
Showing posts with the label Lord

How the Pope's Homosexual comments got mangled

Pope Francis pulled a surprise on reporters when he walked back to the press section of his Alitalia papal flight from Brazil and entered into an open press conference that lasted more than an hour. The Pope gave the press what Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton offered as presidents—a casual question and answer session that was on the record. The biggest headline from the Pope’s remarks was not what he had to say about the scandals at the Vatican Bank , but what he said about homosexuality and, in particular, homosexuals in the priesthood. The key sentence in the Pope’s remarks is this: “If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge that person?” The papal remarks put the international press into a frenzy. Headlines across the world announced a revolution in Roman Catholic moral teaching, a changed position on homosexuality, or at least an historic “new openness” on the issue of homosexuality. Predictably, a closer look reveals a more complicated and

Former gay activist battles megaphone protest at Sydney University

The University of Sydney logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) About 100 students provided a rowdy backdrop to a lunchtime talk by former gay activist-turned-Christian family man James Parker at the Sydney University campus today. The protesters from various groups on campus attempted to disrupt the meeting, held by Sydney University Catholic Society as part of a weeklong series of events on issues concerning life and the human condition. The events come in the same week that the Sydney University Union (USU) backed down on removing faith-based membership clauses for religious societies, including the Catholic Society. The USU Board, in a statement, said it was proposing the establishment of an ongoing “Faith Roundtable” to promote greater interfaith and intercultural understanding. Constant heckling, catcalls and booming megaphone speeches failed to silence Parker, who insisted he loved his brothers and sisters outside the tent just as much as the audience inside the tent. “It’s not

Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’

Dean Bailey , 50, is not afraid to tell anyone he is living proof that ‘ sexual orientation’ can in fact be changed. But he prefers to use the word ‘restored’ rather than ‘changed.’ Bailey remembers how from an early age he felt different from other boys. He felt he did not fit in and thought of himself as awkward, out of place. He remembers never feeling treasured or affirmed by his dad who was an alcoholic and who consumed pornography. Bailey believes this began a pattern of turning to other males to find the affirmation he never received from his dad. When a new outgoing boy began to attend school when Bailey was in grade three, he remembers trying hard to become the boy’s friend. It was during a sleepover at the boy’s house that Bailey was introduced to sexual play, including streaking and oral copulation . The experience not only robbed him of his childhood innocence, but awakened in him a sense of sexual curiosity. From here, Bailey became preoccupied with images of

Transgender is a mental health issue

Bruce Jenner (Photo credit: Wikipedia How could we be sure that our baby’s assigned gender at birth wasn’t more than just a shot in the dark? Maybe our boy would not be a “cis-boy” (a male whose assigned male gender is more or less consistent with their personal sense of self). After all, we have been told “gender cannot be defined by anyone other than the individual” and furthermore “gender roles are socially constructed” and “gender is not a very clearly-defined concept.” And to make matters even more complicated, why would we limit our child’s choice to just male and female? “ Facebook made it official last February when it told the world that limiting binary-gendered options is a thing of the past and added a third option to its standard male and female ones: custom. From a drop-down menu, users can select from 58 different identities, including agender, androgyne, gender fluid, trans female, trans male , trans person, cisgender, and two-spirit. (Each term refers to a subtl

What does the Bible really say about Homosexuality?

Español: Intercambio de anillos entre los novios (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The Bible says nothing specifically about the homosexual condition (despite the rather misleading RSV translation of 1 Cor. 6:9), but its condemnations of homosexual conduct are explicit. The scope of these strictures must, however, be carefully determined. Too often they have been used as tools of a homophobic polemic which has claimed too much. The exegesis of the Sodom and Gibeah stories (Gn. 19:1–25; Jdg. 19:13–20:48) is a good case in point. We must resist D. S. Bailey’s widely-quoted claim that the sin God punished on these occasions was a breach of hospitality etiquette without sexual overtones (it fails to explain adequately both the double usage of the word ‘know’ (yāḏa‘) and the reason behind the substitutionary offer of Lot’s daughters and the Levite’s concubine); but neither account amounts to a wholesale condemnation of all homosexual acts. On both occasions the sin condemned was attempted hom

Judge convicts UK evangelist for quoting Bible verses condemning homosexuality

TAUNTON, UK , April 2, 2015 ( ) – A judge has convicted and fined a street evangelist for quoting one verse of the Bible that condemns homosexuality on the streets of Taunton, Somerset -- instead of quoting another verse. Judge Shamim Ahmed Qureshi of Bristol Crown Court fined former paratrooper-turned- Christian-evangelist Mike Overd £200 ($297 U.S.), and ordered him to pay £1,200 ($1,780) in costs which included £250 ($371) compensation to the homosexual activist who lodged the complaint. Judge Qureshi also told Overd that he should not have quoted a passage from the 20th chapter of the Old Testament Book of Leviticus , which calls for the death penalty for Israelites who engage in sodomy. Qureshi said that Overd should instead have used Leviticus 18:22, which merely describes homosexual practice as an "abomination." “I am amazed that the judge sees it as his role to dictate which parts of the Bible can and can't be preached,” the evangel

Should Christians attend homosexual weddings?

Jesus is considered by scholars such as Weber to be an example of a charismatic religious leader. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Whether or not Christians should attend  homosexual  weddings is a sensitive topic. From what I see in Scripture, a Christian should not attend such a wedding since it would risk being a support and approval of something that is against God (Lev. 18:22; Rom. 1:26-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-10). As a Christian, and as an apologist, I must stand firm and represent God properly.  Sometimes, taking a stand means to reject ungodliness even if it means being ridiculed. Homosexuality is a  sin  and Christians are not supposed to support sinful behavior. But homosexuality is not just any sin. It is perhaps the only sin that when committed,  God  gives the person over to it.  Consider this:  "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men aban