Anger, errors and tensions at the Supreme Court during fake LGBTQ rights case
SCHOOLYARD FIGHT - JUSTICES FAIL THE PEOPLE WITH WISDOM When the Supreme Court extended the 1964 Civil Rights Act to gay and lesbian workers in a June ruling, the justices also protected transgender employees but made it open season on all religious people, religious bodies, and any individual who don't bow to LGBT tyranny. They made a grave error and betrayed common sense by bowing to the extreme voices and pressure of LGBT zealots who are also some Supreme justices. THE ERRORS MADE WILL ENFLAME LGBT ZEALOTS But the case did not start out that way. In their private conference room in October with only the nine and no law clerks, the justices debated whether and how to provide the same anti-bias coverage for 1 million transgender workers, according to multiple sources familiar with the inner workings of the court. THE ERRORS MADE WILL BURN RELIGIOUS FREEDOMS Some justices raised concerns related to religious interests and shared bathrooms, the sources said. But even ...