
Showing posts with the label Malcolm Turnbull

Westpac Bank caught out lying about homosexual sodomy statistics

WESTPAC have received backlash after encouraging their staff to vote Yes in the same-sex marriage plebiscite through a company wide email, which contained exaggerated information about LGBTI suicide rates in Australia . The email, sent by the bank’s Youth Network to Westpac and St George employees, stated that a Yes vote was a “no brainer” and “would prevent 3000 suicides per year”. But according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics a total of 2886 people died from intentional self harm in Australia in 2016, there was no indication as to what the motives were for these suicides or if sexual orientation or gender identity was a factor. On the 2GB morning show Ray Hadley read out a section of the email, which was sent in anonymously, criticising the bank over their false claims. “In 2016 Westpac group signed to an open letter in support of Australian marriage equality , believing it is the right thing to do, while we are not one to tell anyone how to roll, it’s a no-brainer,”

Westpac Bank lied - homosexual marriage saves 3000 suicides

Westpac bank slammed for 'blackmailing' staff after it mass-emailed employees to vote 'yes' to same sex marriage using 'fudged statistics.' Westpac's youth network emailed 10,000 staff urging them to vote yes to SSM Called vote a 'no brainer' and claimed it would prevent 3,000 suicides a year. Email slammed as emotional 'blackmail' and a 'bad precedent' for the bank Statistic actually referred to suicide attempts that could be averted. Westpac sent an email to staff urging them to vote yes to gay marriage, claiming it would prevent 3,000 suicides a year. The message from the bank's youth network, representing staff under 30, was sent to 10,000 of 40,000 staff and called voting yes a 'no brainer'.  But the bank admitted its statistic used in the email was a mistake and actually referred to research only talking about suicide attempts. 'We said that we would get that information clarified to the staff and we

Indigenous Australians say NO to Gay Marriage

But I want to suggest there is a slightly more pernicious at work, namely, an indirect suppression of the views of ethnic and cultural minorities. The real minorities in Australia — migrant communities, religious minorities, and indigenous Australians — are being subtlety treated as culturally “backward” and having their voices ignored by their supposed advocates in the public domain — the Left. Despite the media grandstanding of gay and transgender members of the indigenous community , scores of Aboriginal elders have spoken out against same-sex marriage, claiming it is fundamentally opposed to indigenous community praxis. Speaking to AAP recently, Peter Walker, an Aboriginal Elder from NSW, said that “the sacred and traditional union between man and woman is deeply part of our ancient and continuing culture across all of our communities”. In 2015, Walker and dozens of elders from the indigenous community presented a bark petition backed by more than 46 indigenous groups and clan

Sydney mayor vows to make all gay weddings FREE -another politician another gimmic

A Sydney mayor has vowed to make all gay weddings free if same-sex marriage is legalised by the upcoming vote. Labor's Darcy Byrne, who has just been appointed leader of Inner West Council , wants to give same-sex couples the opportunity to use public halls and community centres to house their nuptials for the first 100 days after the unions are legalised. The inner-west has one of the largest LGBTQI communities in Australia and Byrne is hoping the move will lead the charge for civil rights.  But others have responded negatively :  "When will politicians learn that changing traditional marriage is not about scoring points in popularity, offering free incentives to lead the way? Will the council also provide free facilities for normal heterosexual marriages, or is this reverse discrimination and a gimmick? Will facilities be offered free for Religious organization for 100 days?"

Inconsistent rules apply to traditional marriage Vote NO to SSM

A SIGN calling for people to tick No on their same sex marriage survey forms has been taken down within hours of being erected at the Hobart Showground . The Coalition for Marriage sign was put up yesterday but disappeared a few hours later. The Coalition for Marriage has expressed disappointment about the removal from the billboard. Coalition spokesman Alex Sidhu said the sign had been erected at 10am yesterday and was taken down at 3pm. It is one of about 10 “It’s OK to say ‘no’” billboards around Tasmania . “We do not want to comment on how or why the decision to take the sign down was made, we are just concentrating on getting our message out that there are consequences to a change to the definition of marriage,” Mr Sidhu said. It is understood the billboard is owned and operated by Claude Neon. Claude Neon has been contacted for comment. Liberal Senator  Eric Abetz said: “This is yet another ugly example the intimidation and bullying engaged in by the ‘yes’ campaign

Homosexual Activist Admits True Purpose of Battle is to Destroy Marriage

Even knowing that there are radicals in all movements, doesn’t  lessen the startling admission recently by lesbian journalist  Masha Gessen .  On a radio show she actually admits that homosexual activists are lying about their radical political agenda .   She says that they don’t want to access the institution of marriage; they want to radically redefine and eventually eliminate it.  Here is what she recently said on a radio interview:  “It’s a no-brainer that (homosexual activists) should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. …(F)ighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie.  The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change. And again, I don’t think it should exist. And I don’t like taking part in creating fic

Polygamists and homosexuals working together to destroy marriage

During the years leading up to the same-sex “marriage” ruling by the Supreme Court , Christian Conservatives who opposed redefining marriage were routinely mocked for using the “slippery slope” argument which suggested that the elimination of the one-man/one-woman requirement for marriage would ultimately lead to additional redefinitions of what constitutes a marriage . This concern was addressed by Chief Justice John Roberts in his dissenting opinion in the Obergefell v. Hodges case when he wrote: “It is striking how much of the majority’s reasoning would apply with equal force to the claim of a fundamental right to plural marriage.” It didn’t take long for these fears to be realized.   Just weeks after the same-sex marriage ruling, Kody Brown, the star of TLC’s reality-TV show , Sister Wives , went to court to have his polygamist relationship with four women legally recognized. Though the case was initially thrown out, Brown continues his fight through appeals and publi

