
Showing posts with the label Bible and gay sin

Homosexuality and the twisting of the Bible

In past decades homosexuals were ashamed to “go public.” Historically, theologians were not required to address this topic, as it was commonly understood to be a violation of God’s law . Francis Turretin, a theologian of the seventeenth century, simply referred to homosexuality as “the sin against nature.”  Previously, homosexuals rarely tried to go to the Bible to obtain approval for their behavior and appetites—they knew it was not to be found. Lately, since public opinion has turned slightly in their favor, the shame has diminished to the point where the Bible is being pursued as an ally, as a moral reference point to bolster their position. After all, if the Bible can be summoned to the homosexuals’ defense, they may have a case. So in the midst of this present debate, adherents to both sides of the same-sex controversy claim the authority of the Bible in their defense. Both sides claim that the Bible is clear. Both sides claim to have moral justification for their position

The homosexual vices of Leviticus 18 and 20 are violations of love, truth, and holiness—the character of God.

A response to Brad Chilcott.  Homosexual sin - the Law and the Old Testament Biblical support for legislation respecting homosexuality is not without importance, even for those who disregard the authority of the Bible. The Old Testament was the most important force in shaping the ethics and legislation of Western Europe and especially the United States and Canada.2 The Old Testament law’s position on homosexuality. Yet, this legislation takes its foundational principles from an ethic that derives from religious truth. The ethical system of the Bible rests on a creation ethic, which affirms that God created humankind as male and female in His own image and likeness (Gen. 1:26–27).  Created humanity bears the divine image as a rational, moral, and spiritual being. Human life is sacred. Society from the beginning has used legislation to punish murder because it destroys something sacred. From the Flood onward, God has ordained capital punishment for murder to preserve the divine

A response to Brad Chilcott on the sin of Sodom

The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah, a painting by John Martin (painter), died 1854, thus 100 years. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Christ on Sodom Perhaps the most convincing implicit references to homosexual conduct and orientation occur where Christ mentions the city of Sodom and events surrounding its destruction.   Christ makes six references to Sodom, including parallel texts (Matt. 10:15; 11:23–24 [2 x]; Mark 6:11; Luke 10:12; 17:26–37). Jesus said more about Sodom than did any other New Testament teacher. The statements fall within three categories. Matthew 10:15 Jesus sends out His disciples to teach and preach and do miracles throughout the cities of Israel. They are to shake from their feet the dust of any house or city that rejects them or their words; those who reject will come under severe judgment (v. 14). The pattern for this judgment is the utterly devoured cities of Sodom and Gomorrah . This is a clear object lesson describing God ’s disapproval and re

Women without affection - try to be lesbians

Do straight women need to try having sex with other women just to figure out if they’re actually straight? Do straight men need to sleep with other men to justify their sexuality to themselves and the world? Because being gay is rather trendy at the moment, swimming stars, country music stars, politicians are all coming out claiming to be gay. It is popular in some circles including the media. The media jump on and heavily promote these 'coming out' stories but only for famous people. Look at the logic below by a gay advocate:  Most straight people would object to that preposterous proposal—they know who they are and what they like, and they don’t need to prove it to themselves or anyone else by trying out every other option. Gay people deserve the same respect for their sexual self-determination. To suggest otherwise is to say that being gay is some kind of aberration, a curious bug in the system. The theory of homosexuality that hinges on an unsatisfactory sex