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Christian psychotherapist loses case after gay ‘sting’ operation

LONDON , May 24, 2012 ( ) – Lesley Pilkington, the Christian psychotherapist who was  the subject of a “sting” operation  by a homosexualist activist, has lost her appeal to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy . The BACP has informed her that she will lose her senior accredited status, after she was tricked into providing counseling for unwanted homosexuality at the request of a fake client who was secretly an undercover gay activist. Pilkington was told that she should not have assumed that her client, Patrick Strudwick , wanted to proceed under a Christian therapeutic approach, despite the fact they had both agreed to do so. She was also told that she should not have taken his claim that he was depressed because of his homosexuality at face value. The BACP also ruled that Strudwick had been a real client, despite his having admitted that he sought Pilkington’s help only as a pretense to entrap her. The BACP ruling admitted th

VIDEO: ‘Anti-bullying’ leader slams Bible, harasses Christian high-school students who walk out

A video has surfaced of Dan Savage , a leader in the movement against gay bullying, at a high school journalism convention deriding the Bible and Christians present at length, confirming testimonies from students who were present at the event earlier this month. “We can learn to ignore the fulls**t in the Bible, the same way we have learned to ignore the bulls**t in the Bible ab Dan Savage speaking at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) out shellfish, about slavery, about dinner, about farming, about menstruation, about virginity, about masturbation, we ignore bulls**t in the Bible about all sorts of thing,” Savage tells the gathering of students. “The Bible got the easiest moral question that humanity has ever faced wrong: slavery. What are the odds that the Bible got something as complicated as human sexuality wrong? 100 percent,” he asks. After several dozen students walk out of Savage’s talk following the tirade, the controversial commentator

Video: Ontario Bill 13 rally outrage over government imposing gay agenda in all schools

TORONTO, April 2, 2012 ( ) - Last Thursday ’s high-charged rally against the Ontario government ’s Bill 13, imposing the province’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy (EIE) on all public and private schools, revealed many parents are dismayed over this attempt to remove parental rights. Video footage of the rally clearly reflects the intensity of the opposition to the bill from representatives of a wide variety of ethnic and faith communities.  See video   (see also  last Friday’s report ) Phil Lees , leader of the Family Coalition Party, received perhaps the strongest reaction from rally participants while describing (not in LSN video) the bill’s intent to deprive parents of even the right to be advised about what takes place in their children’s classrooms on matters related to Bill 13. Lees emphasized, the EIE document says, “No teacher, you’re not going to tell parents.”  Lees related a call received the previous week from a distraught parent. A mother sa

L.A. Archdiocese Religious Education Congress speakers support gay priests, Obama, masturbation

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA , March 22, 2012, ( ) – The Archdiocese of Los Angeles ’  Religious Education Congress  bills itself as an “opportunity to hear God ’s voice in their own lives.” However, some of the  featured speakers  at the March 22-25 event, said to be the largest of its kind in the world, have described Barack Obama as “ pro-life ,” longed for “public models of gay priests,” opposed marriage protection legislation, and encouraged children to engage in “genital self-touch.” Neither  Tod M. Tamberg  nor Carolina Guevara, media representatives for the Archdiocese, responded to an e-mail from concerning allegations speakers at the REC deviate from the Church ’s teachings by supporting homosexual priests or masturbation. When LifeSiteNews called to follow-up, Tamberg insisted he did not receive the e-mail, then hung up on us. When asked about the e-mail, which was sent Thursday morning, Tamberg said rapidly: “Didn’t get any e-mails. Um, didn’

Pope: homosexual ‘marriage’ threatens ‘the future of humanity’

VATICAN CITY , January 9, 2012 ( ) – In his annual address to ambassadors to the Vatican today, Pope Benedict XVI warned that laws permitting abortion and undermining the traditional family are threatening “the future of humanity.”  Speaking particularly of the West , the Holy Father said, “I am convinced that legislative measures which not only permit but at times even promote abortion for reasons of convenience or for questionable medical motives compromise the education of young people and, as a result, the future of humanity.” Pope Benedict Similarly, the pope spoke of “the family, based on the marriage of a man and a woman,” noting that it “is not a simple social convention , but rather the fundamental cell of every society.”  He added: “Consequently, policies which undermine the family threaten human dignity and the future of humanity itself.” Benedict noted the ‘dark times’ we are living in currently due to economic and social unrest . “The present moment is

