
Showing posts with the label Bill Clinton

U.S. bishops: DOMA ruling is ‘a grave injustice’

WASHINGTON , June 4, 2012 - A federal appeals court   decision  May 31 to  strike down part of the Defense of Marriage Act  is a matter of “grave injustice,” said Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of Oakland, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops ’ Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage. He voiced his disappointment following the May 31 decision of the federal appeals court in Boston to strike down a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of Oakland “Marriage, the union of one man and one woman, is the cornerstone of society,” Bishop Cordileone said. “It is also the foundation of a just society, as it protects the most vulnerable segment of the population, children. Every child longs for and deserves a mother and a father, and marriage is the only institution that insures that children grow up knowing and being known by their mother and father. The public good demands that this truth of marriage be respected in l

Landslide victory in North Carolina proves gay ‘marriage’ not inevitable say marriage supporters

CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA , May 9, 2012, ( ) –  The movement to protect marriage as a union of one man and one woman marched forward yesterday as an emphatic majority of North Carolina voters approved a constitutional amendment forbidding activist judges from redefining the family. Amendment One, the Defense of Marriage Act , passed on Tuesday by 61 percent to 39 percent. On his daily podcast Wednesday morning, Dr. Albert Mohler referred to the vote as a  “landslide.” Peter LaBarbera , president of the family values group  Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH)  told the vote’s impact is “huge.” Bill Clinton took a stand against Amendment One. “The thrust of the message from the other side is that the homosexual issue is over. How dare you still disagree us?” LaBarbera said. “Now we’ve got 61 percent of the people in a lopsided campaign with” enormous “media bias and all the advantages that the gay side had, and we won.” “The debate is n

North Carolina votes Tuesday on marriage amendment: ‘one man and one woman’

State seal of North Carolina (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) RALEIGH, May 8, 2012 ( ) – North Carolina voters are weighing a new state constitutional amendment today that would reserve the rights of marriage to a man and woman in a committed relationship. The bill would not only strike a preemptive blow against same-sex “marriage,” but would further strengthen marriage by ending heterosexual domestic partnerships. Amendment One, which appears on Tuesday’s primary ballot, states: “Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State. This section does not prohibit a private party from entering into contracts with another private party; nor does this section prohibit courts from adjudicating the rights of private parties pursuant to such contracts.” A Public Policy Polling survey last week found North Carolina voters supporting the amendment 51-44 percent.  Even Democrats in the state oppose the measure b

Same sex marriage means legalized homosexuality

Image via Wikipedia Author jay Adams.  Liberals have a way of renaming things in order to make them acceptable. When former- President Clinton committed adultery he called it a “mistake.” Of course, it was sin.  Everyone knows that the words “choice” and “fetus” have been used to justify murder. Recently, politically correct wordsmiths have coined the phrase “same-sex marriage .” From a biblical perspective, however, a proper name for this activity, is “legalized  homosexuality .” Regardless of the attempt of two same-sex partners to justify “marrying” by declaring in a ceremony that they will be faithful to one another, God will neither condone nor accept their acts — even if the state eventually does. Indeed, taking vows to remain in such a sinful relationship only aggravates the situation.  Moreover, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ must never participate in nor promote the legalization of homosexuality. “Ministers” who do so either willingly or by coercion (should it ever

White House to announce end of homosexual military ban based on skewed survey

Image via Wikipedia The Obama administration is on the brink of officially repealing the military’s ban on open homosexuality. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is expected to announce Friday afternoon that he has certified the change will not affect military readiness, according to Pentagon officials.  Panetta and Navy Admiral Mike Mullen will be meeting with President Obama at 2:45 p.m. Friday in the Oval Office , after which the announcement could take place. Once certified by Panetta and President Obama, the ban would be expected to end in another 60 days. Congress in December passed a preemptive repeal of DADT , which depended upon assurance from the Pentagon that the repeal would not disrupt military readiness. While administration officials claimed that a report released in November of last year proved that the repeal would be harmless, that claim has been the subject of fierce opposition from conservative groups, who note that the results from the study show an overwhelming