
Showing posts with the label LGBT parenting

Homosexual activists seek to discredit study and researchers who found kids of homosexual parents suffer deficits

University of Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus sparked a firestorm of criticism from pro-homosexual activists when his peer-reviewed scholarly  article  on children raised by homosexual parents was published in the journal  Social Science Research  in June. Using a large, population-based sample, Dr. Regnerus found that children whose parents had a same-sex romantic relationship while the child was growing up suffer deficits compared to children raised by their own married biological mother and father. Dr. Mark Regnerus. Because the study undermined the politically correct claim that such children are “no different” from children with heterosexual parents, and because it reinforced a key point made in defense of the natural definition of marriage as the union of man and woman (namely, that kids need both a mom and a dad), it became urgent for pro-homosexual activists to discredit the study and, if possible, destroy Regnerus. That effort, thus far, has failed. When a libe

What you need to know about the Mark Regnerus study of homosexual parents

University of Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus sparked a firestorm of criticism from pro-homosexual activists when his peer-reviewed scholarly  article  on children raised by homosexual parents was published in the journal  Social Science Research  in June. Using a large, population-based sample, Dr. Regnerus found that children whose parents had a same-sex romantic relationship while the child was growing up suffer deficits compared to children raised by their own married biological mother and father. Dr. Mark Regnerus. Because the study undermined the politically correct claim that such children are “no different” from children with heterosexual parents, and because it reinforced a key point made in defense of the natural definition of marriage as the union of man and woman (namely, that kids need both a mom and a dad), it became urgent for pro-homosexual activists to discredit the study and, if possible, destroy Regnerus. That effort, thus far, has failed. When a liber

University upholds study finding children do better with straight parents than homosexuals

AUSTIN, TX , August 30, 2012, ( ) - A Texas university has determined that “no formal investigation is warranted” against a professor who published a rigorous study this summer finding that children of heterosexual parents fare better in many respects than children of homosexual parents. Mark Regnerus is vindicated. The University of Texas at Austin   announced  this week it would not pursue allegations against associate sociology professor Mark Regnerus an article published in the journal  Social Science Research  in July. The announcement came in response to LGBT activist and blog author Scott Rosensweig, who had accused Regnerus of crafting a study “designed so as to be guaranteed to make gay people look bad, through means plainly fraudulent and defamatory,” and of “harbor[ing] anti-gay prejudices” because he is Catholic . The  study  unearthed alarming disparities between the two family models, from suicide attempts and unemployment rates to sexual

Growing up with two moms: the untold story

August 14, 2012 ( ) - Between 1973 and 1990, when my beloved mother passed away, she and her female romantic partner raised me. They had separate houses but spent nearly all their weekends together, with me, in a trailer tucked discreetly in an RV park 50 minutes away from the town where we lived. As the youngest of my mother’s biological children, I was the only child who experienced childhood without my father being around. After my mother’s partner’s children had left for college, she moved into our house in town. I lived with both of them for the brief time before my mother died at the age of 53. I was 19. In other words, I was the only child who experienced life under “ gay parenting ” as that term is understood today. Quite simply, growing up with gay parents was very difficult, and not because of prejudice from neighbors. People in our community didn’t really know what was going on in the house. To most outside observers, I was a well-raised, hig

Kids of homosexual parents perform much worse than heterosexual parents

A new study which found that children of heterosexual parents fare better on numerous indicators of personal well-being than children of homosexual parents is being hailed by true marriage advocates as by far the most scientifically credible studies to date on the subject. Authored by Mark Regnerus, a sociology professor at the University of Texas at Austin , the study will be published in the July 2012 issue of Social Science Research, and is currently  available online . Regnerus’ findings, based upon the responses from children raised by their biological parents , or a homosexual parent with his or her partner, were striking. He found that 12% of those with a lesbian mother and 24% of those with a gay father reported having recently contemplated suicide, compared to only 5% raised by an intact biological family or a single parent . While 28% of those raised by a lesbian mother and 20% of those raised by a gay father reported being currently unemployed, compared to 8% ra

Interview with Professor Mark Regnerus on homosexual parenting study

Interview with Professor Mark Regnerus from The Daily Texan on Vimeo . Under scrutiny with the recent release of his research results, Associate Professor Mark Regnerus conceded The Daily Texan an interview to defend and expand upon his stance. Related articles U. of Texas Investigating Mark Regnerus for Scientific Misconduct Over Flawed, Anti-Gay Parenting 'Study' ( The Fallout of Lesbian Motherhood ( Same-sex parenting study hits courts ( More social scientists stepping forward to defend Regnerus study ( Professor Mark Regnerus Must Be Punished! ( University Of Texas To Investigate Flawed Parenting Study ( Studies challenge established views development of children raised by gay or lesbian parents ( Not thinking about the children ( A Study On Same-Sex Parenting ( Glenn Stanton w

The danger to children of the Queensland Homosexual surrogacy laws

Lesbian Family (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In 2005, the APA declared—in a statement authored by a single activist psychologist—that:  …there is no evidence to suggest that…psychosocial development among  children  of  lesbian women  and  gay men is compromised relative to that among offspring of heterosexual  parents. Not a single study has found children of lesbian or  gay parents  to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents. Prof. Marks Regnerus demonstrates that all of the studies on which this statement is based are significantly flawed. For instance, none of the 59 studies focused on racial or  ethnic minorities , and few studied any such minorities at all. Furthermore, samples were consistently skewed toward economically and socially privileged families. As Marks puts it: “By their own reports, social researchers examining same-sex parenting have repeatedly selected small, non-representative, homogenous samples of privileged les