
Showing posts with the label Gay pride

The Homosexuality argument: Inhospitable VS Gay rape in Sodom

English: Lot and his daughters flee Sodom, as in Genesis 19:17, illustration from "Sunrays" published 1908 by the Providence Lithograph Company (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In regard to Genesis 19 , revisionist interpreters adopt the view that the destruction of Sodom was due to the city’s inhospitality, the violence of the people toward the two visitors sent from God. The cause of destruction was not general wickedness, homosexual rape, or homosexual lust. Homosexual relations became the interpretation as a result of myths popularized in the early Christian church , Boswell claims. Rather, Genesis 19 condemns inhospitality to strangers or general violence or is an allegory “only tangentially related to sexuality.”20 He argues that his view is that which modern scholarship increasingly favors, mainly as a result of the influence of Bailey’s work. The men of Sodom merely wanted to “know” the strangers received by Lot, to inspect their passports, as it were.21 The Terms of

Ottawa gay activists vow to keep staging Pride parade as organizers declare bankruptcy

After years of financial woes, Ottawa ’s Capital Pride homosexual organization has declared bankruptcy, stating that operations are “now clearly unsustainable.” Evangelical Christian leader Charles McVety hopes the news means no more annual hyper-sexualized parades on the city’s main streets but suspects the move is a ploy to garner tax dollars. “It’s a great day for Ottawa [if] sex will not be paraded on the main street and children will not be visually violated,” he told LifeSiteNews. The Capital Pride Board of Directors stated on Facebook Monday that its current financial situation is “beyond its ability to alter or repair and is now forced to declare bankruptcy.” Despite this, the city’s homosexuals have already declared that next year’s parade will go on, even if it means looking for outside help — including the possibility of moving an international homosexual festival to Ottawa — to make it happen. “There will be something. It won’t be Capital Pride putting it on. They’v

Three Lithuanian TV stations refuse ad from gay activist group

English: A man with a rainbow flag at the Gay Sin  parade in New York City, 2008. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A video produced for Lithuanian television stations by homosexual activists is being investigated by an ethics watchdog after TV three different TV stations refused to air it. “The video contains elements that need to be evaluated by experts. It will happen not earlier than September,” Zita Zamzickienė, Lithuanian Journalistic Ethics Inspector, said in a statement to Baltic News Service (BNS). The video spot was created by the Lithuanian Gay League, the country’s leading homosexualist lobby group, affiliated with the politically powerful ILGA Europe . BNS reports that three major television stations, LNK, TV3 and Lietuvos Ryto TV , have refused the ad under concerns that it may violate the Law on the Protection of Minors Against the Detrimental Effect of Public Information that prohibits promotion of homosexuality. TV3 asked the office of the ethics inspector to

UN resolution affirming ‘natural family’ dampens gay pride festivities

United Nations exhibit by OWI at Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. Close-up of photographic display and seals of the nations (LOC) (Photo credit: The Library of Congress ) The United Nations put a damper on “ gay pride ” festivities last Thursday when it re-affirmed that the natural family is the fundamental unit of society. The Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on “Protection of the Family” with a traditional definition of the family last Thursday, even as revelers readied themselves to celebrate gay pride weekend. It recognizes the importance of the family for society and individuals, and that countries must strengthen and protect the family. The resolution not only echoes language from the U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights about the family as the “natural and fundamental unit of society,” it also states that the family is the “ natural environment ” for the education and development of children. The resolution does not sit well with countries that giv

Gay ‘marriage’ a ‘sign of the apocalypse’: Russian Patriarch

MOSCOW , July 22, 2013 ( ) – In his Sunday sermon this weekend in Kazan Cathedral in Moscow , Patriarch Kirill , Primate, of the Russian Orthodox Church , warned against the extraordinary rise in many western countries of the homosexualist movement. Kirill said that the trend of legalizing “gay marriage” is “a very dangerous sign of the apocalypse.” It “means people are choosing a path of self-destruction,” he said. He said he supports the recently passed  national ban  on homosexualist propaganda that has prohibited the Gay Pride festivities that have become a prominent feature of national life elsewhere.  Patriarch Kirill “Lately, we have enormous temptations, when a number of countries opting for sin is approved and justified by the law, and those who, acting in good conscience, are struggling with such laws imposed by a minority, being repressed,” Kirill said.  He added that everything must be done to prevent the approval of sin “on the spaces of Holy

Immoral Obama introduced at Gay Pride event by third graders

At a White House event celebrating " Gay Pride Month " yesterday, President Obama was introduced by two third grade twins who are being raised by a lesbian couple. Nine-year-old twins Zea and Luna told the assembled crowd that last December they wrote the president a letter in which they asked for more funding for schools and better gun control. They also said they asked for the president’s support for gay marriage, “because we have two moms and they are just as good as other parents.”  In  his following remarks , the president touted his administration’s numerous overtures to the gay rights movement , including the recent appointment of open lesbian Nitza Quinones Alejandr to the judiciary. This, said Obama to applause, would make Alejandr the “first openly gay Hispanic federal judge in our country’s history.” The president also mentioned the passage of the  Matthew Shepard   hate crimes bill , removing the "Don’t Ask Don’t Tell"  policy, and lifting the

Moscow defies EU, prohibits immoral homosexual sin pride march out of 'respect for morality'

MOSCOW, May 17, 2013 ( ) – The Moscow city government has rejected an application for a homosexual march permit for the eighth year in a row, citing the need for “respect for morality” and patriotism, according to Russian media sources. “According to Russian law , we must work clearly and consistently on maintaining morality, directed to the teaching of patriotism to the growing generation, and not toward unclear aspirations, not to mention taking the city’s central squares and streets for this,” said Aleksei Mayorov, head of Regional Security for the city of Moscow, according to Interfax Not marching this year. If homosexual activists defy the law and attempt to march as they have in previous years, Mayorov warned that “a certain reaction will follow and the action will be thwarted,” according to RIA Novosti . “In our opinion there is no desire for such events in the city.” Mayorov’s statements are reflective of public sentiment in Russia , where 87 per

‘Gay marriage’ will break down incest taboo: French cardinal

LYONS, September 20, 2012,  ( ) –  Should France legalize same-sex “marriage”, there is little reason to think that legalised incest or polygamy will not be the next item on the list for the sexual revolutionaries, according to France’s senior Catholic prelate. Cardinal Philippe Barbarin , the Archbishop of Lyons , annoyed one of France’s most prominent homosexual politicians when he said this weekend that that “ gay marriage ” legislation promised by the country’s new Socialist government, “could have innumerable consequences”. John-Henry Westen interviewing Cardinal Barbarin in 2008 in Quebec City. Steve Jalsevac/Lif Cardinal Barbarin told RCF Christian radio, “Afterward they will want to create couples with three or four members. And after that, perhaps one day the taboo of incest will fall”. “The first page of the Bible, which says that marriage unites a man and a woman, has more force and truth, crossing cultures and centuries, than incidental or tr