
Showing posts with the label Boy Scouts of America

Boy Scouts of America reconsidering ban on open homosexuality

Just six months after reaffirming their commitment to keeping open homosexuals out of the Boy Scouts , the national leaders of the organization have signaled that they may be about to change their minds. Last July, after a confidential, two-year review, an 11-member special committee made up of Scout executives and volunteers came to the unanimous conclusion that a national ban on openly gay scouts and leaders was “absolutely the best policy.” The Boy Scouts won a 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court ruling recognizing their right to ban homosexuals in 2000. But a spokesman for the Scouts said Monday they are considering dropping the national ban in favor of a policy allowing local scouting groups to determine their own policies.  The change will be discussed next week by the organization's national board, the spokesman, Deron Smith, said. The Scouts did not provide a reason for the possible change, but in recent months, gay activists have turned up the pressure on the group.  Zac

The HOMOSEXUALIZATION of the Boy Scouts of America

Sea Scouting (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The comprehensive scope of the moral revolution America is currently experiencing is likely to surprise many Americans when they realize that the Boy Scouts are now swept up in the revolutionary tide.  Word came yesterday that the Boy Scouts of America is poised to change its policy preventing the participation of openly homosexual scouts and leaders. According to a spokesman for the Boy Scouts, the group may make the formal decision to end the policy as early as next week. This announcement comes just six months after the B.S.A. board declared that it would not reconsider the policy. Deron Smith, B.S.A. national spokesman, said last July that a special committee established by the B.S.A. board had unanimously recommended keeping the policy. Smith said that the committee “came to the conclusion that this policy is absolutely the best policy for the Boy Scouts.” Note carefully the language used by B.S.A. leadership just six months a

National Boy Scout policy against openly gay members flouted by local councils

History of the Boy Scouts of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) August 7, 2012 ( ) - Although the Boy Scouts of America recently reaffirmed a policy against having open homosexuals as members, at least some local councils say they don’t consider the policy actually binding on their own operations. A Catholic parish in Minnesota was recently blindsided when they learned the Boy Scouts’ reputation for Christian conservative values didn’t bear out in the case of their local Council, which declared last month that it would continue admitting individuals who were openly homosexual. “Every council is reflective of their community,” said Kent York, spokesman for the Twin Cities -based Northern Star Council , Minnesota’s largest Council with 75,000 Scouts. “Our commitment has been to reach out to all young people and have a positive influence.” When asked how they could differ from the national policy , according to the  Twin Cities Star Tribune , York said tha

Romney: The Boy Scouts should admit homosexuals?

Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, 2008 US presidential candidate. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) WASHINGTON, D.C. , August 7, 2012,  – Mitt Romney stands by a 1994 statement that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) should admit homosexuals to the organization, as members or adult supervisors, according to a campaign spokesperson.  During a 1994 debate with Ted Kennedy ,  Romney said , “I support the right of the Boy Scouts of America to decide what it wants to do on that issue. I feel that all people should be able to participate in the Boy Scouts regardless of their sexual orientation.” Campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul  confirmed  that Mitt Romney continues to hold that belief today.  However, she said Romney, who served as a member of its executive board, has not pressured the organization to change its stance and does not wish to see the Scouts  forced to accept homosexuals . revealed that some chapters of the Boy Scouts do not consider the nati

Boy Scouts of America uphold ban on homosexual leaders

IRVING, Texas, July 18, 2012 ( ) - In  a statement  issued July 17 the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) reaffirmed its longstanding policy of protecting youth by not allowing homosexuals to serve as leaders, and confirmed that the decision is final. “After careful consideration of a resolution asking the Boy Scouts of America to reconsider its longstanding membership standards policy, today the organization affirmed its current policy, stating that it remains in the best interest of Scouting and that there will be no further action taken on the resolution,” said the organization. The BSA policy on homosexuality states that the organization does not grant membership to those “who are open homosexuals or who would engage in a behavior that would distract from the mission of the Boy Scouts.” BSA national spokesman, Deron Smith, told The Associated Press that an 11-member special committee, formed by top Scout leaders in 2010, “came to the conclusion that this

Gay Activists bully the Boy Scouts

Image via Wikipedia Church Colson. I’ve been warning you that the current push to legitimize homosexual conduct and so-called gay “marriage” represents today’s greatest threat to religious liberty.  I’ve told you about attacks against iPhone apps for the Manhattan Declaration and Exodus International , as well as a boycott of Chick-fil-a . Their crime? Supporting marriage as only between a man and a woman and having the temerity to not support so-called gay “marriage.” The Boy Scouts ’ politically incorrect stands on homosexuality and atheism have long put this great organization in the extremists’ cross-hairs, and now the pressure is getting even more intense. The Scouts prohibit open homosexuals from serving as leaders. That’s because the organization believes that “homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the obligations in the Scout Oath and Scout Law to be morally straight and clean in thought, word, and deed.” How’s that for straight talking, friends? But now, in the St