Bitterness drive AMA leader to support immoral same-sex marriage despite huge conservative backlash

DOCTORS WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND BIOLOGY -BUT SUPPORT IMMORAL  IDEOLOGY The AMA is supporting immoral same-sex marriage despite a massive internal conservative backlash.  With only a few former Australian Medical Association bosses joining the cause and urging a "yes" vote on health grounds - one of which is the leader of the same sex movement. AMA President Michael Gannon lied about research on homosexuals and their children but despite being found in a lie - his leadership team have vowed to continue advocating for change despite facing massive blowback from many conservative doctors unhappy with the peak group's stance. The reason is many doctors understand biology and science but their leader is about ideology, not science and not health. Dr Glasson is a former Liberal candidate who was denied a seat in Federal Parliament partly because of his support for same-sex marriage. He was frontrunner to fill a casual vacancy in the Senate in 2015, but lost out to th

Some in-depth reading on same-sex marriage issues

An academic colleague suggested the other day that it would be good to post some recommendations for academic commentary on the same-sex marriage issues, for those who are interested in reading that goes a bit more in-depth than a standard blog post or opinion piece. I thought this was a great idea. I have compiled the following list of reading from recommendations of legal colleagues who, like me, have serious concerns about the proposal to introduce same-sex marriage. In that sense it is not a 'balanced' list. Those who want to find enthusiastic academic support for introducing the reform will not find it hard to do so elsewhere. But some of these pieces may not be so widely read, and deserve to be better known. Some are quite recent. Of course (pardon me for saying so) you will find other material on some of these issues here on this blog, and elsewhere. But these pieces are worth the extra time it will take to read them. (Unfortunately some are not freely availab

This is the ugly future with homosexual radicals

SO now we see why rainbow warriors didn’t want a people’s vote on same-sex marriage. It was because they knew we’d see their true, intolerant colours. Yes campaign HQ knows thuggery won’t win over Middle Australia , but their foot-soldiers are revealing themselves as fascistic bullies who vilify and intimidate anyone who dares to disagree. Last week’s abusive exhibition by same-sex marriage activists at Sydney University was the clearest example yet. On Thursday, about 15 students, including members of the uni’s Catholic Society, set up an information table on the main campus thoroughfare with placards saying: “It’s OK to Say No”. They offered free kebabs and two large bowls of delicious Lebanese hummus made by one of their mothers. It was the first time the No campaign has had a presence on campus where “ Marriage Equality ” stalls have featured almost every day this semester. “The idea was pretty much to give the No campaign perspective on campus,” said 21-year-old IT student, Fra

The homosexual lies of Irish Senator Jerry Buttimer

The Melbourne AGE ran an article based on an interview from an Irish Senator seeking to dismiss 'religious freedom' concerns about homosexual marriage. But the Senator simply ignited the concern bu his lying.  In 2015 Ireland voted with a majority of 62 per cent for marriage equality, the first country in the world to make this social change by popular vote. Since then, a lot of gay people have gotten married. "The world hasn't ended, the sky didn't fall down, the sun still shines, the moon is still in the sky and the world continues," Buttimer says. "It's only been a positive, in terms of equality and opportunity for all people. People are going to registry offices, humanist ceremonies are taking place across the country. "They're joining in celebrations, there's dancing at the crossroads, there's dancing in weddings, there's feasting and banqueting and there's love."What happens? Two people get married and the w

Religious Leaders say NO - to same sex marriage

On behalf of those Muslim and Christian communities whom we represent, we declare that we believe that there should be no change to the traditional definition of marriage as spelled by the 2004 Amendment incorporated into the Marriage Act 1961 . The amendment reads: “Marriage means the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others voluntarily entered into for life.” We are very concerned about the rush to introduce new legislation allowing for Same-Sex Marriage (“ SSM ”), which is wrong both in policy and in principle . It is wrong in policy because far-reaching changes should not be implemented in haste. Parliamentarians of Australia have a duty to lead the debate over SSM rather than opportunistically seeking to garner votes by jumping onto what seems to be an irresistible bandwagon. They should be encouraging people to reflect upon what marriage is all about, its parameters, its relationship to child-rearing and how children shall be raised outside of the institut

Why would you throw a kid into the crosshairs of the homosexual marriage debate?

Why would you throw a kid into the crosshairs of the homosexual marriage debate?   Bill Shorten  (Labor Leader) brings boy with two mothers to parliament to give speech to justify  gay marriage - but should he be using children to prove his point? Shorten a former union leader, only came to fame when he inserted himself on TV during a mining disaster. He is a dominant homosexual marriage supporter and has utter contempt for anybody who opposes immoral homosexual marriage.  Bill Shorten has used a young boy in his personal campaign for homosexual marriage. The Labor Leader paraded the boy with two mums outside Parliament House.  The boy urged people to 'vote yes' to same-sex marriage in the postal survey. Mr Shorten was slammed online for 'manipulating a child for political gains' 'Using a child to campaign is disgusting. How low can you stoop,' a critic said. Labor leader Bill Shorten has divided his own colleagues, and the nation by parading a boy w