
Showing posts with the label gay left

The Homosexual left has failed become violent

We’ve reached a turning point in the culture wars. The left’s giving up the moral high ground it stole from Christians and fighting dirty for real now. Leftists have so convinced themselves that Christians and other conservatives are “haters,” they think anything they do is good, loving and just. If a leftist sucker-punches conservatives, he’s just fighting for justice against a more powerful oppressor. Disturbing, yes. No one wants to get sucker-punched. But it also opens up new strategic opportunities. The Left’s Moral High Ground Strategy The left fighting dirty is disturbing, but it’s not all bad. It undermines one of their most crucial strategies of the past few decades, one in which they’ve succeeded all too well. They’ve taken over almost all the moral high ground in public perception, especially in the minds of young people. This claim to hold the moral high ground has been the key to their progress. They couldn’t have pushed gay marriage through without painting us as anti

Intolerant homosexual agenda to silence any objections

Maybe you once thought the left wants tolerance and diversity, but in reality, tolerance and diversity have never been the goals of the left, especially the radical left. Instead, it wants to suppress and silence opposing views, and the farther left you go, the more extreme the intolerance. For those who have still not come to grips with this, let these recent examples jar you. It is bad enough that states have been passing legislation  banning counseling  for minors struggling with same-sex attraction , even if they have their parents' backing.  But now there are reports that some states are considering banning such counseling for people of any age. (I was informed of this last week by a Christian counselor in California.) In other words, it could be illegal for a 30-year-old man with unwanted same-sex attractions to go for professional counseling that focuses on helping him deal with and even overcome these attractions. This is a monstrous violation of individual

Christians and Orlando Gay bloodbath – now just gay revenge?

The lengths to which the Obama Administration is willing to go to extricate Omar Mateen’s killing spree from the motives he proclaimed to the police during 911 calls and to the world on social media are staggering.  For example, the Department of Justice  announced that it is  “scrubbing references of radical Islamic beliefs from the transcript calls Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen made to police during his massacre.” Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who  responded to the terrorist shootings in San Bernardino  by promising to prosecute “anti-Muslim speech,” informed NBC that, “What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda. We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State].” To which the only logical response is: “Why not?” As always, there are a number of answers. A number of commentators have pointed out that the Obama Administration has gone to great lengths to emph