
Showing posts with the label Health

Homosexual men account for 61% of new HIV infections but only 2% of population

Image via Wikipedia The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has estimated that homosexual men account for 61% of the new HIV infections in the United States while they only amount to about 2% of the country’s population. Earlier this month, the CDC released estimates for HIV infections from 2006-2009 showing that new infections remained stable at around 50,000 for each of the four years. Homosexual men accounted for 29,300 of the estimated 48,100 new infections in 2009, and homosexual men aged 13 to 29 accounted for 27% of the new cases. The only group in which new HIV infections is increasing, they say, is young homosexual men – driven by an alarming increase in infections from African Americans .   They estimated that the new infections among young black homosexual men increased 48 percent in the period of 2006-2009 (from 4,400 HIV infections in 2006 to 6,500 infections in 2009). The study also revealed that almost 20% of homosexual men have HIV, while nearly half of those who

Do Gay-Straight Alliances cause cancer?

Image via Wikipedia Those engaged in the fight against cancer are always looking for risk factors – behaviors which make one person more likely to have cancer than another.  A study published in May, 2011 in the journal Cancer, discovered such a risk factor. In a large study, 8.25 percent of men who self-identify as gay were cancer survivors, versus 5.04 percent of men who self identified as heterosexual.[1]  This is a very significant difference and those who reported on it seemed surprised, which is really surprising since such a difference is totally predictable. Gay men are more likely to smoke (a risk for lung cancer), far more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease, such as human papilloma virus (a risk for anal cancer) or hepatitis (a risk for liver cancer) or HIV/AIDS (a risk for a score of different cancers). They are more likely to begin sexual activity at an earlier age, to abuse drugs and alcohol, to be depressed or suffer from other psychological disorders,

Study: Homosexual Lifestyle Strongly Linked to Depression, Suicide

Image via Wikipedia A new study in the United Kingdom has revealed that homosexuals are about 50% more likely to suffer from depression and engage in substance abuse than the rest of the population, reports After analyzing 25 earlier studies on sexual orientation and mental health, researchers, in a study published in the medical journal BMC Psychiatry , also found that the risk of suicide jumped over 200% if an individual had engaged in a homosexual lifestyle.  These findings strongly support the results of similar studies conducted in the United States , which have unveiled the severe physical and psychological health risks associated with homosexual behavior.   Drs. Paul and Kirk Cameron of the Family Research Institute revealed in 2007 that research shows that the lifespan of a homosexual is on average 24 years shorter than that of a heterosexual.  As a health threat, even smoking pales in comparison, as studies show smoking can shorten one’s life by only 1 to

Obama forces people against their conscience

The Obama administration has revoked nearly all of the conscience protections put in place by the administration of President George W. Bush . The policy change came on Friday, and was released as a new rule from the Department of Health and Human Services .   As Rob Stein of The Washington Post reports, “The Obama administration rescinded most of a federal regulation Friday designed to protect health workers who refuse to provide care they find objectionable on personal or religious grounds.” In this case, “most” means almost all of the previous rule has been rescinded. Stein described the action by stating that the Obama administration had “eliminated nearly the entire rule.” All that remains are protections put in place previously covering medical personnel who object to abortion or sterilization.  Gone are all protections for those who object by conscience to abortifacient drugs and “emergency” contraceptives, the treatment of gay men and lesbians, and prescriptions for bi


Image via Wikipedia An even more important question, though, is if homosexuality constitutes pathological behavior. Is it an illness? Gay rights groups continually assert that homosexuals are as "normal" as heterosexuals, that homosexuality is not an illness or psychological disorder . For example, Peri Jude Radecic, a member of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), asserted on the ABC news show Nightline: "Homosexuality is not an illness, it is not something that needs to be cured. We are normal, natural and healthy people." 14  Moreover, these groups universally contend that all competent psychiatrists and psychologists are in agreement on this. As proof of this, the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) 1973 declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder is always cited. Before examining the contention that all competent psychiatrists and psychologists agree that homosexuality is normal and healthy, we need to look at the APA&