
Showing posts with the label false studies

How Alfred C. Kinsey’s Sex Studies Have Harmed Women and Children

Indiana University zoologist Alfred C. Kinsey shocked the nation in 1948 with the publication of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male 1, followed in 1953 by Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, 2 whose 50th anniversary is being celebrated this year by the Kinsey Institute. Compiling thousands of interviews, Kinsey reported that American women were either sexually repressed (married) or highly promiscuous.  Kinsey’s studies have had an enormous impact on the law and the culture, despite later evidence that the research was fatally flawed and even involved cover-ups of child rape. In Kinsey, Sex and Fraud (1990), 3 Dr. Judith Reisman and Edward Eichel unmasked the Kinsey studies as a massive hoax. The medical journal The Lancet reviewed their findings and said:  “[T]he important allegations from the scientific viewpoint are imperfections in the (Kinsey) sample and unethical, possibly criminal, observations on children. … Dr. Judith A. Reisman and her colleagues demolish the founda

Lesbian Couples are the best parents study? Reaaly?

Lesbian Family (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Steve Trask from the Mail Online outlined an AIFS study ( Australian Institute of Family Studies isees CFCA Paper No. 18 December 2013) that claims lesbian parents make the best parents.  A close examination of the references at the conclusion of the article appear to show an ideological favor toward gay parenting. Pro-gay scholars seek evidence of non-harm, of children. The AIFS author states it  is not possible to sustain a claim frequently made, that there are no differences between children raised in same-sex and heterosexual parented families  (Amato, 2012; Biblarz & Savci, 2010; Biblarz & Stacey , 2010; Eggebeen, 2012; Goldberg , 2010; Marks, 2012; Regnerus, 2012; Stacey & Biblarz, 2001). All of these studies atate there are difference.  Biblarz and Stacey argue it is the anti-gay culture to blame for difference.  " There is suggestive evidence and good reason to believe that contemporary children and y