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French National Assembly votes to redefine marriage

PARIS , February 4, 2013, ( ) – The French National Assembly voted to redefine marriage on Saturday by a large majority vote of 249-97. Observers believe the vote means the traditionally, but now nominally Catholic country will legalize same-sex nuptials. The vote ignores an estimated  one million people who marched in the streets last month  to support natural marriage. Socialist President Francois Hollande is an outspoken supporter of same-sex “marriage” and has pledged to sign the bill if it passes the Senate which is expected to easily happen because of Hollande's strong support for the measure. The bill also includes a measure permitting homosexuals to adopt children. Debate on the measure is expected to continue for several more days before the Senate vote takes place. When passed, the legislation will make France the ninth EU nation to redefine marriage to include same-sex spouses. How sin and evil spreads through foolish politicans who ra

Children of gay couples academically disadvantaged: study

December 11, 2012 ( ) – A  new study  has found that children of same-sex couples suffer a marked disadvantage in educational progress when compared to children living with married parents of opposite sexes.  The study, spearheaded by Dr. Douglas Allen of Simon Fraser University , took a fresh look at data that had previously been analyzed by a Stanford sociologist, Dr. Michael Rosenfeld. While dozens of preliminary studies have been conducted on the effect of same-sex households on the children in those households, this is reportedly the first study to use data from a full census with a large random sample .  Dr. Rosenfeld’s original analysis of the 2000 census date concluded that children of same-sex couples are do not significantly differ in their levels of academic achievement when compared to children of married heterosexual parents. But Dr. Alan identified a problem with the control in Rosenfeld’s study: it excluded many same-sex households.  In an

HIV diagnoses in UK homosexual men at all-time high

English: Percentage of new HIV infection per state from 2006 to 2008 in Malaysia (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Figure epidemiology of HIV infection, disease and deaths from AIDS - 1986-2006, based on data from PZH (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) English: World map of travel & residence restrictions against people with HIV/AIDS: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) English: Estimated HIV prevalence among young adults (15-49) by country. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) LONDON, November 30, 2012 ( ) - A report on HIV infection from the  UK’s Health Protection Agency  states that new diagnoses among men who have sex with men (MSM) reached an all-time high in 2011, with 3,010 new cases. The report, which was published on Thursday, says a “worrying” trend has developed since 2007, with rates of new HIV infections rising rapidly among homosexual men. Nearly one in 12 male homosexuals in London now has HIV. In the rest of the nation, one in 20 homosexual

Alberta School Boards Association rejects ‘sexual orientation’ policy

EDMONTON, Alberta , 23 November, 2012 ( ) – Alberta parents who support traditional values are breathing a sigh of relief after the Alberta School Boards Association ( ASBA ) rejected a proposal calling for policies to deal with an alleged “pervasive school-wide culture of homophobia, transphobia, and heterosexism”. Sixty-two percent of the boards voted to reject the proposal at the ASBA fall meeting held on Monday. The motion would have added language specifically singling out gay , lesbian, bi-sexual , and transgender students to an already existing anti-bullying policy. Jacquie Hansen, president of the Alberta School Boards Association, said that the majority of trustees rejected the policy over concerns that it unnecessarily focused on a certain group of students. “The feeling in the room was we’d rather have a policy for all kids and that bullying shouldn’t be tolerated no matter who you are or what you have to deal with in your world.” She called m

Redefining marriage threatens social advances of women, rights of children: UK law professor

LONDON , November 7, 2012  – The debate about same-sex “marriage” in the UK is not, as the government and other supporters would have it, about “equality,” “rights” or “fairness,” but about “using law to change the meaning of the social institution of marriage.” So says Julian Rivers, a Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of Bristol Law School. Any new definition of marriage that would include partnerships not based on a single man and a single woman for the procreation and protection of children, would “unavoidably call into question its exclusivity, its permanence and even its sexual nature,” said Rivers in a report issued by the Jubilee Centre , “a Christian social reform organisation that offers a biblical perspective on issues and trends of relevance to the general public”. Titled “ Redefining Marriage: a case for caution ,” it is being submitted to the government as part of the ongoing consultation on “gay marriage.” Professor Julian Rivers “Changing the

UK mother fails in Court of Appeal bid to halt her children’s adoption by homosexuals

