
Showing posts with the label Chicago

Explicit sadomasochist exhibit welcomed and funded by U. of Chicago

Image via Wikipedia The University of Chicago (UC) last month footed the bill for an exhibit of hundreds of extremely explicit sadomasochistic pornographic images and books to be displayed on campus grounds. The Chicago Sun-Times last Wednesday  reported  that an officially recognized student sadomasochist group received $3,200 from the University to host a three-day display of the “Carter-Johnson Leather Library,” making UC the first campus to welcome the lewd display. A member of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) attended the exhibit and  reported  on the extreme pornographic material on display, including a lesbian porn book describing a woman’s violent “sex play” with her own 13-year-old daughter, and books about public sex and pederasty. The Sun-Times noted the presence of a magazine “ Diapers ,” whose cover featured a grown man wearing a diaper, holding a stuffed animal and sucking on a bottle, as well as magazines including one entitled “ Macho Sluts ,” and

Gay groups trying force church give up adoption ministry

Image via Wikipedia Government officials in Illinois are reconsidering the Catholic Church ’s involvement in adoptions after gay activists complained that the Church refuses to give up children to homosexual couples who have obtained a “civil union” under the new civil union law. An official with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) told the  Windy City Times , a gay news service, in a March 9 article that the new civil unions legislation had complicated the state’s relationship with church groups that handle adoption services. DCFS spokesman Kendall Marlowe said that an “an ongoing review of all the related legal issues” was in the works. The Windy City Times claimed that the result of that review “will likely come down to a choice for the agencies involved: Change their policy and allow for openly gay and lesbian people to be licensed as foster parents or lose state funding.” The development had been anticipated by concerned Church leaders: in Novemb

Chicago police told not to defend catholic worship but to support gays

Image via Wikipedia The city of Chicago ordered its police force not to enforce the law against a mob of homosexualist activists who disrupted Mass at the Holy Name Cathedral to protest “anti-gay bigots” who support the Church’s teaching on marriage. The Gay Liberation Network staged the rally on the eve of Valentine’s Day, shouting and chanting loudly as churchgoers entered to celebrate Sunday Mass . The demonstration’s primary target was Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, who has spoken out in defense of traditional marriage between a man and a woman. Protesters had staged a similar disruption around the same time last year. In response to the protest, George, who was not present at the cathedral, acknowledged that the issue is deeply emotional on both sides but, “No matter the issue, Catholics should be able to worship in peace, without fear of harassment.” The  National Organization for Marriage  (NOM) released a video of the protest showing rainbow flag-waving protesters

Don't Ask Don't Tell

Image via Wikipedia The Pentagon's poll on "don't ask, don't tell" is beyond idiotic. Instead of asking whether the troops support repeal of DADT , the Pentagon asked only if they can learn to play nice with the gays . Even more absurdly, the Pentagon polled all military "personnel" -- and their spouses! Only a small portion of what is known as "the military" actually does the fighting . The rest is a vast bureaucracy along the lines of the DMV. Today's military features "victim advocates" and sensitivity training facilitators, the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services personnel and a million other goo-goo positions. How did we ever take the shores of Normandy without a phalanx of "sensitivity training" counselors? No one has any need to be reassured that the military's " social action " staff will enjoy working with gays. Whatever a career in "social action" entails, it bett