
Showing posts with the label Child

Children from Gay couples performed worst in academic and social caregories

The Bisexual flag and Gay flag put together (Alphabetical order, "Bisexual" before "Homosexual".) with heterosexual symbol over it. It is for straight people who very proudly support gay, lesbian, and bisexual rights and issues. I really hope this gets popular. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A 1996 study by an  Australian  sociologist compared  children  raised by  heterosexual   married couples , heterosexual  cohabiting  couples, and  homosexual  cohabiting couples.  It found that the children of heterosexual married couples did the best, and children of homosexual couples the worst, in nine of the thirteen academic and social categories measured. Sotirios Sarantakos, “Children in three contexts: Family, education and social development ,” Children Australia 21 , No. 3 (1996): 23-31. Related articles Michele Bachamann: Gays Can Marry People Of The Opposite Sex  ( A Lesson in Couple Stability From Homosexual Zebra Finches  (queeringthechurch.

Meet the academics who are trying to redefine pedophilia as ‘intergenerational intimacy’

Image via Wikipedia ( ) - The anger and disgust that most of us experienced when we learned of the allegations of sexual abuse of boys in the sports programs at Penn State and Syracuse University suggest that our cultural norms about the sexual abuse of minors are intact. Yet it was only a decade ago that a parallel movement had begun on some college campuses to redefine pedophilia as the more innocuous “intergenerational sexual intimacy.” The publication of  Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex  promised readers a “radical, refreshing, and long overdue reassessment of how we think and act about children’s and teens’ sexuality.” The book was published by University of Minnesota Press in 2003 (with a foreword by Joycelyn Elders, who had been the U.S. Surgeon General in the Clinton administration), after which the author, Judith Levine , posted an interview on the university’s website decrying the fact that “there are people pushing a conse

If Gay Marriage get approved fewer children would be raised by a married mother and father

Image via Wikipedia The greatest tragedy resulting from the legalization of homosexual “marriage” would not be its effect on adults, but its effect on children. For the first time in history, society would be placing its highest stamp of official government approval on the deliberate creation of permanently motherless or fatherless households for children. There simply cannot be any serious debate, based on the mass of scholarly literature available to us, about the ideal family form for children. It consists of a mother and father who are committed to one another in marriage. Children raised by their married mother and father experience lower rates of many social pathologies, including: • premarital childbearing; • illicit drug use; • arrest; • health, emotional, or behavioral problems; • poverty; • or school failure or expulsion. These benefits are then passed on to future generations as well, because children raised by their married mother and father are themselves less l

Study: father’s presence makes children happier, more intelligent

Image via Wikipedia Lesbian gay couples need to note this research. Research at Montreal ’s Concordia University has shown that fathers who actively engage in raising their children make important contributions to their children’s cognitive abilities and behavioral functioning. The study carried out by Erin Pougnet, a PhD candidate in the Concordia University Department of Psychology , and associates, used data from the Concordia Longitudinal Risk Project, an intergenerational longitudinal data set collected in inner city areas of Montreal. “This topic is particularly relevant in Québec , a demographically and culturally unique province in which female lone parenthood is relatively common,” Pougnet explains in the preface to the report. According to recent Statistics Canada figures, 22 per cent of Quebec families are comprised of households where biological fathers are absent, compared to a national average of 13 per cent. “This pattern is related to socioeconomic disadvantages th

Children need normal marriage not gay marriage

Image via Wikipedia Given the marital relationship’s natural orientation to  children , it is not surprising that, according to the best  available sociological evidence, children fare best on  virtually every indicator of well-being when reared by  their wedded biological parents .  Studies that allow for  other relevant factors, including poverty and even  genetics, suggest that children reared in intact homes fare  best on the following measures:  Educational achievement: literacy and graduation  rates ;  Emotional health : rates of anxiety, depression,  substance abuse, and suicide;  Familial and sexual development : strong sense of  identity, timing of onset of puberty, rates of teen  and out‐of‐wedlock pregnancy, and rates of sexual  abuse; and  Child and adult behaviour: rates of aggression,  attention deficit disorder, delinquency, and  incarceration.  1 The bodily union integral to marriage helps to create  stable and harmonious conditions suitable

Marriage is a union of difference not same sex

Image via Wikipedia Marriage is a union of difference The traditional concept of marriage is consistently found  across cultures throughout history.  This is not to say  matters such as customs and rituals have not changed  over time.  It is simply to say that marriage has always  been understood in every society throughout recorded  human history as being between a man and a woman. As a comprehensive union of spouses, marriage means a  sharing of lives and resources, a union of minds and wills,  and hence the requirement of consent for forming  marriage.  It also means something more as well: the  bodily union of a man and a woman, whereby the two  become ‘one flesh’. If two people want to unite in the  comprehensive way proper to marriage, they must,  among other things, unite organically  – that is, in the  bodily dimension of their being through sexual  intercourse. With one exception a person is complete within  themselves as to bodily organs and their functions:

Gay marriage does not link a child to a mother and father

Image via Wikipedia Changing the definition of marriage would thus be a blow to parenthood generally, with the State withdrawing its interest in promoting the stability of parenthood.  It is interesting that when Victoria legislated to permit  surrogacy, through the  Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2008 it introduced the concept of "substitute  parenthood" and the first casualty was fatherhood.  There are no fathers in the legislation, just mothers and parents. Everything turns on the woman who gives birth and her relationships and those whom she appoints to be the substitute parents.  The significance of being a father to a  child has been completely lost in the new law. Those who are most harmed by that are the children who no longer have a right to both a father and a mother, and their biological connectedness to a father no longer has any status in the law. By declaring a legal equivalence between same sex relationships and marriage, the revisionist ap

Gay columnist: let’s face it, we want to indoctrinate children

Image via Wikipedia As the same-sex “marriage” battle heats up again in New York, one writer at a prominent gay news source is questioning why his lobby refuses to admit that the gay agenda involves “ indoctrinating ” schoolchildren to accept homosexuality . Queerty contributor Daniel Villarreal   criticized  (WARNING site contains inappropriate images) the homosexual movement’s knee-jerk reaction against accusations of meddling in public schools.  Villarreal pointed to a recent National Organization for Marriage (NOM) ad launched in New York that points out how homosexual indoctrination has been introduced in Massachusetts and California schools. Two of the books designed to teach children about homosexuality in a positive light. While gay activists usually deny that they want to indoctrinate children, said  Villarreal, “let’s face it—that’s a lie.” “We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it,”