
Showing posts with the label NewTestament
Matthew Vines, a Harvard-educated gay man claiming to be a Christian has sparked a great deal of controversy in the church community with his incorrect fault analysis on why the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. He has launched a new leadership training conference aimed at teaching Christians how to lead LGBT-friendly churches and communities. In a video announcing the project, Vines says The Reformation Project will "train, connect and empower gay Christians and their allies to reform church teaching on homosexuality from the ground up." Vines gained a wide recognition and stirred controversy last year with his hour-long YouTube video , which has gained over half a million views, where he presented a detailed argument on why he believes the Bible does not condemn gay people. The young Christian also did an exclusive interview with The Christian Post where he detailed how he arrived at his argument, which caused a great deal of discussion and debate in the Christian com

Can Christians embrace a same-sex lifestyle and still be members in good standing in a Christian church?

I've been asked to comment on the controversy provoked by a recent interview in the Atlantic with Alan Chambers , the president of Exodus International —an evangelical ministry founded to help Christians and non-Christians find freedom from the guilt and power of a same-sex lifestyle. Christians may debate public policy, but in this interview, Chambers raises issues that are very clearly addressed in Scripture. Especially when we are dealing with human lives, daring to draw our counsel from God , we need to affirm the simplicity of biblical teaching on the subject while rejecting an over-simplifying of the issues involved. The problem (sin and death) as well as the solution (redemption in Christ through the gospel) are simple, but hardly simplistic. In terms of sin, Scripture is quite clear about the condition ( original sin —guilt, bondage, corruption leading to death) and the acts that arise from it. There are versions of the pro-gay and anti-gay agenda that assume a simp