
Showing posts with the label American Family Association

Homosexuality has its own moral code, sort of...

English: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Scientific/clinical refresher relevant to political perspectives The standard scientific/clinical definition of sexual orientation is a person’s choice of sexual object. There are many types of sexual orientations . Heterosexuality (individuals whose choice of sexual object is a person of the opposite sex) is the sexual orientation of roughly 95 percent of the population. In American society pedophilia (adults whose choice of sexual object is children) is probably the most the despised sexual orientation. Homosexuality is a sexual orientation where a person’s choice of sexual object is a person of the same gender. There is no scientific evidence that shows homosexuality is a condition individuals are born with. Yet homosexuals do not choose their homosexual desires. There is over fifty years of evidence showing that homosexuality can be caused by a combinati

J.C. Penney fires CEO after plummeting sales following gay ad campaign

April 11, 2013 ( Family Research Council ) - Plenty of companies have argued that natural marriage is " bad for business "--but they'll have a tough time persuading  J.C. Penney . After a series of radical decisions, the retailer is struggling to survive a 25 percent drop in sales. It started in 2011 when the company hired Ellen DeGeneres , a vocal proponent of same-sex "marriage" as its spokesperson. The choice drew fire from organizations like the American Family Association (AFA) because it was a departure from the store's longstanding values. When AFA's  One Million Moms  complained, J.C. Penney's new CEO, Ron Johnson , stubbornly dug in his heels. Then, on Mothers' Day , the company shocked customers with a blatant endorsement of homosexuality in an ad that featured two moms--followed by a  two-dads ad for Fathers' Day . Coupled with an overhaul of the stores' pricing system, the stock never recovered. Now, months

Justice Department enjoys close relationship with anti-Christian hate group: documents

Logo of the Family Research Council. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) WASHINGTON, D.C. , January 30, 2013, ( ) – Documents uncovered from a Freedom of Information Act request show the Obama administration's Department of Justice enjoys a close relationship with the  Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) , an organization that brands principled opposition to homosexuality “hate.” The SPLC has  built  an  elaborate fundraising empire  by branding mainstream Christian ministries – including the  American Family Association , the  Family Research Council , and  Concerned Women for America  – as “hate groups” for opposing homosexuality. The legal watchdog  Judicial Watch  filed the request to see what effect SPLC's designation of “hate groups” had on the government. The  two-dozen pages of e-mails  it received reveal views of DOJ employees that border on adulation. The department invited co-founder Morris Dees to appear as the featured speaker at a July 31, 20

Boy Scouts of America reconsidering ban on open homosexuality

Just six months after reaffirming their commitment to keeping open homosexuals out of the Boy Scouts , the national leaders of the organization have signaled that they may be about to change their minds. Last July, after a confidential, two-year review, an 11-member special committee made up of Scout executives and volunteers came to the unanimous conclusion that a national ban on openly gay scouts and leaders was “absolutely the best policy.” The Boy Scouts won a 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court ruling recognizing their right to ban homosexuals in 2000. But a spokesman for the Scouts said Monday they are considering dropping the national ban in favor of a policy allowing local scouting groups to determine their own policies.  The change will be discussed next week by the organization's national board, the spokesman, Deron Smith, said. The Scouts did not provide a reason for the possible change, but in recent months, gay activists have turned up the pressure on the group.  Zac

Pro-family pastor withdraws from Obama inauguration after backlash from gay activists

Rev. Louie Giglio , the pro-family pastor picked by President Obama to deliver the benediction at his Jan. 21st inauguration, has backed out after a pressure campaign by homosexual activists. Rev. Giglio, who heads Atlanta ’s Passion City Church, said he did not want the inauguration to “be dwarfed by those seeking to make their agenda the focal point.” Rev. Louie Giglio Immediately after Giglio announced his withdrawal, Fox News political analyst Kirsten Powers   tweeted : “The intolerant Left claims another scalp.” Obama’s choice of Giglio on Tuesday quickly came under attack by activists who highlighted a sermon the pastor delivered in the 1990s offering a “Christian response to homosexuality.” In the sermon, the pastor expressed Christian teaching that homosexuality is a sin and that it is possible to leave the homosexual lifestyle “through the healing power of Jesus.” He said Christians must “lovingly but firmly respond” to an “aggressive agenda” by some in the hom

Group of moms boycott new pro-homosexual TV show

A pro-family group is calling on citizens to boycott a new NBC television series focusing on a gay couple who obtain a surrogate to have a baby. One Million Moms, a group of mothers affiliated with American Family Association , says  The New Normal , which premieres Sept. 11th, is “attempting to desensitize America and our children.” The show features an unwed mother who offers to be a surrogate for a homosexual couple to make money for law school, a plan she postponed when she found out she was pregnant with her now 8-year-old daughter. In the trailer, the woman’s grandmother is portrayed as a racist, anti-gay, southern conservative Christian who implies that she would have aborted her daughter if she had realized she was pregnant soon enough. The  trailer  depicts the homosexual couple asking the woman if she has problem being a surrogate for two men. She responds saying, “A family is a family; love is love.” A  recent study  found that children raised by homose

Target blocking e-mails from AFA urging them to stop supporting gay ‘marriage’

June 6, 2012 ( ) - Target is blocking e-mails from people opposed to its new campaign to support the homosexual agenda , according to the American Family Association (AFA). Target launched a campaign at the end of May to raise money for Family Equality Council ( FEC ), a group that is opposing legislation that would protect the traditional definition of marriage. The massive realtor is selling t-shirts through June, which is called National Pride Month, with gay pride flags and slogans on them. The shirts were designed by musician Gwen Stefani . Target says it will donate 100% of the proceeds from this campaign to Family Equality Council, up to $120,000. In response, AFA asked its supporters to send emails to the company’s chairman. AFA provided a draft e-mail urging the company to stop supporting homosexuality that supporters can send from their website. However, an update on the  AFA’s website  says that Target is blocking emails that supporters