
Showing posts with the label Bill Clinton

Marriage in the dock - the Supreme Court considers same-sex ‘marriage’

March 26, 2013 ( ) - The next two days are destined to stand among the most significant days in our nation’s constitutional history, but the issues at stake reach far beyond the U.S. Constitution . Nothing less than marriage is in the dock, with the nation’s highest court set to consider two cases that deal with the question of the legalization of same-sex marriage . The first time the issue of same-sex marriage came before the Court, back in 1972, the Court dismissed the question succinctly: “The appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question.” But now the Supreme Court is faced with two cases that demand a more substantial response. One case deals with a challenge to the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act , and the other addresses Proposition 8 , the amendment to the California constitution defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Both cases are significant. Together they represent a monumental set of

Why are judges arguing against God's plan for marriage

The next two days are destined to stand among the most significant days in our nation’s constitutional history, but the issues at stake reach far beyond the U.S. Constitution . Nothing less than marriage is in the dock, with the nation’s highest court set to consider two cases that deal with the question of the legalization of same-sex marriage. The first time the issue of same-sex marriage came before the Court, back in 1972, the Court dismissed the question succinctly: “The appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question.” But now the Supreme Court is faced with two cases that demand a more substantial response. One case deals with a challenge to the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act , and the other addresses Proposition 8 , the amendment to the California constitution defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Proposition 8 was adopted by voters in California in 2008, effectively reversing a decision by that state’s Supreme Court to

Dear Hillary Clinton: Homosexual right are not human rights!

Hillary Clinton is very morally confused. She has endorsed same-sex marriage , saying "gay rights are human rights ". She neither understand homosexual sin or chooses to ignore the great damage homosexuality has put onto society. "I believe America is at its best when we champion the freedom and dignity of every human being," the former secretary of state and potential 2016 presidential candidate. CLINTON THINK'S ANEW OR GOING WITH THE IMMORAL FEW? Ms Clinton did take steps to protect gay couples when she was secretary of state, work she said "inspired me to think anew" about her values. Ms Clinton's announcement represents a immoral switch in position; as a presidential candidate in 2008 she explicitly opposed same-sex marriage, saying she favoured civil unions but that decisions about the legality of marriage should be left to the states. It would appear she is a politician who goes which ever way the wind blows. Until last year, Preside

Secualr biased Harvard history of immoral homosexuality

Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) FIFTY YEARS AGO,  every state criminalized homosexual sex , and even the American Civil Liberties Union did not object. The federal government would not hire people who were openly gay or permit them to serve in the military. Police routinely raided gay bars. Only a handful of gay-rights organizations existed, and their membership was sparse. Most Americans would have considered the idea of same-sex marriage facetious. Today, opinion polls consistently show a majority of Americans endorsing such marriages; among those aged 18 to 29, support is as high as 70 percent. President Barack Obama has embraced marriage equality. Last November, for the first time, a majority of voters in a state—in fact, in  three  states—approved same-sex marriage, and in a fourth, they rejected a proposed state constitutional amendment to forbid it. How did

Obama nominates black homosexual judge to ‘ensure that the judiciary resembles the nation’

View more videos at: . WASHINGTON, D.C. , November 15, 2012, ( ) – On Wednesday, President Obama nominated seven judges, including a black homosexual, to the federal judiciary, saying their appointments “ensure that the judiciary resembles the nation it serves.” Obama appointed Judge William Thomas to the Southern District of Florida. Thomas has served on the  Eleventh Judicial Circuit  since 2005.  “Today’s announcement…reflects the president’s historic commitment to advancing a diverse judiciary that looks like America ,”  said  Nancy Zirkin of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights . “If confirmed, these nominees would bring more women, minorities, and openly gay judges to courts to better reflect the nation they serve.” According to  Buzzfeed , “Obama has now nominated seven [homosexual] lawyers for lifetime-tenured federal judgeships, three of whom already have been approved by the Senate. Judges J. Paul Oetken

Worldviews Clash: Democrats VS Republicans

Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In 2012, the Democratic Party becomes the first major political party in the United States to call for the legalization of same-sex marriage. “We support marriage equality and support the movement to secure equal treatment under the law for same-sex couples,” states the platform. This follows President Obama’s announcement earlier this year that his “evolving” position on same-sex marriage now reached the point that he would openly call for same-sex couples to be given the legal right to marry. The velocity of the Democratic Party’s shift concerning same-sex marriage was on full display on the stage of the 2012 Democratic National Convention , when former President Bill Clinton nominated President Obama for re-election. In 1996, President Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) into law after a massive bi-partisan majority i

Lesbians sue to force Catholic hospital to provide same-sex benefits, undermine DOMA

NEW YORK, NEW YORK , June 21, 2012, ( ) - A New York lesbian couple has sued to force a Catholic hospital to provide them with insurance benefits by challenging the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The same-sex couple has filed a lawsuit against Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield and St. Joseph’s Medical Center because one of St. Joseph’s divisions, St. Vincent’s Westchester, denied them spousal benefits. The plaintiffs, who have  chosen to remain anonymous , are seeking past and future benefits and a declaration that they are entitled to receive them. Though New York recognizes same-sex marriage, self-insured employers such as St. Joseph’s  may still refuse to recognize them  because they are governed by federal regulations, rather than state regulations. Catholic League  President Bill Donohue strongly condemned the lawsuit on Wednesday in a statement e-mailed to, calling it an infringement on the hospital’s rights m