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Dutch men hold hands to protest homophobia - would they do this for adultery?

Politicians from Democrats 66 party, Alexander Pechtold (L) and Wouter Koolmees (R), arrived a meeting in Le Hague holding hands to show support for immoral homosexuality after there was an incident or attack wither on or by two homosexual men in the Netherlands on Sunday. Two homosexual men said they were attacked in the early hours of the morning in Arnhem in the country's east.  They claim they were attacked because they were holding hands. The lawyer of the alleged attackers appeared on a TV show claiming one of the homosexual men threw the first punch and had nothing to do with hand holding.  But does that stop the pro-homosexual zealots including politicians who will jump at any chance to promote immoral homosexuality. Homosexuals around the world are using every gimmick, every form of manipulation to achieve their immoral goals. That does not mean violence is the answer, but awareness of these horrid tactics that seek to normalize the immoral sin of homos