
Showing posts with the label Sexual identity

New Research Debunks The Claim That Your Beliefs Can Kill Gay People

ACCEPT OUR HOMOSEXUALITY - OR WE DIE 12 YEARS TOO SOON - NOW SEEN TO BE FAKE RESEARCH It was a spectacular assertion. A 2014 study published in the journal Social Science & Medicine by a Columbia University researcher asserted that “sexual minorities living in communities with high levels of anti-gay prejudice ” have a “shorter life expectancy of approximately 12 years.” Yes , you heard that right. Being gay in an unwelcoming community takes 12 years off your life! This study was heralded broadly by the press with no critical analysis provided for the reader. Not one mainstream journalist stopped to consider, much less challenge, the sweeping grandeur of this claim. It was used as a blunt object to condemn anyone not keen on the mainstreaming of homosexuality. Quite blunt it was. Reducing another’s life by 12 years by failing to agree with his or her sexual desires is no small charge. But is it legit? Compare This to Other Major Health Conditions First, just consider this

Sexual Madness and confusion now reins thanks to LGBTQ agenda

The article below shows what happens when you kick Biblical moral authority on relationships over the cliff and replace it with anything and everything based on individual lust and sexual immorality. We need a spiritual revival. ................................................................................................................ The men who populate Ritch C. Savin-Williams’s book Mostly Straight: Sexual Fluidity Among Men , released last month on Harvard University Press , are—honestly, truly—interested in women. They may lust for furtive, late-night sexual encounters with a “buddy” or find themselves intensely admiring a male porn star’s biceps, but this does not occlude their love for their wives and girlfriends, nor women in general. “Mostly straight,” as a male sexual identity , hasn’t entered the public’s consciousness the way gay or bi identities have, though that seems to be changing. According to one trend forecasting agency, only 48 percent of Gen Z identifie

Study finds homosexuals less healthy, happy than heterosexuals

SYDNEY, Australia, July 20, 2015 ( – A major study funded by the Australian government has found that homosexuals are less personally fulfilled, have more health problems, and are not as happy in their relationships as "straight" people. In fact, the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia ( HILDA ) surveys reveal a marked difference in people's experiences based on their sexual identity . Participants are followed over time, and in-depth interviews are conducted annually with all adult members of each household.  For the first time in the study's 12-year history, respondents' sexual identity was researched as it relates to life satisfaction . The results were striking.  Gay, lesbian, and bisexual people fare far worse than heterosexual people on literally all well-being and social support measures studied, and such homosexuals consistently reported significantly lower "life satisfaction." Dr. Roger Wilkins of Melbourne 's Insti

Hate homosexual sin but love the homosexual?

The new normal is for homosexuals to announce their sexual identity , and then receive affirmation for their bravery, boldness, and honesty from their co-workers and clients. This puts Christians with secular jobs in a predicament. Most believers understand perfectly well the concept of hate the sin and love the sinner. But that concept is more and more being seen as inadequate simply because homosexuals often perceive their sexual orientation as their identity, thus rendering any attempt to love the sinner while hating the sin as contradictory. The difficulty is compounded for believers who work with, for, or around those who are openly homosexual. How should Christians respond to those in the work place who are homosexual? If you manage a company with homosexual employees, or if you have homosexual co-workers, how do you find the balance between hating the sin and loving the sinner? Here are six suggestions: 1)   Remember the gospel , which is another way of saying the

Confused Catholic University Notre Dame celebrates immoral LGBT ‘Coming Out Day’: display your sin day

October 18, 2013 ( Public Discourse ) - I was surprised to see the posters. As I walked into my dormitory after a morning class, I saw posters advertising Notre Dame’s participation in National Coming Out Day ( NCOD ). I saw that the university’s  Gender Relations Center  (GRC) was cosponsoring the event, along with Notre Dame’s newly formed gay-straight alliance,  PrismND . National Coming Out Day has been celebrated annually on October 11—the date commemorating the 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights —since its founding in 1988. According to Maureen Doyle, the GRC’s  Assistant Director for LGBTQ Initiatives , Notre Dame has been celebrating this national event since at least 2007. When I asked Doyle about how Notre Dame’s religious commitments comport with its participation in NCOD, she responded: We are called to support our brothers and sisters in Christ , which includes celebrating the multitude of identities that make each of us unique and beautiful indi

What happens to the kids of homosexuals?

