
Showing posts with the label Sexual revolution

The ugly legacy of Stonewall

The LGBT movement, including the push for marriage equality, has also helped upend repressive attitudes about sex, establishing nonmarital sex — and sexual behavior once thought perverse — as largely uncontroversial. (Last year, for instance, Teen Vogue posted a guide to anal sex.) Inherent in queer desire is the belief that sexual pleasure is a good in itself and need not be justified by reproductive ends, a principle enshrined in law by gay rights court decisions affirming that sex and marriage are not instruments for reproduction but expressions of individual liberty and dignity. Just as its loudest opponents feared, granting same-sex couples access to marriage has further aligned the hoary institution with sexual choice, helping sever the link between sex and diapers — at just the moment when abortion rights face their greatest test in a generation. Stonewall’s legacy isn’t just about making queer people look more like everyone else. It’s also, perhaps more mutinously, about ma

LGBT movement now claims to represent ‘family values’, labeling Christians ‘dangerous’

Once upon a time, when the Sexual Revolution was in its infancy, social conservatives were mocked for their “family values” and the inherent stodginess that increasingly political phrase seemed to imply. The boring squares with their white picket fences and marriages and (often) string of children represented everything the sexual revolutionaries wanted to escape, and everything they wanted to liberate society from. Sexual liberation offered people an opportunity to engage in “free love” without being tied down, and as the Sixties turned into the Seventies, America emerged as an utterly transformed nation. Things have changed since then. We’ve moved far past the implosion of a traditional marriage, the rise of hookup culture, and the Playboy milieu ushered in by the late Hugh Hefner. Not only was gay “marriage” imposed on all fifty states by the US Supreme Court in 2015, but the transgender movement subsequently took the country by storm, with the elitist trifecta of progressive pol

A Review of The Global Sexual Revolution. By Gabriele Kuby.

In 300 well-documented pages, Gabriele Kuby makes it crystal clear that the sexual revolution has been every bit as wide-ranging and destructive as other fateful events such as the Russian revolution and the French revolution . The trouble is, the sexual revolution shows no signs of abating, but in fact is getting worse, damaging everything it touches. The German sociologist released this book in 2012, but it has only recently been translated into English, and we all can be grateful that it has. It is a detailed look at the sexual revolution and its bitter fruit. She begins by examining some of the founding fathers of the sexual revolution, those who especially attacked the family unit, sexual morality, and the Christian churches . These include Karl Marx , Margaret Sanger , Wilhelm Reich , Alfred Kinsey , and John Money . These and others paved the way for the social upheaval and the sexual freefall we are still experiencing today.  Bad ideas have bad consequences, and their

How a rolling sexual revolution is crushing freedom

When German writer and public speaker Gabriele Kuby talks about the effects of the West’s student revolution of 1968 she knows her stuff. She was there, at the Free University of Berlin, studying sociology and gung-ho with the anti-authoritarianism of the era. There has been a revolution in her own life since then and she now devotes her public work to raising consciousness about the cultural devastation being wrought by the ongoing sexual revolution. In the following Q&A she talks about her book on the subject, an English edition of which was published last December . * * * * * Q. In your book,   The Global Sexual Revolution   – Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom,   you   report and warn about the destruction of freedom and culture through the global sexual revolution. Why is this so? A.   As sex goes, so goes the family. As the family goes, so goes society. Sexual norms have a decisive influence on the whole cultural edifice. The anthropolgist J.D. Unwin,

Don't be tricked by Homosexual marriage momentum

“ Gay marriage is inevitable.” That’s what we’re told by gay activists. It’s a taunt devised to pick off the more faint-hearted clingers-on of traditional marriage by exploiting the human instinct to be on the winning side. And all too often, it works. Traditional marriage advocates rightly protest that this isn’t an argument. Nothing, they say, is 'inevitable' that depends on the free choice of human beings . But this is an evasion. Look at the polls. Witness the slow but steady capitulation of state after state, country after country, to the new marriage regime. Gay ‘marriage’ may not be inevitable. But can we honestly deny that the momentum is firmly on its side? The mistake comes in thinking that because gay “marriage” is a relatively new innovation, this momentum is merely a temporary shift of the political winds. According to this way of thinking, all that is needed is enough cash, a large-enough team of motivated and intelligent lawyers, strategists and jingo

No Gay Marriage

Image via Wikipedia The Government must ensure stability in the present and provide for its future . Everyone, including the homosexually oriented, depends on these things being done, and done well. The two objectives are closely related, and children are at the focus of both. Providing for the future means bearing, educating and socializing children; children are our social security, economically, physically and emotionally. If there are not enough of them, there will eventually be a disproportion between those able to work and those who cannot, and the burden of supporting the dependent population can become so severe that it strains society's bonds. If the children are not raised properly, the well-being of those who depend on them later is threatened as much as, if not more than, if there are too few children. Marriage provides for society's future by formally constituting the family. The traditional family—husband, wife, and natural children—is the only way societies