
Showing posts with the label Sexual intercourse

Sodom in the New Testament means...

Sodom in the New Testament At this point, revisionist interpreters appeal to the New Testament, claiming with Boswell that Jesus “apparently believed that Sodom was destroyed for the sin of inhospitality.”30 In Matthew 10:14 –15 and Luke 10:10–12, the Lord does not cite the cause of Sodom’s destruction, but He identifies the destruction as a prime example of God’s judgment. The sin in the context is not inhospitality but failure to believe the gospel of the kingdom (Matt. 10:7; Luke 10:9). It is rejection of Christ (10:16). Sodom in the Septuagint One of the strongest supports for the traditional interpretation of what happened at Sodom comes from the LXX translation of Genesis 19:5, which uses the term syngenōmetha. Boswell believes that this use supports his interpretation. He points out that this word simply means “becoming familiar with” or “making the acquaintance of” in Genesis 19:5, whereas egnōsan and chrēsas clearly refer to sexual behavior in 19:8. However, in the paral

I used to be transgender. Here’s my take on kids who think they are transgender.

When a 9-year-old boy who identifies as Stormi, a transgender girl, started selling Girl Scout cookies , one neighbor was not amused, according to  Buzzfeed . The neighbor rebuffed him, reportedly saying, “Nobody wants to buy Girl Scout cookies from a boy in a dress.” The neighbor is being called transphobic—but perhaps the neighbor thought he was being pranked by a boy and reacted accordingly. Not everyone assumes that a boy in a dress selling Girl Scout cookies is transgender. People Can Be Genderphobic Stormi looked like a boy to the neighbor because he really is a boy. Transgender people may deceive themselves, but they do not deceive others. Life in society is not some fantasy world where a boy should pretend he has magically transformed himself into a girl simply by uttering the words “I am a girl” and changing how he presents himself. The people who strongly object to the honest reaction from a man saying, “Nobody wants to buy Girl Scout cookies from a boy in

Contraception gave us divorce and gay ‘marriage’ and will destroy us: here’s how

Lyrl created this image as a visual explanation of the Standard Days Method. The Standard Days Method works for women who always have menstrual cycles between 26 and 32 days in length. Avoiding sexual intercourse on the days labeled 'fertile' results in a pregnancy rate of 10% per year. The method can also be used to achieve pregnancy - the woman has sexual intercourse on the days labeled 'fertile'. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) March 4, 2015 ( ) -- Although there has always been contraception , its acceptance and practice by society as a whole is a relatively new phenomenon. In the first part of the 20 th  century barrier methods became through mass production increasingly used. However, with the advent of the hormonal contraceptive pill in the 1960s the contraceptive era, ushering in the sexual revolution, really took off. The term “revolution” is by no means exaggerated, for the result was a fundamental change in the understanding of human sexua

Matthew Vines on homosexual sin from Romans 1:26-27

"For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error." (Rom. 1:26-27, NASB ). Mr. Vines says, "Because of this [referring to their idol worship], God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error . . . How we understand this passage hinges in large part on how we understand the meaning of the terms 'natural' and 'unnatural' . . . First, the passage’s context. In 1:18-32,

Being born gay is like being born into a race

Women on Top: How Real Life Has Changed Women's Sexual Fantasies (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) This is a common error made by those in the pro-homosexual movement.  It is an error known as a category mistake .  A  category mistake  is attributing the property of one thing to something else that does not have that property.  For example, to say "Blue sleeps faster than Wednesday" is to confuse an attribute of color with speed and compare it to a name.  This error is very common among proponents of homosexuality.  Another example would be to say that " Gay sex is just love."  This confuses a sexual behavior with an emotional condition.  They're not the same thing. Besides, if they were, then there would have to be a whole lot of love going on, as this quote would demonstrate: "Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men.  83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more part

Homosexual sex, evil spiritual entities and salvation through Christ

In the context of pornography , fantasy takes on a truly horrific sense as the term pornography is derived from the Greek word “ porneia :” a word often used in Greek translations of The Bible – meaning “illicit sexual intercourse , adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals…”  Then, in reality, when we watch pornography, the fantasy becomes material; we are physically and substantially bringing evil and depravity into the world; into our homes; and into our minds. How does this happen? It is my contention, that particular demonic entities are tied to pornography; and the attached sins of masturbation and sexual fantasy .  When we look at pornography, we seek out that which we have been fantasizing about: a particular actress ; a physical trait in the selected actress or actor; a certain sexual scenario. When found on the internet, the fantasy takes on a material shape. In the mind, the image on the screen and the memory of that image, encode

Britain’s public health chief warns of catastrophic global gay HIV epidemic

The UK's National Director of Health and Wellbeing warns that there is an increasing and potentially catastrophic HIV epidemic in homosexual men in every part of the world. Speaking at the  British HIV Association's Autumn Conference  earlier this month, Professor Kevin Fenton said that despite an increasing number of tools to combat HIV infection, the incidence and prevalence of the disease in MSM (men who have sex with men) is increasing rather than decreasing globally. Dr. Fenton laid the blame for the MSM HIV epidemic squarely on the two most obvious characteristics of homosexual sex: anal intercourse and promiscuity. In his address, titled "The Resurgent Global HIV Epidemic among MSM," Dr. Fenton said that while homosexual men everywhere have higher rates of HIV than in the general population, contrary to popular opinion MSM in wealthier countries have a vastly higher rate of infection than residents even of poorer countries. "It is estimated

Exposure to sexual content in popular movies predicts sexual behavior in adolescence: study

Photograph of Lord Hall at the campus of Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) HANOVER, New Hampshire , July 24, 2012 ( ) – Researchers at New Hampshire ’s Dartmouth College are urging parents to protect their children from sexual content in films as they release a new six-year study that found viewing such content has a significant impact on the sexual behaviour of young adults. “ Adolescents who are exposed to more sexual content in movies start having sex at younger ages,” says Dr. Ross O’Hara, adding that they also tend to have “more sexual partners” and indulge in risky sexual behaviour. Now a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Missouri , O’Hara conducted the research while he was a PhD student at Dartmouth. The study’s findings will be published in  Psychological Science , a journal of the Association for Psychological Science . Before recruiting participants for the study, O’Hara and his fellow research