
Showing posts with the label Colorado

Baker says he’d rather go to jail after judge orders him to bake cakes for gay ‘weddings’

A contemporary white wedding cake decorated with sugar bows. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) DENVER,  – A Denver cake baker who was   ordered   by a judge last week to service same-sex “weddings” or face punishing fines has told Fox News that he would rather shut down his business and serve jail time than violate his beliefs and play a role in facilitating gay nuptials. In an  interview  with Fox’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck , cake maker Jack Phillips said, “You know, [I’ll serve jail time if] that’s what it takes.  It’s not like I have chosen this team or that team. This is who I am, it’s what I believe.” “Does becoming a business owner mean you have to check your convictions at the door?” Hasselbeck asked. “Why is it important for you to have a business and not have to abandon personal religious beliefs just to make a buck?” “I don't plan on giving up my religious beliefs ... I don't feel that I should participate in their wedding, and when I do a cake, I feel like I'

Judge forces Christian Businessman to bake a cake for immoral Homosexual Marriage or go to jail

English: Wedding cake of a same-sex marriage, photo taken on a party in Offenbach am Main, Germany Deutsch: Hochzeitstorte auf einer Lebenspartnerschaftsfeier, aufgenommen in Offenback am Main 中文: 同性婚姻典礼上的婚礼蛋糕,摄于德国奥芬巴赫 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The Denver Post says: "If you're going to sell wedding cakes in Colorado, you have to sell them to everyone who comes into your shop. You can't pick and choose among customers based upon your belief that some weddings are immoral." But not all agree. Does the owner of a business have the right to refuse service to a customer? If refusing to sell alcohol to an intoxicated person a judgment call? Can churches refuse to allow homosexuals to use their halls? That's the principle that administrative law judge Robert N. Spencer reinforced with his recent ruling that the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood must sell wedding cakes to gay couples. This is fact tramples on religious liberty outright. Cake-maker Ja

Homosexual Marriage now threatens religious liberty

Six months. That’s how long it took to get from the U.S. Supreme Court ’s decision striking down the Defense of Marriage Act to the decision of a Colorado judge ordering a Christian baker to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony. Just six months. Back in June, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in theWindsor case, ruling that the Defense of Marriage Act, passed overwhelmingly by both houses of Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996, was unconstitutional. Six months later, judge Robert N. Spencer, an administrative law judge in Colorado, ruled that Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Denver must serve same-sex couples by making wedding cakes, or face fines. Last Friday, Judge Spencer ruled that Phillips must “cease and desist from discriminating” against same-sex couples in his cake business. The case emerged after Phillips refused to make a cake to celebrate the civil union of David Mullins and Charlie Craig. Colorado has a constitutional amendmen

An immoral Homosexual Revolution at Warp Speed—Now, It's Wedding Cakes

Six months. That’s how long it took to get from the U.S. Supreme Court ’s decision striking down the Defense of Marriage Act to the decision of a Colorado judge ordering a Christian baker to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony. Just six months. Back in June, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in theWindsor case, ruling that the Defense of Marriage Act, passed overwhelmingly by both houses of Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996, was unconstitutional. Six months later, judge Robert N. Spencer, an administrative law judge in Colorado, ruled that Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Denver must serve same-sex couples by making wedding cakes, or face fines. Last Friday, Judge Spencer ruled that Phillips must “cease and desist from discriminating” against same-sex couples in his cake business. The case emerged after Phillips refused to make a cake to celebrate the civil union of David Mullins and Charlie Craig. Colorado has a constitutional amendmen

Judge to Colorado baker: bake wedding cake for immoral homosexual ‘weddings’...or else get jailed

