
Showing posts with the label Gay pride

Despite threat of fine from eurocrats, Moscow government again prohibits ‘gay pride’ parade

May 18, 2012 ( ) - The Moscow city government has declined to issue a permit for a “gay pride” parade for the seventh year in a row, defying a European Court of Human Rights ruling against the city in 2010 that resulted in tens of thousands of dollars in fines. Promising that he would “appeal in the Tverskoi court on Monday,” homosexual activist Nikolai Alexeyev added that “we’ll hold the rally in any case.” In previous years activists have sought to defy the ban on their marches, but have been quickly arrested or dispersed by police. The homosexualist website Gay Russia reports that the Moscow government responded to this year’s petition by stating that such a march would cause “a negative reaction in society.” “In the opinion of the citizens, activities associated with the discussion of sexual relations, open to public areas, is a provocation, causing moral harm to children and adolescents” the government stated, and added that such marches “insult t

Obama: administration is most pro-gay & sinful in history

Image via Wikipedia President Barack Obama again vowed his fidelity to the homosexual lobby at a White House reception in honor of LGBT pride month, boasting that his administration has done more than any other president to advance their cause. “This administration, under my direction has consistently said we cannot discriminate as a country against people on the basis of sexual orientation, and we have done more in the two-and-a-half years I have been in here than the previous 43 presidents to uphold that principle,” said Obama at a news conference June 29, the day of the reception, according to the  Christian Post. Nonetheless, the president performed an awkward tightrope walk for gay rights supporters at the  White House , as he praised their efforts, while coyly acknowledging their frustration with his public stance against federal imposition of same-sex “marriage.” “There are going to be times where you’re still frustrated with me.  I know there are going to be times where

Boston pride Mass was ‘pastoral malpractice’ against gay community: Mass. priest

Image via Wikipedia A priest in the diocese of Fall River has sharply criticized a Boston mass that was originally billed as a “ gay pride ” celebration, saying that the event was “the worst type of pastoral malpractice” on the part of parish leaders. In  columns  published by The Anchor, Rev. Roger Landry said that the so-called “gay pride” Mass in Boston “has brought to the surface issues that extend far beyond the boundaries of one parish or archdiocese.” In June the diocese cancelled the Mass originally planned by the St. Cecilia parish’s Rainbow Ministry to coincide with the city’s gay pride month, and allowed the event to be rescheduled in July as a “Welcoming Mass.” While the diocese denied the Mass was intended to celebrate gay pride, the original announcement in the parish bulletin had explicitly said the mass was to be held “in celebration of Boston’s Pride Month .” “The controversy touches not only on the subject of the pastoral care of the Church toward those with sam

Happy Pride?

Image via Wikipedia Right now the traditional family is under severe attack.  On Sunday, I attended the Gay Pride Parade in Toronto . As expected, I was greeted by the sight of numerous scantily clad and completely nude revelers shouting “ Happy Pride.”    But more than anything, I was struck by the sheer number of ordinary people who voluntarily came to support this overt and grotesque display of sexuality …  many of them with their young children in tow.    While there are clear signs that pro-life advocates are starting to win on abortion, especially in the U.S., the future doesn’t look as bright for the family.   With the enthusiastic help of the rich, the powerful, the famous, and the all-too-willing mainstream media,  the tactics of the “ gay pride ” agenda are proving to be frighteningly successful – to the detriment of the family, traditional sexual ethics…and our freedoms.   Have no doubt about it. Many gay rights activists are not satisfied with mere “tolerance”

Boston archdiocese says rescheduled Mass is not celebrating gay pride

Image via Wikipedia The Archdiocese of Boston has strongly denied that a rescheduled Mass initiated by the Rainbow Ministry of St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church will celebrate gay pride and said that Cardinal Seán O’Malley’s handling of the situation has been unfairly maligned. “I can tell you unequivocally: this Mass is not a celebration of gay pride week , month,” a spokesman for the diocese told Thursday, echoing a statement issued by Cardinal O’Malley yesterday. In that statement O’Malley had said that the “philosophical and political agenda of Gay Pride in relation to marriage and sexual morality is incompatible with the Church’s teachings. For that reason, [St. Cecilia pastor Rev. John] Unni rescheduled a Mass of welcome for all his parishioners to a time that would not associate the Mass with the Gay Pride agenda.” O’Malley said, “Catholics who have same sex attractions are often criticized by their friends for coming to Mass,” and that those close to such

Retired bishop reposts scathing commentary on Boston gay pride Mass

Image via Wikipedia Corpus Christi’s outspokenly conservative retired Catholic bishop has re-posted a strong commentary against the scandal surrounding Boston ’s “gay pride” Mass scheduled for next month, in which the author calls it a “travesty” that the archdiocese would countenance the event. Bishop René Henry Gracida on his blog Tuesday posted an article by Joe Sacerdo of the conservative Catholic blog Bryan Hehir Exposed discussing the event originally planned by the Rainbow Ministry of St. Cecilia’s Parish to coincide with Boston’s gay pride month , before it was cancelled by the Archdiocese of Boston .  Gay rights supporters in the parish were only partially mollified when the archdiocese  clarified  that the Mass, themed “All Are Welcome,” was being rescheduled for July 10. The diocese had said it was worried that the original date gave “the unintended impression” that the Mass was meant to celebrate gay pride month.  However, the original statement in the church bullet

Rebellious priest and his gay pride Mass

Image via Wikipedia A Catholic parish and its pastor strongly allied with the gay rights movement in Boston have expressed frustration and defiance after their archdiocese put the kibosh on a much-anticipated “gay-friendly” Mass. Rev. John J. Unni, pastor of St.  Cecilia’s Church in the Back Bay, lashed out in Sunday’s sermon against Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley’s decision to forbid a Mass Unni had planned for next weekend to celebrate the homosexual community. “You are welcome here, gay or straight, rich or poor, young or old, black or white,’’ said Unni as he paced the center aisle, according to  the Boston Globe . “Here, you all can say, ‘I can worship the God who made me as I am.’ ’’ The sermon received a standing ovation from the parish, whose members are heavily involved in its “Rainbow Ministry” for homosexuals. More than 200 parishioners wore buttons with a cross, a rainbow, and the words “All Are Welcome,” the Globe reports. The mass, advertised with the theme “All Are W

Moscow say No to immoral gay parades

Image via Wikipedia The City of Moscow has announced its intention to defy the European Court of Human Rights and continue its prohibition on “gay pride” parades, citing the “moral damage” that may be inflicted on the young. According to homosexual activist Nikolai Alekseev , the government of Moscow is concerned about “the large number of letters received in protest against the Pride events and Russia ’s international obligation to protect the rights of children because Gay Pride ‘may impact psychological health and inflict moral damage on children and teenagers who were to become unwilling witnesses of the event.’” Homosexual “pride” parades, which are now held annually in many cities worldwide, are frequently scenes of drunkenness and drug abuse, public nudity, and simulated and even real sex acts. Public authorities routinely fail to act against such behavior during the parades, applying an exception for the homosexual community. The government of Moscow has been prohibiti