
Showing posts with the label Democratic Party (United States)

GOP’s gay outreach plan fails as both homosexual candidates for House are defeated

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) After five days of ballot counting, it’s official – neither of the two openly homosexual Republican candidates for U.S. House won their races last Tuesday. They lost despite strong public backing from Speaker of the House John Boehner , R-OH, and other high-profile GOP leaders, who aggressively promoted the two men as part of their “Young Guns” recruitment program after  concluding  in a post-2012 election report that the party’s position against same-sex “marriage” was hurting them with millennial voters. In Massachusetts , former state senator Richard Tisei was defeated by 14 percentage points by Democrat Seth Moulton, a former Marine and combat veteran.  Previously, Tisei had boycotted the state GOP convention because of its position against same-sex “marriage.”  “I don’t want to go and be seen in any way to be endorsing that,” said Tisei, who “married” his boyfriend Bernie Starr last year. “I don’t real

‘It is impossible to have a healthy gay relationship’: Robin Beck on 35 years of ‘hell’ in the gay lifestyle

Robin Teresa Beck , 59, is not afraid to tell anyone, even Pope Francis himself, that homosexuality turned her life into a living hell of suffering, darkness, smashed dreams, and lasting regret. And after 35 years of homosexual behavior over the course of 12 relationships, Robin knows exactly what she’s talking about.  “From my experience, it is impossible to have a healthy gay relationship because it goes against the way God made us to be,” she told LifeSiteNews, calling it “cruel” for any religious leader to look favorable upon such a relationship. It was only five years ago that everything changed for Robin, a staunch Protestant who twisted scripture to suit her gay lifestyle, when one day — on a whim — she decided to enter a Catholic Church to receive ashes during the Lenten Ash Wednesday service. She only came for the ashes, but God had other plans.  Robin Beck, 59. Courtesy of Robin Beck Robin tells the dramatic story of her life in her 2012 book  I just came for Ashes

Homosexual Marriages Zealots

Same-sex ' marriage ' activists have launched an unprecedented assault on marriage over the past 12 months. And in that time, we've seen some terrible losses for this cherished institution. But the truth is that these radicals targeted the most liberal of states — states like Illinois and Hawaii where the political situation was set up perfectly for them — and they barely eked out some incredibly narrow victories despite pouring tens of millions of dollars into their campaigns. Well, guess what? They've run out of easy targets. There are no remaining states where Democrats control both legislative houses and the governorship, except in West Virginia which is a very socially conservative state. And we have marriage amendments in place in 30 states to preserve marriage. The fight for marriage goes on — but in the coming year, the fight turns to states like Ohio and Indiana — states in which we have a decided advantage! In these states THE PEOPLE will decide at the

Illinois lacks votes on redefining natural marriage to immoral homosexual marriage

The Illinois legislature will adjourn this evening without voting on a bill to redefine marriage, according to sources in Springfield. A number of well-placed sources say the House will end its session today without further action, because the bill could not pass. Illinois Public Radio’s Amanda Vinicky  tweeted , “Sources say SB10 won’t get called. Lacks votes.” The decision not to push forward is a major setback for homosexual lobbyists, who hoped the Land of Lincoln would become the 13 th  state to support same-sex “marriage.” The Bully Pulpit was defeated by the genuine article. The Democrat -dominated State Senate  voted in favor of gaysame-sex “marriage”  on February 14, by 34-21 on a mostly party-line vote. Governor Pat Quinn , who is Catholic, supports the bill and has promised to sign it if it passed. However, the measure encountered strong resistance from the African-American Caucus, spurred by a backlash within the black church. In this case, the Bully Pulp

Students Voting To Ban Gay Marriage

Students from Northwestern College share why they are voting yes tomorrow for Minnesota’s amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Young people support traditional marriage and are against homosexual immoral relationships. Related articles Gay Marriage in Minnesota ( Minn. Lawmakers Prepare For Final Vote On Gay Marriage ( Minnesota Senate OKs gay marriage; gov to sign ( Minnesota lawmakers prepare final vote on gay marriage ( Minnesota Becomes 12th State to Legalize Gay Marriage ( Minnesota Senate Approves Gay Marriage ( Don't believe Homosexual activist that the fight is over ( NOM's Brian Brown Gets $500,000 Paycheck, Complains About "Wealthy Gays" ( Minnesota legislators ready to say 'yes' to gay marriage ( Minnesota gay marria

