
Showing posts with the label Colorado

Bishop says Catholic charities 'dangerously imperiled' by Colorado civil unions bill

English: Great Seal of the State of Colorado (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The archbishop of Denver has warned the passage of a civil unions bill recognizing homosexual partnerships in similar terms to marriage threatens he conscience rights of Coloradans , imperils Catholic charitable efforts, and harms the right of Colorado's children to have a mother and a father. Yesterday the Colorado House of Representatives voted 39-26 to approve  a bill  recognizing homosexual civil unions. The legislation, which provides all the rights of marriage, had previously passed the Democrat-dominated Senate in February. It will now go to the desk of Democratic Governor  John Hickenlooper , who is expected to sign it. Bishop Samuel Aquila In a statement following its passage, Denver Archbishop Samuel Aquila said that the legislation “harms families, civil liberties, and the natural rights of all Colorado’s children.” The bishop said that the legislation has “discarded” the religiou

How legalizing someone else's homosexual relationship will threaten you

As the same-sex marriage movement has gained steam over the last few years, one of the most-repeated refrains for it has been, "How does legalizing someone else's same-sex relationship threaten you?" The line of thinking behind that argument is that as long as clergymen aren't forced to perform same-sex ceremonies in a church, religious freedom has been protected. Unfortunately, as we've seen time and again over the last several years, the situation simply doesn't play out that way in the public square. Stuart Shepard and Jeff Johnston, discuss the threat same-sex marriage and civil unions pose to religious freedom Watch this important video update > A quick look at just a handful of recent examples illustrates this point vividly: • Bakery owners in both Colorado and Oregon face complaints for refusing to make cakes for same-sex ceremonies. The Oregon attorney general 's office is investigating the latter, and that baker could face a fine up to

HRC trying to fool the public on Homosexual Marriage

English: Mrs. Laura Bush, First Lady of the United States, January 2001 - January 2009. White House photo by Krisanna Johnson (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In just a few weeks, the Supreme Court will consider whether or not to impose gay marriage on the entire country. That's right — marriage in all 50 states hangs in the balance! Nine Justices will soon rule on whether or not our core civil right to vote for God's vision of marriage will be upheld — and, in California, restored. On March 26, the nine Justices meet to consider oral arguments in the Prop 8 case, as well as the Federal DOMA law.  The bottom line issue for the Court is:  do the voters of California (or nationwide) have the right to define marriage as the union of husband and wife ?   Or, will we be stripped of that right, and this time-tested, cross-cultural, common-sense and — yes, also Biblical — vision of marriage be redefined as just rank and ugly discrimination? No Surprise: HRC Playing Dir

Tensions High After Civil Unions Defeat In Colorado

DENVER -- Opponents of same-sex unions rallied at the Colorado Capitol on Tuesday as tensions remained high one day after state House Republicans rejected a proposal to provide gay couples rights similar to marriage. Dozens of people saying they support traditional marriage cheered Republican lawmakers and thanked state House Speaker Frank McNulty , crediting him for the defeat of the heavily-debated civil union legislation. Gay rights advocates also maintained a presence at the Capitol, as a man with a horn loudly heckled McNulty as he addressed the crowd. McNulty spoke through the noise, urging Republicans to spread the message that his party will protect traditional marriage. It's becoming clear that both parties plan to campaign on the issue of civil unions versus traditional marriage in November. Fundraising emails have gone out with each party seeking support based on its stance regarding the failed civil union bill. "It does not end here today," McNulty said. &

Crossdressing 7-year-old boy allowed to join Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts of Colorado has announced that 7-year-old Bobby Montoya, who was initially turned away from a local Girl Scout chapter on the grounds that he is not a girl, will be allowed to join since he “identifies” as a girl. Rachelle Trujillo, vice president of communications with Girl Scouts of Colorado,  told that any child who is “living life as a girl” is eligible for membership in the organization. Bobby Montoya “We have privacy rights that we are very respectful of with families,” Trujillo said.  “We do not require proof of gender when a family wants their daughter to be a member of Girl Scouts.” Bobby’s mother, Felisha Archuleta, says her son was “humiliated” when he was turned away by a Girl Scout leader earlier this month. When the story became public, Girl Scouts of Colorado released a statement repudiating the troop leader’s actions. “Our requests for support of transgender kids have grown, and Girl Scouts of Colorado is working to best support these childr

Tim Gill's millions pushes immoral gay marriage

Image via Wikipedia Colorado millionaire Tim Gill 's low-profile campaign against same-sex marriage opponents in New York state in the midterm election -- a strategy that paid big dividends with the passage of same-sex marriage legislation last night.  The Wall Street Journal looks more at Gill's role in changing  the political calculus in Albany: Last year, Mr. Gill's group pumped in nearly $1 million into a political action committee called Fight Back NY, which financed attack ads against three vulnerable senators—Democrats Hiram Monserrate and Bill Stachowski and Republican Frank Padavan —who voted against the bill in 2009. They lost their seats to gay-marriage friendly candidates. "We wanted to send a very strong and clear message about what happens when you double-cross us," said Mr. Gill's political director, Bill Smith, an Alabama-born political operative who began his career in the 1990s working under the tutelage of Karl Rove . Mr. Smith then hir