
Showing posts with the label Last Supper

True marriage vs Homosexual Marriage

Simon Ushakov's icon of the Mystical Supper. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Last year at the March for Marriage on the National Mall , my friend Eric Teetsel, executive director of the Manhattan Declaration, opened his speech with the facetious question, “Is anyone else out there on the wrong side of history?” That is, after all, what many proponents of one-man, one-woman marriage keep hearing. To oppose gay marriage is to be relegated to history’s ideological dustbin along with those who resisted civil rights for African-Americans or the vote for women. Of course, as we’ve seen in the forced resignation of Mozilla’s CEO, opposing gay marriage can make your career history as well. Even more disheartening are the Christian voices joining in on the chorus. World Vision’s announcement on hiring same-sex married employees shook the evangelical world before the organization recanted. Mega-church Vineyard pastor Ken Wilson made a splash when he endorsed same-sex marriage. And many of us