
Showing posts with the label François Hollande

French socialists in retreat as religious leaders, conservatives rally against homosexual ‘marriage’

November 6, 2012 ( ) - When Francois Hollande and France ’s socialist parties swept into power in May of this year, the passage of homosexual “marriage” and other anti-life and anti-family measures appeared to be inevitable. However, only months later Hollande and his allies are on the defensive against a surprisingly broad groundswell of opposition to his plans, led by André Vingt-Trois, the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris . Vingt-Trois, as well as Protestant, Jewish, and Muslim leaders, have vociferously expressed their opposition to the proposed measure, and have been joined by conservative politicians and pro-life activists, who staged an attention-grabbing protest on October 23. Larger protests are scheduled for the 17th and 18th of this month. The result has been a dramatic shift in public opinion, which polls had consistently shown to favor homosexual “marriage” and adoption.  According to a recent poll by IFOP commissioned by Le Figaro magazine , oppositi

Same-Sex marriage issue heats up in France as introduction of legislation nears

Français : Francois Hollande - Mardis de l'ESSEC (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) PARIS, France , September 14, 2012 ( ) - Cardinal Philippe Barbarin , archbishop of Lyons and Primate of the Gauls as he is traditionally called, has warned that legalizing same-sex “marriage” will open the way to polygamy and incest and lead to the “breakdown of society”. Speaking to Catholic radio, RCF, the cardinal went on to caution, “Once it’s legalized, the consequences will be innumerable. They’ll want to create couples with three or four members. After that, perhaps one day, the taboo of incest will fall.” “The word ‘marriage’ means a rampart, designed to protect the most fragile place in society, where a woman gives birth to a child, so that all conditions are met for everything to go as well as possible”, explained the cardinal. Expanding on a phrase he used in August saying that “the Parliament is not God the Father”, Barbarin added: “For us, the first page of t

French govt’ to bring in ‘gay marriage’ bill by October

PARIS , August 29, 2012 ( ) - French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said at a meeting of the French Socialist party on Saturday that he will introduce a bill to create same-sex “marriage” in October. Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault was expanding on the promises by the new President, François Hollande , made during the Gay Pride   festivities in July . Jean-Marc Ayrault Ayrault confirmed that the law would include provisions allowing same-sex “married” couples to adopt children. Lawmakers are set to go forward despite opposition from the Catholic Church and the country’s sizable Muslim minority , as well as a decision by France’s Constitutional Council in 2011 that the country’s definition of marriage as between one man and one woman is valid under the  French constitution . The Constitutional Court said that it could not usurp the role of lawmakers in parliament. Later the same year the National Assembly rejected by a margin of 293 to 222 a bill

French Catholic Church prepares national day of prayer for family and against homosexual ‘marriage’

August 7, 2012 ( ) - Cardinal André Vingt-Trois , the Catholic archbishop of Paris and the leader of the Conference of French Bishops , has issued a prayer against the legalization of homosexual “marriage” and euthanasia that he is asking all parishes to pray on August 15, feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary . From homosexual website. Translation: Gay marriage, They said yes! The prayer, which revives an ancient tradition that fell into disuse after World War II , petitions God on behalf of “children and youth, that all of us may help each one of them to find his own way to progress towards the good, that they cease to be the objects of the desires and the conflicts of adults, by benefiting completely from the love of a father and a mother.” In a preamble written for the prayer, Vingt-Trois explains that it is a response to French president Francois Hollande ’s intention to legislate homosexual “marriage” and adoption in the first half of 201

Socialist French govt. promises to legalize same-sex ‘marriage,’ adoption ‘in a few months’

PARIS, FRANCE , July 2, 2012, ( ) – As homosexuals and their political supporters participate in the Gay Pride celebrations, the French government has announced plans to legalize same-sex “marriage” in “the next few months,” replacing the current law that allows homosexuals to enter into civil partnerships. This would make France the seventh EU country to do so, following Denmark, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden. “The government has made it an objective for the next few months to work on implementing its campaign commitments on the fight against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity,” an official statement from the president’s office said on Friday. “Within a year, people of the same sex will be able to marry and adopt children together,” the French Minister for Families Dominique Bertinotti, who attended the Pride parade in Paris the next day, told the daily  Le Parisien . She said that she was “confident” ne

New France president’s first deeds: get ready for more secularism and gay ‘marriage’

PARIS, France , May 18, 2012 ( ) - Dismantling of the family, attacks against parental rights and times of trouble for faith-based, mainly Catholic schools are looming large in French politics since France’s new socialist president, François Hollande , took over office from Nicolas Sarkozy on Tuesday morning at the Elysée, in Paris. French President François Hollande Government nominations, as well as Hollande’s inaugural speeches, are making it clear that ideological choices have been made and can be expected to be implemented in the near future. The discussion of a law instituting gay “marriage” has been announced for the Fall by the new Family minister – that is, if the French legislative elections in June vote in a socialist majority, which is considered likely. Hollande’s first public act after the official investiture ceremonies at the Elysée Palace in Paris, on Tuesday, was to drive over to the nearby Tuileries gardens to pay tribute to the found

Pro-abortion, pro-homosexual ‘marriage’ socialist Francois Hollande wins French election

May 7, 2012 - The socialist party leader François Hollande won the French presidential election on Sunday with 18,004,656 votes and 51.63% of the total. Outgoing president Nicolas Sarkozy , was more than 1,390,000 votes behind, with 48.37% of the total. More than 2 million voters – 5.8% – chose a blank ballot, a clear indication of many voters’ lack of confidence in both finalists, but also of the weight of conservative Front National leader Marine Le Pen ’s decision not to support Nicolas Sarkozy. As a result, Hollande’s commitment to legalize homosexual “marriage” and embryo research, as well as promises to increase public spending for contraception and abortion, are well on their way to being implemented. Francois Hollande Hollande’s first speech as president-elect on Sunday evening in the small French town of Tulle gave no indications as to his immediate program, apart from upholding “republican secularism.” It is understood, however, that his first efforts will concern educa

French president says ‘no’ to homosexual ‘marriage’ and adoption, euthanasia

February 9, 2012 ( ) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy , who has been under pressure from socialist opponents to weaken his stance on human life and family issues, says he is not budging. In a recent interview with the conservative magazine Le Figaro , Sarkozy reaffirmed his conservative stances on a variety of social and economic issues. In contrast to his principal opponent in the upcoming presidential elections, socialist François Hollande , Sarkozy told Le Figaro that he is “not favorable” to homosexual “marriage,” because it “opens the door to adoption.” French President Nicholas Sarkozy “In troubled times, when our society needs to keep its bearings, I don’t think that it is necessary to blur the image of this essential social institution that is marriage,” said Sarkozy. Although Sarkozy said that he supports strengthening certain legal rights for homosexuals, including inheritance rights, he opposes the creation of “civil unions” because the would “tend to h