
Showing posts with the label Corinthian order

Homosexuality and the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:9

Image via Wikipedia B y Elodie Ballantine Emig Corinth was known for its immorality. Even the Corinthian church, the local body of Christ , was plagued by immorality. In a letter not preserved for us in the Bible, Paul exhorted the Corinthians not to associate with fornicators (see I Cor. 5:9). Alas, Paul did not mean pagan fornicators, but rather fornicators within the church itself.  Apparently the church, which was almost exclusively made up of Gentiles rather than converted Jews , had no problem with the concept that Christians are free from the Old Testament law.  In fact, a faction within the church was beginning to doubt Paul’s spirituality, possibly because he still obeyed much of the law. Despite the fact that Paul had planted the church (ca. A.D. 49-51) and had remained in Corinth for 18 months, his relationship with church members was more than a little strained by the time he wrote I Cor., some three years later. The church members had misunderstood Paul’s first let