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Homosexual immoral forced social engineering agenda

We have long been accustomed to radical social engineers telling lies to push their agendas. It happens all the time. And the militant homosexual lobby has become expert at this very thing. They will look you in the face and tell you a brazen lie, believing, as did Hitler’s propaganda minister, Goebbels, that if you repeat it often enough and loudly enough, some will start to believe it. One of the biggest lies coming out of their camp is the myth that homosexuality is genetic, that you are born that way, and that you can never change. I of course deal extensively with these falsehoods in my book Strained Relations . There I cite plenty of medical and scientific journals, and many homosexuals as well in rebuttal to these myths. They all make a compelling case against the “born that way” mantra. Yet despite all the proof to the contrary, the activists keep on running with this bogus claim. They still think Goebbels was right, and they keep hammering away at it. Consider a new Aus