
Showing posts with the label Hail Satan

Marriage activists encounter threats, flying bottles, armed opponent in Minnesota

MINNEAPOLIS, September 18, 2012, ( ) – A team of young Catholic men encountered everything from enthusiastic support to threats of violence and opponents bearing side arms as they toured the state of Minnesota to oppose the redefinition of marriage . Volunteers from the  American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) recently completed a 10-day trip of the state, where voters in November will decide on a constitutional amendment to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.  A video shot by TFP shows passersby of various faiths honking their support - or threatening violence - as members held signs that read “God’s marriage = 1 man + 1 woman” and “Honk for traditional marriage.” More than one driver threw a bottle at the TFP activists as they peacefully held their signs or prayed the rosary.  One person yelled, “ Hail Satan !” out his drivers window as he sped past. Another stopped to say, “You are the exact reason that