
Showing posts with the label gay culture

Al Mohler - to attend homosexual marriage is to approve

Mohler (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hi, this is Fred Zaspel, executive editor at Books At a Glance. We are talking today with Dr. Al Mohler about his new book,  We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking Truth to a Culture Redefining Sex, Marriage and the Very Meaning of Right and Wrong .  It’s a great new book, very contemporary title, seeks to get behind the specific moral issues that have come to the fore in recent years, and it takes a look at our culture itself and the responsibilities that are left to us in the light of it all. Dr. Mohler is well known as one well-informed and articulate on these subjects. We are glad to have you with us today – Dr. Mohler, welcome. Al Mohler: Fred, thank you so much. It is great to be with you.   Zaspel: Alright, let’s begin with the observation that you make at the beginning, regarding the massive reversal, the revolution that has occurred with respect to the church and Christians in the broader public perception of morality. Describe how the