Dec. 10, 2013 ( FRC ) - As the owner of Masterpiece Cakes, Jack Phillips is used to making batter. What he's not used to is being battered for his beliefs. Unfortunately for Jack, the two now go hand in hand under a ruling many would argue is its own masterpiece of religious intolerance. The case had been brewing since July 2012, when two homosexuals stormed out of Phillips's shop, irate that Jack wouldn't make a cake for their upcoming "wedding." Despite Jack's polite decline and an offer to sell them pastries for "any other occasion," Charlie Craig and David Mullins left the bakery determined to make an example out of the Christian owners. Hours later, the threatening phone calls started -- followed by  death threats , boycotts, protests outside the shop, and eventually, a lawsuit. For the 40-year-old business, a fixture of the Denver community for over a generation, it was a defining moment. "My decision not to participate in the gay w

Colorado College lists five genders, including ‘queer,’ on applications

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO , November 8, 2013 ( ) – Colleges often boast that they offer students more choices. Colorado College , located in Colorado Springs, lists five separate options for gender on its job applications and numerous other documents. The listed categories are male, female, transgender, decline to answer, or “queer.” Ironically, the term – intended to be a positive and affirming choice for the LGBT community – was discovered by a gay job-seeker. "I couldn't believe it. I thought I was going to have a stroke," John Kichi of Pennsylvania  told  the  Denver Post . "If them including it on applications isn't against the law, it should be." Denver Fox station  KDVR  reported that Kichi has filed a complaint with Colorado Attorney General John Suthers . The school has protested that the term “queer” is now embraced as its own separate gender identity . Colorado College’s office of Minority and International Students

High school: Girls should avoid restroom if they’re bothered by transgender boy in the stalls

New details have emerged in the case of a ‘ transgender ’ boy  accused  of sexually harassing girls in the women’s restroom of a Colorado high school. While school officials initially denied any harassment took place, new details reported by the Pueblo Chieftain  indicate that there may be more truth to the girls’ claims than administrators are willing to admit. Florence High School was plunged into controversy in October after a male student who says he is “transgender” was permitted to use the girls’ restroom facilities. The boy was subsequently accused of harassment – a claim that has been denied by the school. On October 10, Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) wrote a letter of warning to Florence High School on behalf of an undisclosed number of female students and their families who have alleged harassment. “This is a nightmare scenario for the teenage girls—some of them freshmen—and their parents at this school,” PJI attorney Matthew McReynolds said in a  statemen

Laws giving special legal rights to homosexuals

English: Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Laws giving special legal rights to homosexuals Prior to 1992, Denver, Boulder, and Aspen in Colorado had passed laws banning discrimination against homosexuals in those cities. At first such laws sounded reasonable to people—who wants to be in favor of “discrimination”? The United States already has such laws forbidding discrimination against people because of race, gender, or age, for example. But on further reflection, when such laws include homosexuals, then will a Christian photographer be forced to take the job if asked to photograph a homosexual “wedding”? This happened in New Mexico, when a young photographer named Elaine Hugenin had a complaint filed against her by a lesbian couple because she respectfully declined to photograph their same-sex “commitment” ceremony. The New Mexico Human Rights Commission ordered Elaine and her husband to pay nearly $7,000 in

6-year-old ‘transgender’ boy must be allowed to use girls’ bathroom: Colorado officials

DENVER, CO , June 25, 2013 ( ) – A Colorado governing body has ruled that a 6-year old boy, who his parents claims is ‘ transgender ,’ was discriminated against when officials at his elementary school prohibited him from using the girls ’ restroom . In 2011, when Coy Mathis started elementary school, his family and school agreed to treat Coy as a girl and let him use the girls’ restroom.  However, the school decided to ban Coy from his continued use of the girls’ facilities this past winter break.  The reason for the school’s change has not been made public. Parents of the six-year-old boy filed a complaint with The Colorado Division of Civil Rights in February. On June 18, the board’s director, Steven Chavez, issued his ruling, in which he said the school’s actions were reminiscent of the pre-civil rights movement segregation attitude of “separate but equal,” and thus Mathis’s rights had been violated.  Coy Mathis before his parents began dressing him