People tired of Homosexuals trying to change marriage

A majority of California voters opposes putting the issue of gay marriage back on the ballot for another referendum. They are tired of being hammered by homosexual political groups constantly seeking to redefine marriage for everybody. According to a just-released survey by the new polling team of The Times and the University of Southern California, a small majority of Californians favors the right of gay couples to marry . But a far larger proportion of the 1,500 registered voters in the new poll opposes putting the issue back on another statewide ballot next year. This week Maine became the 31st state where voters, in effect, defeated the idea of gay marriage in a statewide vote. Not surprisingly, same-sex-marriage views were sharply polarized by political party; 66% of Democrats thought it should be legal and 71% of Republicans opposed it. Nonpartisan voters were less enthusiastic than Democrats but still backed it, 59% to 34%. Overall, the smallest majority of 51% of Cal

Tensions High After Civil Unions Defeat In Colorado

DENVER -- Opponents of same-sex unions rallied at the Colorado Capitol on Tuesday as tensions remained high one day after state House Republicans rejected a proposal to provide gay couples rights similar to marriage. Dozens of people saying they support traditional marriage cheered Republican lawmakers and thanked state House Speaker Frank McNulty , crediting him for the defeat of the heavily-debated civil union legislation. Gay rights advocates also maintained a presence at the Capitol, as a man with a horn loudly heckled McNulty as he addressed the crowd. McNulty spoke through the noise, urging Republicans to spread the message that his party will protect traditional marriage. It's becoming clear that both parties plan to campaign on the issue of civil unions versus traditional marriage in November. Fundraising emails have gone out with each party seeking support based on its stance regarding the failed civil union bill. "It does not end here today," McNulty said. &

New York GOP Senate to make gay ‘marriage’ decision today

Image via Wikipedia New York’s Senate Republicans are discussing among themselves today whether they will take up Gov. Andrew Cuomo ’s same-sex “ marriage ” bill, or kill the legislation by tabling it. Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R- Rockville Centre ) told the  New York Times  that the GOP would discuss what to do about the measure among themselves behind closed doors. “This will be decided by the conference, when they’re going to bring it out,” Skelos said Thursday morning. “I expect it will be a lengthy conference, a thoughtful conference.” The Democrat -led Assembly approved a same-sex “marriage” bill last week. Although the Senate appears divided 31 – 31 over same-sex “marriage”, Cuomo has expressed confidence that a few more Republicans will break with their colleagues and his legislation will pass when the votes are finally counted. Any debate on same-sex “marriage” will likely take place after the Senate finishes voting on leftover legislation and could take pla

Gay ‘marriage’ passes in New York Assembly - Senate vote next

Image via Wikipedia The fate of true marriage in New York now depends on Senate Republicans after the Democrat -controlled Assembly voted to extend the legal definition of marriage to include same-sex couples. The Assembly voted Wednesday evening 80 – 63 to legalize same-sex “marriage.” Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo has campaigned heavily for the bill along with Lt. Gov. Bob Duffy , meeting with Democrats and Republicans in the Senate to secure their support. Already two Republicans, Sens. Jim Alesi (Rochester) and Roy MacDonald (Saratoga Springs), have switched their votes from “no” to “yes” on same-sex “marriage.”  Alesi has claimed that he only cast his vote against gay “marriage” in 2009 as a political move, to help Republicans reclaim the chamber in 2010. An unofficial vote count has the Senate split 31 – 31. If that count is accurate and the GOP allows the bill to come to the floor, then the tie-breaking vote would fall to Duffy as lieutenant governor, resulting in the bill’s

Delaware poised to pass gay civil unions

Image via Wikipedia Lawmakers in Delaware are poised to pass legislation that would give homosexual couples a marriage -like legal status that has everything but the name “marriage” attached to it. On Wednesday the House Administration Committee approved SB 30, the homosexual civil unions bill, in a 4 – 1 vote. The House is expected to take up the legislation Thursday evening. The Senate already approved the bill last week in a 13-6 vote, and Democrat Gov. Jack Markell has signaled that he will sign the measure into law if it passes the full House. SB 30 is sponsored by state Sen. David Sokola (D-Newark North). House lawmakers will also discuss a variety of amendments when they take up the legislation, including an amendment that would allow unmarried heterosexuals to apply for civil union status, and another that would stress that a civil union is not the legal equivalent of a marriage.  House Minority Leader Rep. Greg Lavelle (R-Sharpley) says he believes the bill is a pr