LONDON, October 25, 2012, ( ) - Court of Appeal judges turned down a mother’s plea not to have her two children adopted by a homosexual couple. The mother of the two boys, aged four and six, appealed an earlier court decision that ruled she was incapable of looking after her children because of alcoholism, when she discovered that councillors in the north London borough of Camden had decided the boys would be placed with two homosexual men . Justice Dame Janet Smith , sitting with Lord Justice Longmore and Lady Justice Black at the Court of Appeal in Holborn, heard that the mother and the boys’ father had been “distressed” to learn that the prospective adopters were homosexuals. Tony Blair legalized same-sex adoption in 2002. The mother, described as a highly educated woman who had been “very successful” in early life, and the father of the children had met at a detox clinic but had never beaten their dependence on alcohol. Last September, the childre

Chick-fil-A ‘Tastes Like Hate’ vandal won’t be charged: D.A.

TORRANCE, CA , August 31, 2012, ( ) – Manuel Castro may have accused Chick-fil-A of peddling hate, but police say they have determined that he wasn’t motivated by hate when he vandalized a Chick-fil-A restaurant earlier this month. Castro, a gay activist, had scrawled the words “Tastes Like Hate,” along with a cow holding a paintbrush, on the side of a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Torrance, California, on “National Same-Sex Kiss Day” – an event organized to protest company CEO Dan Cathy’s stance in support of traditional marriage . “National Same-Sex Kiss Day” followed on the heels of Chick-fil-A “Appreciation Day,” on which hundreds of thousands of traditional marriage supporters had lined up, sometimes for several hours, to dine at Chick-fil-A as a show of their support for Cathy. Photos of Castro’s graffiti traveled far and wide in the media, becoming one of the most recognizable images from the kerfuffle. But police announced this week that Castro wou

Three-person ‘stable union’ registered in Brazil

August 29, 2012 ( ) - Two women and a man living together in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo have registered their relationship as a “stable union,” according to local media sources. The action follows a decision by the nation’s Supreme Tribunal to allow homosexuals to enter into such unions, despite the fact that they are defined in the Constitution as a union between a man and a woman. The decision led to a lower court decision extending the eligibility for homosexuals to marriage itself, although the verdict has not yet been recognized throughout Brazil . “Stable unions” exist in Brazil to regulate cohabiting couples who are unmarried. The homosexualist Brazilian Family Institute (IBDFAM), which openly favors polygamous unions as well as same-sex ones, welcomed the most recent decision. “We have to respect the private nature of relationships and learn to live in this pluralistic society recognizing different desires,” said the group’s vice-preside

Pro Gay man charged with ‘Assault with intent to kill’: FRC shooter charged

WASHINGTON, August 16, 2012 ( ) - The suspect arrested in connection with the shooting at the Family Research Council headquarters Wednesday morning has been charged with assault with intent to kill, among other charges. Police say the suspect, Floyd Lee Corkins II of Herndon, Va., opened fire in the lobby of 801 G Street NW, striking a security guard in the arm before being tackled to the ground by several individuals. Other sources say Corkins, 28, was complaining about FRC’s political views before he was confronted by the head security guard, Leo Johnson , who kept Corkin from advancing further into the building. Floyd Corkins is arrested following the shooting at Family Research Council Authorities said Corkins was held late Wednesday on a charge of assault with intent to kill and transporting ammunition across state lines, after officials found 50 rounds of ammunition in Corkins’ bag. Corkin was reportedly armed with a 9mm Sig Sauer semiautomatic pis

Target blocking e-mails from AFA urging them to stop supporting gay ‘marriage’

June 6, 2012 ( ) - Target is blocking e-mails from people opposed to its new campaign to support the homosexual agenda , according to the American Family Association (AFA). Target launched a campaign at the end of May to raise money for Family Equality Council ( FEC ), a group that is opposing legislation that would protect the traditional definition of marriage. The massive realtor is selling t-shirts through June, which is called National Pride Month, with gay pride flags and slogans on them. The shirts were designed by musician Gwen Stefani . Target says it will donate 100% of the proceeds from this campaign to Family Equality Council, up to $120,000. In response, AFA asked its supporters to send emails to the company’s chairman. AFA provided a draft e-mail urging the company to stop supporting homosexuality that supporters can send from their website. However, an update on the  AFA’s website  says that Target is blocking emails that supporters