
Showing posts with the label Gay pride

French govt’ to bring in ‘gay marriage’ bill by October

PARIS , August 29, 2012 ( ) - French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said at a meeting of the French Socialist party on Saturday that he will introduce a bill to create same-sex “marriage” in October. Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault was expanding on the promises by the new President, François Hollande , made during the Gay Pride   festivities in July . Jean-Marc Ayrault Ayrault confirmed that the law would include provisions allowing same-sex “married” couples to adopt children. Lawmakers are set to go forward despite opposition from the Catholic Church and the country’s sizable Muslim minority , as well as a decision by France’s Constitutional Council in 2011 that the country’s definition of marriage as between one man and one woman is valid under the  French constitution . The Constitutional Court said that it could not usurp the role of lawmakers in parliament. Later the same year the National Assembly rejected by a margin of 293 to 222 a bill

International homosexualist groups enraged at Ukraine bid to ban homosexual propaganda

English: Ukrainian Presidential Election October 2004 - Viktor Yanukovych (First Round) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) KIEV, July 24, 2012 - Ukraine parliamentarians have re-submitted a bill to outlaw the promotion of homosexuality in public, and the homosexualist movement around the world, and their supporters in the mainstream media, have erupted in outrage. The bill’s sponsor said that the growing acceptance of homosexuality in the West was “not evolution, but degradation”. It would ban the promotion of homosexuality in television shows and movies, as well as prohibit public “ Gay Pride ” events. It is intended to preserve “the moral, spiritual and physical health of the nation” according to co-author MP Pavlo Ungurian, speaking at a news conference Monday. “We are not against homosexuals , however, we do not share their values,” he said. “Our goal is the preservation of the moral, spiritual and physical health of the nation,” Ungurian said. “We must stop the propaganda, t

Socialist French govt. promises to legalize same-sex ‘marriage,’ adoption ‘in a few months’

PARIS, FRANCE , July 2, 2012, ( ) – As homosexuals and their political supporters participate in the Gay Pride celebrations, the French government has announced plans to legalize same-sex “marriage” in “the next few months,” replacing the current law that allows homosexuals to enter into civil partnerships. This would make France the seventh EU country to do so, following Denmark, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden. “The government has made it an objective for the next few months to work on implementing its campaign commitments on the fight against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity,” an official statement from the president’s office said on Friday. “Within a year, people of the same sex will be able to marry and adopt children together,” the French Minister for Families Dominique Bertinotti, who attended the Pride parade in Paris the next day, told the daily  Le Parisien . She said that she was “confident” ne

Toronto police shut down preacher at Gay Pride parade

English: A man with a rainbow flag at the Gay Pride parade in New York City, 2008. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) TORONTO, Ontario , July 6, 2012 ( ) – A Christian preacher spreading God ’s word on a sidewalk in Toronto during the Gay Pride Parade on Canada Day was verbally assaulted by homosexual supporters as police watched, and was later surrounded by as many as 12 officers who forced him to vacate the area. “I felt a bit threatened by the Law Enforcement violating my rights,” preacher David Lynn told LifeSiteNews. “It was really hurtful, because if that’s what happens when Christians stand up and exercise and practice their faith, then we’re not far from being imprisoned or even killed for the faith.” Lynn and his ministry team had set up a portable microphone system on a small cart, near the corner of Yonge and Wellesley, from which they preached and handed out religious tracts and free bibles. Attached above the cart was a banner which read

‘You’re promoting hate’: Toronto police shut down preacher at Gay Pride parade

TORONTO, Ontario , July 6, 2012 ( ) – A Christian preacher spreading God’s word on a sidewalk in Toronto during the Gay Pride Parade on Canada Day was verbally assaulted by homosexual supporters as police watched, and was later surrounded by as many as 12 officers who forced him to vacate the area. “I felt a bit threatened by the Law Enforcement violating my rights,” preacher David Lynn told LifeSiteNews. “It was really hurtful, because if that’s what happens when Christians stand up and exercise and practice their faith, then we’re not far from being imprisoned or even killed for the faith.” Lynn and his ministry team had set up a portable microphone system on a small cart, near the corner of Yonge and Wellesley, from which they preached and handed out religious tracts and free bibles. Attached above the cart was a banner which read, “ Free info about Jesus .” A rainbow colored banner nearby the cart displayed the message, “Pride goes before d

British deputy prime minister: Force churches to conduct ‘gay marriages’

Nick Clegg in Mexico (Photo credit: Cabinet Office ) LONDON , July 6, 2012,  – Some British churchmen have said they believe that, should the government create “gay marriage,” groups will inevitably be forced to participate. Today, Nick Clegg , the Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democrat party , appeared to confirm these predictions when he said that “at the moment,” it is his opinion that homosexual partners should be allowed to conduct wedding ceremonies in churches. Clegg told the  London Evening Standard  during the global Gay Pride events, “This is a personal view at the moment, but I think that in exactly the same way that we shouldn’t force any church to conduct gay marriage, we shouldn’t stop any church that wants to conduct gay marriage. “I don’t see why two individuals who love each other and want to show commitment to each other should not be able to do so in a way that is socially recognized as being marriage,” he said. John Bingham, the religio

World’s ‘biggest’ gay pride march shrinks dramatically: politicians abandon

une 20, 2012 ( ) - With financial and moral support from the country’s highest authorities, Brazil ’s “gay pride” marches have long been billed as the largest in the world, with the city of Sao Paulo boasting the number one spot. Generous estimates by the government’s Military Police offered the seemingly impossible figures of between 2.5 and four million participants at the annual event, a figure enthusiastically seconded by parade organizers and dutifully repeated by the international media. However, this year’s parade offered a starkly different picture. Following a study commissioned by the Datafolha Institute by the Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper in 2011, which exposed the wildly-inflated nature of last year’s attendance figures, the Military Police are refusing to give any estimate of the attendance for this year’s parade. The Datafolha Institute, however, says that the 2012 LGBT Pride Parade brought in only 270,000 people, a number that represents a small

Target blocking e-mails from AFA urging them to stop supporting gay ‘marriage’

June 6, 2012 ( ) - Target is blocking e-mails from people opposed to its new campaign to support the homosexual agenda , according to the American Family Association (AFA). Target launched a campaign at the end of May to raise money for Family Equality Council ( FEC ), a group that is opposing legislation that would protect the traditional definition of marriage. The massive realtor is selling t-shirts through June, which is called National Pride Month, with gay pride flags and slogans on them. The shirts were designed by musician Gwen Stefani . Target says it will donate 100% of the proceeds from this campaign to Family Equality Council, up to $120,000. In response, AFA asked its supporters to send emails to the company’s chairman. AFA provided a draft e-mail urging the company to stop supporting homosexuality that supporters can send from their website. However, an update on the  AFA’s website  says that Target is blocking emails that supporters