
Showing posts with the label Education

Immoral Homosexual Marriage the new endorsement to participation in public life.

Canadians can take pride in a number of national achievements, not all of which occur on ice rinks. But protecting the fundamental freedoms of expression and religion isn’t chief among them. Enter same-sex marriage. Introduced by the Canadian courts a decade ago, same-sex marriage has become, for many, a cherished symbol of tolerance, inclusion, and acceptance. So much so that many have a difficult time seeing any reason to tolerate continued dissent. According to this line of thinking, the wellbeing of gays and lesbians can only be secured in a milieu that now forbids even raising the question of whether there might be some drawbacks for a society that has abandoned the conjugal conception of marriage. So what is to be done about religious communities that simply cannot give up on the idea that communities are best served by a conception of marriage characterized by a lifelong, exclusive commitment between one man and one woman? What are the terms for their continued participation in

Gay principal loses license over partner’s sexual abuse of students. Is this Australia's future?

THUNDER BAY, Ontario , August 9, 2013 ( ) – The former principal of a small Catholic school in northern Ontario has had his license revoked by the Ontario College of Teachers for ignoring the repeated sexual abuse of students by one of his homosexual partners. Jacques Perron was  found guilty  of “professional misconduct” earlier this year and was barred on Wednesday from reapplying for his teaching license for at least five years. The former principal of a French-language Catholic school had hired two men, Pierre Grondin and Jannick Gélinas — with whom he was sexually involved — to work at the school. Grondin was hired as part-time school custodian and Gélinas as school secretary. From 2003-6, Grondin exposed himself to male students in the classroom and in a hotel while on a school trip , sexually abused an intellectually-challenged male student several times a week for a number of years, and sexually abused two sisters while filming them. He also

Former Justice Kirby calls Biblical truth outdated prejudices

Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Centre 3 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) According to former High Court justice Michael Kirby   Australia 's public education system provides greater equality for gay and lesbian students while non-government religious schools foster outdated prejudices about homosexuality. Christian schools of course teach what the Bible has always taught that homosexuality is a sin against humanity and God. Mr Kirby, who said he spent years ''working furiously to hide'' his sexuality, cited recent research conducted in Queensland public schools that showed lower rates of bullying towards minority students compared with private and religious schools.  ''If you live in a school which has a belief and an instruction that you have a tendency to evil, that is going to percolate down - it is going to be part of the reality,'' he said. Kirby obvious hatred for Christianity supports the unions view of public educa

Yukon Education Minister forbids Catholic schools to teach Catholic doctrine on homosexuality

WHITEHORSE, Yukon , March 21, 2013 ( ) – Scott Kent , the Education Minister for the Yukon, has forbidden publicly funded Catholic schools to educate students about the Catholic Church's teachings on homosexuality. Last week, Yukon Bishop Gary Gordon  thought he was complying  with the wishes of the Minister by removing a document outlining the Catholic teaching from a Catholic school website, while noting that the teaching would still be given to students. However, Kent this week said that was not good enough. He ordered the teaching to stop in a letter sent to Bishop Gordon March 19. Scott Kent, Yukon Education Minister, says the government's morality reigns supreme in Catholic schools. In comments to  Yukon News ,  Kent said that “religious instructional material and curriculum in the Catholic separate schools ,” which are inconsistent with Canadian tolerance laws and policies, “cannot have application in any publicly supported schools in th

Ontario’s new lesbian Premier promises to bring back explicit lower grades sex-ed curriculum

TORONTO, Jan. 30, 2013 ( ) - Ontario ’s new Premier Kathleen Wynne promised to bring back a controversial sex-ed program at her first news conference after winning the leadership of Ontario’s Liberals party.  The curriculum, which would have had students learning about “gender identity” in grade 3 and anal intercourse in grade 7, was shelved temporarily by Premier Dalton McGuinty in 2010 after strong backlash from parents. Kathleen Wynne, Ontario's new Premier “We are going to evolve the physical health and sex education curriculum,” Wynne said on Jan. 27th, according to Xtra. “We have developed curriculum in this province for decades, and we have done it in a way that has integrity.” “We are committed to having a conversation with parents,” she added. Wynne  won the leadership contest  at the Ontario Liberal convention Jan. 26th and will step into the role of Premier when Dalton McGuinty officially steps down Feb. 12th. Wynne has indicated that

Quebec bishops slam court decision forcing private school to teach ‘neutral’ religion/morality class

MONTREAL, Quebec , January 10, 2013, ( ) – Quebec’s Catholic bishops have taken issue with a court decision that would force a Montreal private Catholic high school to cease teaching its Catholic course on religion and morality and switch to the “secular” and “neutral” Ethics and Religious Culture course (ERC) provided by the province’s government. “For our part, we believe that the minister could have used [ministerial] discretion to recognize the value of the approach adopted by Loyola High School in its program,” stated Archbishop Pierre-André Fournier, president of the Quebec Catholic Bishops ’ Assembly (AECQ) in a December 21  press release . Loyola Principal Paul Donovan. The Quebec Court of Appeal   overturned  a lower court which had ruled that any attempt to force Loyola High School to teach the strictly secular religion and morality course would be a violation of their freedom of religion under the Quebec Charter of Rights . The December 4 ru

Alberta backtracks: Parents can teach beliefs on homosexuality, but homeschoolers still concerned

Image via Wikipedia EDMONTON , Alberta , March 5, 2012 ( ) – Homeschoolers say they remain gravely concerned over the Alberta government ’s new  Education Act , even after Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk has distanced himself from his spokeswoman’s statements that homeschoolers would be forbidden to teach controversial aspects of their religious beliefs as part of their curriculum. After learning that the province’s new  Education Act  may be opening the door to “diversity” education, and that it includes homeschools under the list of schools, LifeSiteNews had asked Donna McColl, Lukaszuk’s assistant director of communications, about the controversial issue of homosexuality as a test case. In response LSN was  told  that faith-based schools and homeschooling families would not be able to teach that homosexual behavior is a sin in their programs. But after getting flooded with complaints over the remarks, the government is now hastening to assure parents that they