘marriage,’ claims John Allen

Coat of Arms of Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) April 12, 2013 ( ) - Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio , now Pope Francis, did in fact propose "civil union" legislation as a "compromise solution" on the issue of homosexual "marriage" in 2010, according to John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter , a newspaper that frequently publishes attacks on Catholic doctrine . Allen personally traveled to Buenos Aires , where he says that three different unnamed sources confirmed to him the truth of the claim, which was made by several newspapers following the election of Bergoglio in March, including the New York Times . Two of the sources, according to Allen, were senior officials of the Argentina Episcopal Conference, of which Bergoglio was the head until his recent election.  Both officials "worked with Bergoglio and took part in the behind-the-scenes discussions as the conference tried to shape its posit

The Marginalization of Moral Argument in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate

“Somewhere along the way, standing up for gay marriage went from nervy to trendy.” This was the assessment offered by Frank Bruni , an influential openly-gay columnist for The New York Times . Bruni’s column, published just as the Supreme Court was poised to hear oral arguments in the two same-sex marriage cases now before it, is a celebration of the fact that, as he sees it, same-sex marriage is soon to be the law of the land, whatever the Court may decide. “The trajectory is undeniable. The trend line is clear. And the choice before the justices is whether to be handmaidens of history, or whether to sit it out.” Bruni may well be right, given the trajectory and the trend-line he has described. Of course, Bruni, along with his fellow columnists, editors, and reporters for The New York Times will, along with their friends in the larger world of elite media, bear much of the responsibility for this. They are certain that their work is the mission of human liberation from irrational pr

Homosexual Marriage Money Agenda

Money Sometimes Doesn't Just Talk — It Lies With the cash of GOP mega-millionaires like Ken Mehlman and Paul Singer, a carefully crafted campaign to get Republicans to abandon marriage has been nurtured and launched. Last week HRC tried to enlist Laura Bush in its campaign to prove Republicans support for overturning the views and the votes of millions of California voters. This week the  New York Times  is singing about a small group of "prominent" Republicans like Jon Huntsman who signed a brief asking the Supreme Court to override the voters of California and impose gay marriage on all 50 states. These pro-gay marriage Republicans mostly share one important characteristic:  they are no longer in office, nor seeking office . (All of former Gov. Jon Huntsman's millions could not get him better than a third place finish in New Hampshire, remember.) After helping to falsely manufacture Laura Bush's support for court-ordered gay marriage, the  New York

LGBTQIA: the expanding gender agenda

February 6, 2013 ( - Last month  The New York Times  published  an article  on the latest expansion of sexual identity among students at progressive universities in the United States . LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) no longer covers it, according to a handful of students who seem to have nothing better to do than reinvent themselves. “Generation LGBTQIA” want recognition for queer, intersex and asexual proclivities as well. According to the  Times , this list by no means is final but continually being added to as students “move beyond the binary of male/female”, heterosexual/homosexual and reject the normal. Most people are unaware of the inroads made by gender theory -- the ideology that has produced “Generation LBGTQIA” -- or of the dangers it presents. Part of the confusion lies in the fact that there are several different theories of gender each of which is based on a false understanding of the human person. The various theories -- the gender pe

Limping between two opinions: The moral evacuation of the Boy Scouts of America

History of the Boy Scouts of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) NASHVILLE, TN , January 31, 2013, ( ) -  And Elijah came near to all the people and said, “How long will you go on limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him .” --  1 Kings 18:21 . The announcement this week that the Boy Scouts of America may soon rescind its national policy prohibiting the participation of openly homosexual members and leaders fell like a thunderclap. The B.S.A. national board is expected to approve the change early next week, just six months after that same board had announced that no change would be made, citing the unanimous recommendation of a special study committee.  Back then, the B.S.A. CEO said that the “vast majority” of Boy Scout parents supported the policy. That was then, but this is now. Just six months later, the B.S.A. board is prepared to capitulate to massive pressure from gay rights activists

Homosexual Senator calls people who support Biblical marriage "right wing nitwits"

Today is primary election day in New York State . It's a time of choosing. Gay marriage passed in New York State by the vote of four Republican senators: Sen. James Alesi , Sen. Roy McDonald , Sen. Stephen Saland , and Sen. Mark Grisanti . These four GOP senators who betrayed marriage believed the Human Rights Campaign sponsored lie: "no one has ever lost a seat voting for gay marriage." They counted on voters to have short memories for betrayal, to accept a done deal, to "move on." Sen. James Alesi was the first to discover that this is not true. He announced his retirement from the Senate . One down, three to go. It's very hard to beat incumbents in New York State politics. These four men who betrayed their voters on marriage were counting on that. They were counting on all the pro-gay marriage money they were promised to protect them for their failure to respect and protect their own constituents' values. They chose the money over the voters, and th