
Showing posts with the label Adoption

Call for separate adoption laws from NZ's gay marriage debate

Family First NZ is calling on politicians to treat any changes to the Adoption Act as distinct and separate from the current debate on redefining marriage. "Significant changes to adoption laws should not happen without appropriate debate and consideration. Changes are being sneaked in under the radar and many people are unaware that changes to the Marriage Act will automatically confer rights to same sex couples to adopt ," said Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ. "The Select Committee report spent very little time discussing the issue of adoption - yet it has huge ramifications for the children involved. There is no need to overhaul the current law because the Adoption Act isn't broken. There is no huge queue of children desperately waiting to be adopted. There is no shortage of suitable married couples wanting to adopt." " Same sex couple and single parent adoption where there is no biological connection and surrogacy pot

Colombia’s Constitutional Court gives custody of two boys to American homosexual

Coat of arms of Republic of Colombia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) May 24, 2012 ( - The Colombian government has lost a battle in the country’s ultraliberal Constitutional Court to protect two Colombian children from adoption by an American homosexual activist. The Court has granted custody of two boys, ages 11 and 13 to Chandler Burr , a former perfume critic for the New York Times who is famous for promoting the claim that homosexuality is an inborn trait, an idea contradicted by numerous studies and regarded as unproven by many researchers. Burr’s s attempt to adopt the two Colombian children   ran into trouble   when authorities discovered his homosexuality, which was not revealed to them during the adoption process.  Colombia ’s General Procurator has declared its intention to ask for a nullification of the ruling, on the grounds that it violates the fundamental rights of children , and ignores the Constitutional principle that a family can only

Virginia bill protects faith-based adoption agencies from placing children with homosexual couples

Gov. Tim Kaine (Photo credit: kevincupp ) RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, March 12, 2012, ( ) - A Virginia bill set to become law will protect the right of faith-based adoption agencies in the state to limit adoption placements to heterosexual couples. The bill, which cleared the Virginia Senate last Friday by a vote of 22-18, allows private adoption agencies to refuse to participate in adoptions that “violate the agency’s written religious or moral convictions or policies.” It also protects the agencies from being denied government licensure, funds, or contracts based on that refusal. An identical bill had passed the state’s House of Delegates early last month, by a vote of 71-to-28. All House Republicans and three Democrats supported the measure. Now that the bill has been approved by both chambers, it will head to desk of Republican Governor Bob McDonnell , who is expected to sign the legislation. Roman Catholic Church officials have supported the move because of previous th

Illinois Catholic Charities forced out of adoptions over homosexual ‘rights’

Image via Wikipedia The Catholic Diocese of Rockford , IL announced the closing of their adoption agencies last week, forced out of service due to new legislation that would oblige them to service homosexual couples. Catholic Charities of Illinois has been in business for more than 100 years, providing adoption and foster-care homes to hundreds of children.  Currently, the Diocese handles approximately 350 foster family and adoption cases in 11 counties in northern Illinois with a state budget of $7.5 million and 58 workers who will now no longer have jobs. The Diocese announced that the agency is being forced to opt out of contracting with the State of Illinois for these services because of the Illinois legislature’s failure to enact an explicit amendment to the new Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Unions Act.  The amendment failed despite the efforts of Catholic Charities directors and the lobbying efforts of the Catholic Conference of Illinois. The amendment

Homosexual adoptions is not a right

Image via Wikipedia Adoption is an ancient institution which we find in the historical records of many civilizations. On some occasions it was done to take care of orphans or abandoned children, in other cases it was a means of giving continuity to a family that lacked descendants.  Under the influence of Christianity it was accepted that the main reason to adopt a child was for the benefit of the child, when he lacked parents or his parents were unable to perform their parental duties. It is also perfectly legitimate that when a married couple judges that they can raise more children than they were given naturally, that they may adopt out of a spirit of charity and generosity to foster the good of the children. With activists campaigning for adoption rights for homosexual couples, however, it is time to consider some basic truths, and recall why it is both just and crucial that we prevent such false and destructive “rights” from being codified in the laws of our states and our na

Same-sex adoptions spells abuse

Image via Wikipedia Author: Bill Meuhlenberg The push for same-sex parenting rights is constantly on the boil. Right now the New South Wales government hasjust passed a homosexual adoption bill in the Lower House . As usual, the well-being of children is not the focus, but the selfish wants of adults. Children are just guinea pigs in this radical social experiment. Indeed, one must recall why adoption laws have been established in the first place. Because young children are so vulnerable, the aim of adoption has been to provide the child in question with a secure, permanent, legal family.  The paramount concern in adoption has been the best interests of the child . Thus only the best families have been allowed to adopt, not just “good enough” families.  The issue of homosexual fostering is really all about homosexual rights, not the interests and needs of children. Can a homosexual couple love and nurture a child? Undoubtedly many can. But that is not the issue. As the former v