
Showing posts with the label LGBT parenting

LNP stand against Homosexual surrogacy supported by latest research

English: Campbell Newman. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Two studies released Sunday may act like brakes on popular social-science assertions that  gay parents  are the same as — or maybe better than — married, mother-father parents.  With the Queensland LNP ( Liberal National Party ) under Campbell Newman , being abused and challenged by homosexual advocates and the liberal newspapers supporting homosexual surrogacy, as they seek to reverse previously damaging Labor surrogacy laws , these two independent studies support the LNP position. It would appear the Andrew Robinson holds the best view in the Queensland Parliament. “The empirical claim that no notable differences exist must go,”  Mark Regnerus , a sociology professor at the  University of Texas at Austin , said in his study in  Social Science  Research. Using a new, “gold standard” data set of nearly 3,000 randomly selected American young adults,  Mr. Regnerus  looked at their lives on 40 measures of social, emotional and re

Traditional families: accept no substitutes

Heterosexual symbol two hearts (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) June 18, 2012 ( ) - Over the last decade or so, scholars have been saying that households headed by homosexual or lesbian parents are not only as good as those of traditional, heterosexual parents, but that in some cases they are even better, in terms of outcomes for the children. One researcher noted that “non-heterosexual” parents experience significantly better relationships with their children than do heterosexual ones on average, and that the kids in homosexual-headed families exhibited no differences in cognitive development, psychological adjustment, or gender identity. The prestigious American Psychological Association asserted, “Not a single study has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents.” Case closed then, right? Hardly. Mark Regnerus is associate professor of sociology at the University of Tex

Australian Labor vote NO to Homosexual Marriage or put kids at risk

English: University of Texas at Austin wordmark. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Labor and Australian Greens from the Australian Federal Government are wanting to legalize homosexual marriage . Hanson Young sees no problem with homosexual marriage and says Churches will not be forced into marrying any homosexuals. Penny Wong herself in a lesbian relationship believes personally homosexual marriage will come in time.  All politicians must read these two studies. Base their decision with the health and welfare of children before the homosexual agenda and the social liberal elites. Randy Thomas writes: It seems like the Regnerus study finding that children raised with gay parents don’t fare so well is causing quite the stir.  One study entitled Study: Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Face Greater Risks : A pair of studies published today in the journal Social Science Research turns the widely accepted notion that kids raised by parents in same-sex relationships gr

Two recent studies show kids harmed in homosexual relationships

Two studies released Sunday may act like brakes on popular social-science assertions that gay parents are the same as — or maybe better than — married, mother-father parents. “The empirical claim that no notable differences exist must go,” Mark Regnerus , a sociology professor at the University of Texas at Austin , said in his study in Social Science Research. Using a new, “gold standard” data set of nearly 3,000 randomly selected American young adults, Mr. Regnerus looked at their lives on 40 measures of social, emotional and relationship outcomes. He found that, when compared with adults raised in married, mother-father families, adults raised by lesbian mothers had negative outcomes in 24 of 40 categories, while adults raised by gay fathers had negative outcomes in 19 categories. Findings such as these do not support claims that there are “no differences” between gay parenting and heterosexual, married parents, said Mr. Regnerus , who helped develop the New Family Structures St

Married Biological Parents Still Best for Kids; No Evidence Same-Sex Couples Their Equal

Two groundbreaking papers were published yesterday in the journal Social Science Research which strongly indicate what common sense dictates: that children fare best in households with their married, biological mother and father—including when compared to children who lived with parents in same-sex relationships . In his paper, Loren Marks of the Louisiana State University demonstrates that all 59 research papers on which the American Psychological Association (APA) based its glowing 2005 statement on same-sex parenting contained scientific flaws, and that the APA’s statement lacks even minimal basis in science. Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas follows up by introducing a new data set, the New Family Structures Study (NFSS), which is considered the finest in the field and which indicates that children raised with parents in same-sex relationships fare significantly worse on a wide variety of outcome metrics. In 2005, the APA declared—in a statement authored by a sing

Homosexuals ignore NFSS study adult children of gay fathers and lesbian mothers had inferior economic, education, social and psychological outcomes than children who were raised in intact biological families

NFSS study found:  adult children of gay fathers and lesbian mothers had inferior economic, education, social and psychological outcomes than children who were raised in intact biological families . The New Family Structures Study (NFSS) is a new social-science data-collection project whose survey gathered data from a large and random sample of American young adults (ages 18–39) who were raised in different types of family arrangements (including cohabiting parents, adoptive, step, same-sex parents, and single parents). The data include 2,500 cases (so far), with oversamples of young adults who report being adopted and those who report a parent in a same-sex romantic relationship. The NFSS should enable scholars to compare how young adults from—and currently living in—different family structures fare on a variety of social, emotional, and relational outcomes. Outcomes of particular interest include social behaviors (like educational performance, work history, and risk-taking), healt

What is the influence of homosexual couples on kids?

Gay Couple with child (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) One new study by Prof. Loren Marks , takes a hard look at the scientific basis for the APA's repeated claims that science has proven that having gay parents makes "no difference" to a child . He concludes that the existing body of scientific research is amazingly weak: small samples, few comparison groups, few outcome measures studied, and, most importantly of all, the data is not nationally representative. It's not based on a random sample . From a scientific point of view that's a flaw that cannot be overcome. Without a random sample, you simply cannot say whether the children with gay parents you are studying are typical of all such children or self-selected outliers. That's why the second new study is so significant.  The New Family Structures Survey  is the first new survey of young adults that is large, nationally representative, and looked at more than 40 varied outcome measures, from the cha

‘Gold standard’ study’s striking findings: children of heterosexual parents happier, healthier

June 11, 2012  - A new study which found that children of heterosexual parents fare better on numerous indicators of personal well-being than children of homosexual parents is being hailed by true marriage advocates as by far the most scientifically credible studies to date on the subject. Authored by Mark Regnerus, a sociology professor at the University of Texas at Austin , the study will be published in the July 2012 issue of Social Science Research, and is currently  available online . Regnerus’ findings, based upon the responses from children raised by their biological parents , or a homosexual parent with his or her partner, were striking. Study author Mark Regnerus He found that 12% of those with a lesbian mother and 24% of those with a gay father reported having recently contemplated suicide, compared to only 5% raised by an intact biological family or a single parent . While 28% of those raised by a lesbian mother and 20% of those raised by a gay father report