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Should homosexual criminal charges be dropped?

Homosexuality is defined in the Bible as a sin. In the minds of many people, it is still a sin that God will punish. In the minds of secular people it is a wholesome choice. But it was a crime, when the law stated that homosexuality was against nature and the community and was a deviant behaviour. Nothing has changed, except for liberals they see homosexuality as something good and all charges should be lifted.  Homosexual advocates are calling for gay sex convictions to be abolished nationally, saying people who were convicted before the act was decriminalised are still suffering because of their criminal record. It comes as the Victorian government announced yesterday it would erase convictions for sex between two consenting adult males. The state will introduce laws this year that will provide men with the opportunity to have the convictions wiped from their record. The decriminalisation of gay sex in Australia began in the 1970s, with Tasmania the last state to fall in l