Sex-related outcomes have more consistently revealed distinctions, although the tone of concern about them has diminished over time. For example, while the daughters of lesbian mothers are now widely understood to be more apt to explore same-sex sexual identity and behavior, concern about this finding has faded as scholars and the general public have become more accepting of GLB identities ( Goldberg, 2010 ).  Tasker and Golombok (1997)  noted that girls raised by lesbian mothers reported a higher number of sexual partners in young adulthood than daughters of heterosexual mothers. Boys with lesbian mothers, on the other hand, appear to display the opposite trend—fewer partners than the sons of heterosexual mothers. Therefore it is a lie to say there is no effect. But the LGBT community will continue to ignore and debate any such findings regardless of how legitimate.  Related articles Why it's never too late to be a lesbian ( My Bisexual Guilt (pers

What Caused Me to Have SSA? Part 4 – The Role of Puberty

Image via Wikipedia The Role of Puberty Introduction Here’s an obvious fact for males :  puberty dramatically changes us!  If being born with extra “sensitivity” is arguably the most important factor in what initially creates a male’s same-sex  attractions  (SSA) [refer to my Part 1 of this series], then what happens in puberty may “pour the cement” for the foundation of a man’s future sexual identity and addiction.  Let’s see how. Discussion Brain and Body Development.  Research by psychoanalyst Sander Breiner, M.D., [cited in NARTH Bulletin; Vol 15, No 2; Winter 2007] reports that when a pubescent male experiences doubts about his sexual attractions , body appearance, and sexual capacities, these stressors may actually  harm his brain development .  Many experts agree that the brain is in a state of constant change during puberty.  According to Goldman-Rakic & colleagues in their handbook on the neurobiology of cognitive development, certain brain regions can become dysfunctio

Leading UK homosexualist admits the condition neither genetic nor fixed

Image via Wikipedia Peter Tatchell , one of Britain’s most vocal advocates of the homosexualist political movement, has admitted that sufferers of same-sex attraction are neither “born with” nor stuck with the condition. Much of the argument upon which the promotion of homosexuality as a “legitimate lifestyle choice ” is founded is the paradoxical assertion that it is not a choice at all, but a fixed state of being, probably determined by genes. This is the basis of the claim that opposition to homosexual activity is “ homophobia ” and tantamount to racism. But Tatchell, writing last month in an article in the  Huffington Post , titled, “Future Sex: Beyond Gay and Straight ,” cited the notorious Alfred Kinsey , the researcher often called the grandfather of the sexual revolution, denying that “gay and straight” are distinct categories. Kinsey’s research, Tatchell said, “was the first major statistical evidence that gay and straight are not watertight, irreconcilable and mutually excl

Lady Gaga is wrong about Gay born that way

The Unseen Struggler Written by Dr. David Kyle Foster    There are a few corrections that need to be made in the thinking of our culture concerning homosexuality. First - the idea that people are born gay.  After multiple and repeated efforts by gay researchers to prove a genetic (or other physiological) cause for homosexuality, all have failed. In fact, at least two of the studies have shown conclusively that homosexuality cannot be caused by genes. Most obvious is the identical twin study that showed that pairs of genetically identical twins sometimes had opposite sexual orientations. Since they were  genetically identical  pairs, if homosexuality were caused by genes, you could not have such discordant outcomes. More obvious than that is the logical conclusion that if homosexuality were a genetic defect, the fact that homosexuals do not mate with the opposite sex to produce natural offspring should have caused that genetic mutation to fade from the population thousands