
Showing posts with the label Malcolm Turnbull

Free speech and vilification in the marriage law postal survey

Australia is involved in a debate about whether same sex marriage should be introduced. The question is being put to the electors in the form of a voluntary postal survey, the  question  in which is simply: “Should the law be changed to allow same sex couples to marry?” The original intention of the current Government had been to put this question to the people of Australia in a compulsory plebiscite. This option being defeated twice in Parliament, the postal survey has been designed to be run without explicit authorising legislation . However, once it was decided that the survey would proceed, concerns were expressed that the debate might contain misleading and deceptive advertising, which would usually have been dealt with under the electoral laws (but since the survey was not being run under those laws, no such protections applied for the survey.) In addition, concerns were expressed about hateful and harmful speech on both side of the debate. In response to these co

Marriage has always been about raising children

Not all married people have children.  Not all children are conceived within marriage.  But the fundamental reason the man-woman union has been recognised throughout history, by almost all cultures, is children – and their need to be raised in a stable, caring environment. That environment has been shown, time and again, to be with their biological mother and father, publicly committed to each other and the children they have created together. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule.  But a  very large 2010 US survey of child abuse and neglect  (“NIS-4”) studied abuse and neglect reports from six different family types and found that families headed by two biological married parents were safest by far on every measure. Six different family types The six different family structures studied in NIS-4 (Chapter 5.3) were those where the child was living with: two married biological parents two married parents (eg one biological parent married to a stepparent, or t

Disagree with the gay agenda - loose your jobs and the courts won't help!

Today the High Court denied me leave to appeal against the Chief of Defence Force ’s decision to terminate my appointment as an officer, as upheld by the Full Court of the Federal Court earlier this year. I have been fortunate to have had so much support in this battle. Today we have been defeated and for that I apologise. I feel that I have let many Australians down. This defeat does not just affect me personally. It affects all Australians. And the implications if the laws change on marriage are obvious. The Full Court of the Federal Court’s decision now stands. It found that it was legal for the Chief of Defence Force to impose ‘cultural change’ policies that include official support for events like the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras and its campaign for homosexual marriage . It found that it was legal for the Chief of Defence Force to prohibit any private comments objecting to this overt display of support for a radical political agenda and anti-Christian vilification. It

Question: Why should Christians care if same-sex couples marry? If they are unbelievers, why should Christians dictate their actions? Shouldn't we just worry about preaching the gospel?

Question: Why should Christians care if same-sex couples marry? If they are unbelievers, why should Christians dictate their actions? Shouldn't we just worry about preaching the gospel? This question is based upon the false premise that Scripture assigns the accountability to marriage to Christians alone rather than to society at large. Christian concern for marriage is deeply concerned with the moral risk taken by unbelievers when they marginalize, reject, subvert, or harm marriage in any way.  Christians believe this risk threatens acting parties with eternal consequences. Furthermore, it is quite selective and arbitrary to say that when it comes to same-sex marriage , Christians should not ask unbelievers to act like unbelievers. Why should that request be limited to same-sex marriage?  Should it be applied to other aspects of the criminal code?  Should Christians not expect non-Christians to live by the same civil laws they live by?  Should Christians require n

Whose rights are more important? The child’s or homosexual parents’?

If same-sex marriage involved only adults it would be much easier to accept it I wish that I could support same-sex marriage and I have "moral regret" that I can't. When we feel ethically bound to take a position that we know will cause hurt to others, we should - and I do - regret the hurt that causes. If same-sex marriage involved only adults it would be much easier to agree with legalizing it. One hopes its advocates are correct that it would send a powerful message from society as a whole that discrimination against homosexual people and ill-treatment of LGBTIQ persons or a failure to respect them is abhorrent. But marriage doesn't involve just adults; it also involves - and, arguably, primarily - children. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights defines marriage as a compound right: men and women "have the right to marry and to found a family." The "right to found a family" makes marriage the societal institution that recognizes and es

Religious Organizations targeted by future LGBTQ marriage

Peter Dutton says religious schools must have right to teach own definition of marriage.   Religious schools , including Catholic and Anglican schools, should have a legislatively protected right to teach their conception of marriage, Peter Dutton  has said. Dutton has weighed in on the side of Coalition conservatives, including Tony Abbott , who argue that religious freedom and freedom of speech are at stake in the same-sex marriage postal survey, a view rejected by the attorney general, George Brandis , and fellow moderate Christopher Pyne . Dutton’s comments came after the Liberal MP Andrew Hastie said he would lobby “very hard” for religious protections to be included in a same-sex marriage bill, foreshadowing a major fight about which bill should be used to legislate marriage equality if the yes case wins the upcoming survey. Asked about the same-sex marriage debate, Dutton said the government’s position is “there needs to be protection for religious freedom”. “People ne

Pink Panza parade will not stop at homosexual Marriage

Some people seem to think that a ‘ Yes ’ vote will make the homosexual lobby happy and that they’ll go away and spend the rest of their time traipsing from one wedding to another. However, nothing could be further from the truth. A breakthrough on marriage represents a shattering of all defences against the onslaught of the Pink Panzers . They will not stop but will brutally and ruthlessly exploit the gap created to destroy all resistance. The goal is to completely and radically revolutionise society’s understanding of the family unit. Every remnant of the traditional concept of family must be eradicated, So before we rush headlong to the end of the rainbow, it would be worthwhile considering what battles have erupted in other nations once homosexual marriage was legalised. Like New Zealand. Family First New Zealand has just been stripped of its status as a charity. And this is the reason why: The Board considers that Family First has a purpose to promote its own particular vie

Vatican adviser scraps Catholic teaching, says God made gays ‘who they are’

A high profile Vatican consultant has publicly departed from Catholic teaching on homosexuality, saying God made “ LGBTQ people … who they are.” Father James Martin, a Jesuit priest who is the editor at large of America Magazine as well as an adviser to the Vatican's Secretariat for Communications, made the comment to the pro-homosexual organization PFLAG ( Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays ) on August 18. Martin spoke on the occasion of PFLAG honoring him with its 2017 Flag Bearer Award for making what it called “lasting contributions to the safety and/or equality of people who are LGBTQ, their families, and allies.” The award will be given at PFLAG’s National Convention in Portland, Oregon, two months from now. “I'm grateful to PFLAG for this recognition, and I hope that the award serves as another reminder that all LGBTQ people are beloved children of God, that God made them who they are, and that they have as much place in our churches as anyone el

Why I am voting NO - homosexual Marriage

This is why I will be voting No to same sex marriage There's no doubt that central to the concept of family is a definition of marriage involving a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation. With only minor exceptions over some hundreds of years and across all the major religions, this is how marriage has been, and continues to be, defined. It's also true that about 98 per cent of Australians identify as heterosexual and according to the 2011 census figures only 1 per cent of Australian couples are same-sex, with surveys suggesting only a minority want same-sex marriage. There are more important issues to worry about. We should also forget the Safe Schools' postmodern, deconstructed definition of marriage where gender and sexuality are fluid and limitless and individuals are free to choose whatever they choose to self-identify as. No matter how much gays and lesbians might want to wish otherwise from a physiological and biological point of view, only men and women