
Showing posts with the label Boy Scouts of America

Scouting Leadership goes against 200,000 and 19,000 petition to allow homosexual boys into scouts

History of the Boy Scouts of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The Boy Scouts of America's (BSA) National Council has voted in favor of a resolution to allow openly gay boys to join the organization .  Sixty percent of the 1400 delegates present at the Scouts annual meeting in Dallas, Texas voted in favor of the policy change. The resolution states that “no youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone.”  A ban on openly homosexual Scout leaders remains in place.   The change comes despite a survey by the BSA,  which found  that of 200,000 respondents, 61 percent supported the previous policy. In a statement announcing the vote, the scouting organization said that while “people have different opinions about this policy, we can all agree that kids are better off when they are in Scouting .”  Debate over the change has been contentious, with some predicting that the issue could fragment the sc

Religious leaders, families urge Scouts to stay with tradition as vote on Homosexual membership looms

English: Uniform of the Boy Scouts of America in 1974. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) As the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) prepare to vote Thursday on whether to allow openly homosexual members, thousands of current and former scouts and dozens of religious leaders are urging the organization to stand up to “intimidation” by gay activists and stay true to its roots. Nearly 19,000 scouts, former scouts, and members of scouting families signed a petition to the BSA, urging the group to “uphold the values that have defined the organization for over 100 years.” “The Boy Scouts should once again stand firm on moral principles that have successfully shaped our nation’s boys into leaders for generations,” said Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) spokesman David Cortman, whose group delivered the petition to the BSA. “This is the expressed desire of thousands of Scouts and their families who have signed this petition. The Constitution protects the Boy Scouts’ freedom to promote the values that

Boy Scouts at the Brink of disaster allowing Homosexual Leaders?

History of the Boy Scouts of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Meeting Thursday in Grapevine, Texas , the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America will decide whether it will retain or revise its historic membership policy on the issue of homosexuality . The 1,400 voting members of the B.S.A. National Council hold the future of one of America ’s most iconic organizations in their hands. In reality, they are not only deciding a matter of membership policy. They are actually deciding the future of the entire organization. The culture wars came to the Boy Scouts many years ago. For the last few decades, the Boy Scouts have had to fight battles with both secularists and homosexual activists. The secular challenge came first, with demands that the Scouts drop their historic requirement that boys affirm belief in God as a criterion for membership. Soon thereafter, the demand for the full inclusion of homosexual members and leaders followed. The Scouts have had to fight legal

Are the Boy Scouts of America completely blind to the sin of Homosexuality?

History of the Boy Scouts of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) You may have heard that the Boy Scouts of America are facing intense pressure to change their policies in order to let homosexually-identified adults and boys serve in leadership positions and participate as members. In fact, the pressure is so intense that one state is considering legislation that would strip them of their tax-exempt status if they don't cave in when the national organization meets on May 23 to make this momentous decision. My colleague Stuart Shepard discusses this in detail with John Stemberger, president of the Florida Family Policy Council , on the most recent CitizenLink Report . Although there have been people in the Scouts with same-sex attractions , until this point it's something they were asked to keep private. But that kind of discretion isn't enough for gay activists and their allies. In essence, they are using a group that does tremendous work with boys and youn

Scouts of America Homosexual compromise still bring confusion to young people

The Boy Scouts of America will propose a measure to allow openly gay members to join the Scouts for the first time in its century-long history, despite the fact that a survey found almost two-thirds of stakeholders support the current policy, the organization announced on Friday.  The resolution would allow homosexual scouts to join, but ban adult homosexuals from being scoutmasters. “No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone,” the proposal states. The Scouts board has decided to allow  1,400 members to vote on May 20  on the measure after declining to take a position in February. The BSA released a statement saying it had received 200,000 responses to its questionaire on the policy. In a  summary of its findings , it found, “Respondents support the current policy by a 61 percent to 34 percent margin.” Fully “72 percent of chartered organizations support” the current policy they announced. C

Boy Scouts asking for input on gay membership

Eagle Scout Badge, Type 6 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) IRVING, TX , March 11, 2013, ( ) – The Boy Scouts of America are asking for citizens across the country to express their opinion about the BSA's policy barring open homosexuals from joining the group as members or scoutmasters. In a tiny link at the top of their website, the Scouts announced their review of the policy. A second link simply asks readers, “ Share your feedback .” Last July, the 100-year-old outdoor group announced it would  maintain its moral standards for members and leaders . However, in January the national scouting organization  bowed to pressure to reconsider  the policy. A decision was expected last month. However, roughly 20 percent of the youth members' councils asked for  the decision to be delayed until May , when 1,400 members can vote at their upcoming meeting in Grapevine, Texas . The BSA issued a statement at the time saying “due to the complexity of this issue, th

From the Boy Scouts to the British Parliament: Left behind? Conservative Christians and the gay revolution

History of the Boy Scouts of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) What a difference a decade makes. Just consider the fact that, just 10 years ago,  a vast majority of Americans opposed the legalization of same-sex marriage.  Now we are told that a  slim majority of Americans is ready to make same-sex marriage legal . Homosexuality is now at the center of American life, and the full normalization of homosexual relationships seems just around the corner. The pace of moral change has been breathtaking. Go back  less than one year, and President Obama opposed same-sex marriage , even as he said he was “ evolving ” on the issue. Now, the president is a vocal advocate for same-sex marriage, even going so far as to call for  full equality of gays and lesbians in his inaugural address, delivered last month . In the run-up to the inauguration, an evangelical preacher had to withdraw from delivering a prayer at the ceremony  when controversy broke out over a sermon on homosexuality he