Catholic bishops claim ‘no deal’ regarding Brazilian ‘anti-homophobia’ bill

Image via Wikipedia December 15, 2011  - The leader of Brazil ’s National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB), Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis, has issued a statement denying that CNBB has made an agreement with legislators regarding the content of a proposed “anti- homophobia ” bill being pushed by the ruling socialist Labor Party. Following  reports  in the Brazilian press that a deal had been struck with the CNBB to modify the bill to allow religious groups to continue expressing their opposition to homosexual behavior, Cardinal Assis writes that the presidency of the CNBB did “not make an agreement” with Labor Party senator Marta Suplicy , the bill’s principal advocate in the nation’s Senate . “The presidency of the CNBB did not make an agreement with the senator, as was reported in the press,” Assis writes. “At the time, (we) made observations and suggestions, and agreed to continue accompanying the development of the discussion regarding the bill,” he add Image via Wikip

Lawsuit against New York’s homosexual ‘marriage’ law moves forward

WASHINGTON,  – A New York state judge has allowed a lawsuit that could overturn the state’s homosexual “marriage” law to move forward. Acting State Supreme Court Justice Robert Wiggins ruled that the courts could decide whether Governor Andrew Cuomo violated a law requiring his meetings with Republicans in the state senate to be open to the public. Rev. Jason J. McGuire filed the lawsuit, arguing that secret meetings between the New York governor and Republicans showed "a flagrant disregard for the intention of the law." “There is no demonstration that the public welfare on this issue required secrecy,” Justice Wiggins  wrote  in his November 18 decision. Cuomo secretly met with weary Republicans in the Governor’s Mansion in Albany on June 24, as they prepared to vote on the “ Marriage Equality Act.” They locked out the public and press, and denied registered lobbyists access to politicians. The plaintiffs  contend  that “at least two meetings” violate the 1976 New Yor

Married homosexual daycare worker abuses children

Image via Wikipedia BRUSSELS, December 14, 2010  - A homosexual daycare worker has been accused of molesting dozens of children in his charge. He and his male “spouse” are also accused of possession of child pornography generated from the abuse, which was reportedly distributed internationally through internet pedophile networks. “Robert M.,” as he is identified by police, is a 27-year-old Lithuanian who reportedly moved to the Netherlands in 2004 and “married” his homosexual partner, a Dutch citizen, in 2008, receiving his own Dutch citizenship as a result. He worked in at least two Dutch daycare centers from 2007 to 2010, and offered his services privately over the internet, claiming he was a “trained and experienced” babysitter. Police say they are continuing to investigate M’s contacts with children, which also extended to a stint as a volunteer in an African orphanage. The estimated tally of victims currently stands at 53. Also under arrest is M’s homosexual “husband,” 37-y

Philosopher: To Defeat Gay ‘Marriage’ Conservatives Must Defend Traditional Sexual Morals in General

Image via Wikipedia Among advocates of homosexual "marriage," one of the more popular statements from Judge Walker's ruling overturning Proposition 8 is that the state is obligated to "treat its citizens equally, not to 'mandate its own moral code ."   However  philosopher Dr. Edward Feser points out that Walker's ruling also imposes its own moral code--merely one contrary to Christian belief .   He also calls on conservatives to begin defending the whole spectrum of traditional sexual morality in the public sphere. LSN:  Judge Vaughn Walker argues that banning homosexual "marriage" causes the state to impose the religious views of the many on the few, while permitting homosexual "marriage" preserves the state as a morally neutral agent.  Because he thinks the state ought to be a morally neutral agent, he concludes that homosexual marriage ought to be allowed.  Is this argument valid?  Why or why not? Dr. Feser:  The problem with W