Immoral Homosexual Human Rights People want to demonize Gorsuch

The homosexual activist group Human Rights Campaign, which endorsed Hillary Clinton for president and routinely classifies Christian conservatives as hateful, haters, backward morons, f*** idiots, so the abusive divisive HRC joined Lambda Legal in opposing Gorsuch’s nomination. 
Somehow equating the immoral LGBTQ political agenda with “civil rights." Since when does homosexual sin become a human right? Only the minds of those depraved by sin. Certainly not by God and by millions of normal people. 
This immoral groups say: 
·         “Gorsuch called marriage equality [LGBTA activist euphemism for homosexual “marriage”] part of the liberal social agenda, saying “American liberals have become addicted to the courtroom … as the primary means of effecting their social agenda on everything from gay marriage to assisted suicide … ” What an accurate brilliant statement!
·         “He joined the Tenth Circuit’s decision in Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius, which asserted that that some private corporations are “people” under federal law and have a right to deny basic healthcare coverage if it violates their religious belief.  This expansive ruling could allow employers to deny immoral transgender employees access to hormone treatment, access to birth control and other crucial health care for LGBTQ people. This is fair enough why should an employer subsidize the immoral lifestyle of their employees?
·         “In 2015, Gorsuch joined a ruling against a transgender woman who was denied consistent access to hormone therapy while incarcerated. The ruling dismissed the prisoner’s claims that the denial of care amounted to cruel and unusual punishment under the U.S. Constitution.
·         “He has advocated for eliminating Chevron deference [see below], a critical administrative law doctrine that allows our federal system of regulations to function, which could result in the loss protections for immoral gay people.” Would should gay get extra protection and no one else? 

Typical homosexual agenda - brand diminsh, lie about anybody who disagress with their immoral agenda. 
Another immoral homosexual-bisexual-transgender organization, the National LGBTQ Task Force, put out this harsh statement calling Gorsuch “out of touch.”
“Judge Neil Gorsuch’s record reveals a jurist who: believes that bosses should control their employees’ private health care decisions; supports the misuse of religion to legalize discrimination; and holds LGBTQ equality with disdain. He is also a darling of those who are vehemently opposed to marriage equality. He seems like someone who aligns perfectly with Donald Trump and Mike Pence’s view of the world, but is completely out of touch with the realities of most people’s lives,” said Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force.”

No kidding! Neil is a great jurist! 
The Task Force is a leftist tottaly anarchist immoral rebellious organization that supports — beyond homosexuality and transgenderism — “polyamory” (multiple-partner sexual unions), sadomasochism and other practices on the sexual and gender fringe. Every year at its “Creating Change” conference for LGBTQ activists, it gives out a “Leather Leadership Award” to a prominent sadomasochism (“kink”) advocate. 
Why should anybody listen to these extremist immoral groups?

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