
Showing posts with the label Special rights

Why are homosexuals wanting equality through marriage?

Same Sex Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Must the government recognize every desire people have as a right? Don’t current marriage rules apply equally to everyone?  This is the main battle cry of homosexual activists . It’s brilliant because who can be against equal rights? The problem with the slogan is that, when it comes to marriage, everyone in America already has equal rights. We are all playing by the same rules—we all have the same right to marry any qualified person from the opposite sex. Those rules do not deny anyone “equal protection of the laws” because the qualifications to enter a marriage apply equally to everyone—every male and female has the same right to marry. What certain males and females in our society want is special rights —the special right to marry someone of the same sex. But if we grant special rights for same-sex couples to marry one another, on what grounds can we deny special rights for consenting adults who desire marriage for other socially d