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What Does the Bible Say about Being Born Gay?

What is a biblical response to the notion that people are born gay? Ask Kevin: What Does the Bible Say about Being Born Gay? from Crossway on Vimeo . That’s a difficult question and a lot of it depends on what we mean by that phrase. So, let’s take the person who says, “I was born gay,” and they mean they have some genetic causation for their attraction to people of the same sex. I would say we can look at the latest scientific literature, which does not strongly support that conclusion.  In fact, the official language from the leading psychiatric or psychological associations will say that we don’t yet know of definitive causation and that it’s probably some mix of nature and nurture. So any reports about a so-called “gay gene” are greatly exaggerated. So that’s one thing we could say. We could also press a little further and say, “Well, perhaps there are issues of chemistry in the brain or there are things hard-wired in us that would make people more predisposed to being