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Gay 'marriage' rally says "Love is Love" - but what if it destroys other loves?

Same Sex Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) · Visiting doctor condemns homosexual rally for indifference to the love between mother and baby. · A new Australian Galaxy poll shows a big relative majority of Australians think it is more important for a child to have the love of both mother and father, than for two men to have the right to marry and create a family. As hundreds held placards saying “love is love” at the rally for 'marriage equality' in various capital cities in Australia, a visiting family doctor condemned what he calls the “blind narcissism” of gay activists. “Gay 'marriage' would affirm one love”, said Dr David van Gend, President of the Australia Marriage Forum, “but it would destroy other, more primal loves. “I'll tell you what love is. It is the tenderness between a mother and her baby – but gay 'marriage' tears mother and baby apart. “If you give two men the right to marry, you give them the right to create motherl